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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Hey Hal - I don't appear to get any messages coming up at all? I'm running Random Gen 10.4 on a dedicated server (hosted by game servers). I'm starting with something relatively easy and using an existing prefab to rule out any error there, and in the chat window I'm entering "bbb InsertPrefab Theater_01 1284 64 5084" Literally nothing happens. Even after waiting 10 mins and re-logging. Could I be missing some important server admin permissions relating to bbb commands or missing something else perhaps?
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[QUOTE=TwistedInc;219139]Hey Hal - I don't appear to get any messages coming up at all? I'm running Random Gen 10.4 on a dedicated server (hosted by game servers). I'm starting with something relatively easy and using an existing prefab to rule out any error there, and in the chat window I'm entering "bbb InsertPrefab Theater_01 1284 64 5084" Literally nothing happens. Even after waiting 10 mins and re-logging. Could I be missing some important server admin permissions relating to bbb commands or missing something else perhaps?[/QUOTE] I'm going to be making a video on how to install the editor on a dedicated server. I've ordered a new mic as my old one has died. I'll post a link showing how to do it when it arrives. [QUOTE=baconandtaters;219330]i can't for the love of all that is holy get the editor to save a export file... i get the bbb reloading and the bbb complete.. but when i got to open exported area and go documents and all the way to my player name it just says the folder is empty... any help?[/QUOTE] Without step-by-step instructions on what you've already tried it's difficult to tell you what else to try. If you're exporting from a dedicated server you need to look in the dedicated server save directory and not your local save. Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;219367]I'm going to be making a video on how to install the editor on a dedicated server. I've ordered a new mic as my old one has died. I'll post a link showing how to do it when it arrives. Without step-by-step instructions on what you've already tried it's difficult to tell you what else to try. If you're exporting from a dedicated server you need to look in the dedicated server save directory and not your local save. Hal[/QUOTE] Much appreciated Hal! I've sort of committed to a rather large build as soon as A11 delivers for Season 2 of my series on YouTube, so I'm looking at ways to speed that process up. Hopefully I can get my head around all this and shave some time off the build. Give me a heads up when you've got your video online :) Thanks again!
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thanks for the reply hal. i've done alot of trying different things.. my main consern is i made a structure on a pulic server... the owner sent me the region file. i put the region file on a private game and it loaded fine. i then tried to use your software to save it as a prefab. i've updated the software. i stood center of the structure and used the software. i've pretty much followed Bigc90210's walk tutorial from youtube verbaitem. i turned on debug mode. used the backup added a new player, set as admin, set claim size hit save. got the bbb reloading and bbb complete. i've tried bot loading the editor while the game is running and after exiting the game... i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.. i can run it on twitch or upload a youtube video of what i'm doing if that would help. but everytime i go into the my documents and 7dtd all the way to the backup folder there is nothing there... thanks for your help i have even tried making a fresh game and creating a structure from scratch to make sure their are no issues with compatibility.. it still doesn't save from that game..
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[QUOTE=baconandtaters;220181]thanks for the reply hal. i've done alot of trying different things.. my main consern is i made a structure on a pulic server... the owner sent me the region file. i put the region file on a private game and it loaded fine. i then tried to use your software to save it as a prefab. i've updated the software. i stood center of the structure and used the software. i've pretty much followed Bigc90210's walk tutorial from youtube verbaitem. i turned on debug mode. used the backup added a new player, set as admin, set claim size hit save. got the bbb reloading and bbb complete. i've tried bot loading the editor while the game is running and after exiting the game... i can't figure out what i'm doing wrong.. i can run it on twitch or upload a youtube video of what i'm doing if that would help. but everytime i go into the my documents and 7dtd all the way to the backup folder there is nothing there... thanks for your help i have even tried making a fresh game and creating a structure from scratch to make sure their are no issues with compatibility.. it still doesn't save from that game..[/QUOTE] Upload a video somewhere and I'll check it out. Hal
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Ok, you haven't actually made a claim yet. That's the problem. Stand in the centre of your base and in the chat window (not the console where your type dm) type the following: bbb claim MyBase bbb ex MyBase Then check the folder. The .ex file should now be there. Hal
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  • 2 weeks later...
[QUOTE=HectorNr666;228295]Will those created files also work with alpha 11 ? BR[/QUOTE] What created files? A11 mod status: I've got the mod running in A11 with a lot of functionality disabled. I'm re-enabling it piece by piece but so far it looks like it should be ok after a few tweaks.
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Hi and first thank you for your work! I wanted to safe my ongoing build-project and work on it after A11. Made a prefab from it. So far the prefab loads in a new game, but only a very small part gets rendered and I get a out of range exception error. It's a very big area that I "prefabed" and I tried to approach it ingame from different directions, but the error message pops up, and most of the time before I can even see one block of the prefab. My guess is that it has to do with the new rotation system and me having rotated some decorative blocks into very uncommon angles, or it is because the prefab goes down to bedrock and there are blocks placed just one above bedrock, or because a lot of the mining-ore that's gone now is in the prefab. Also, a lot of water. If a block doesn't exist anymore there should only be a black void, but no error stopping the world from rendering at all, so I am just guessing here. My question: Do you plan to make another prefab converter? I am more than willing to donate money for your work if you do because you would do me a really big favour with that (and no I don't want to bribe you here, just show my appreciation with more than a "thank you" if you do).
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hi Hal A11 looks and sounds awesome - don't u think !!! And it seems not so much blocks have CHANGED !!! Some old (unused) Blocks where removed like Key,Lockpick,cobweb,smoothinggrouptest,sharpstone,a lot of weapon-parts,Rocket-Launcher+Ammo ,etc.) There r a bunch of new ones - which tooks place in those unsused - and some r were new blockIDs !!! check out Allocs rev224 - it shows all item-changes in detail: [URL="https://7dtd.illy.bz/changeset?old_path=%2F&old=224&new_path=%2F&new=224"]https://7dtd.illy.bz/changeset?old_path=%2F&old=224&new_path=%2F&new=224[/URL] The real Problem is the Rotationpart. There r partwise new Rotations - YES !!! But iam not able to figure out some kind of system or structure behind that !!! It is chaotic and unsorted like before !!! (Some Blocks turn first to right in y-angle ; others similar Blocks rotate totaly different !!!) I thought they turn all the same ways now - but it seems they dont !!! The modded Assemblycsharp.dll from 0.38 DOESN'T fit to the A11 !!!! (got blackscreen, even without eac !!!) I hope u will release [SIZE=4]a new editor-update very soon[/SIZE] (because now prefabing is freezeddown, cause of no exporting supported!) btw: Do u start a new thread about that Converter-thing !!! (i got something to tell u to that theme too !) Mag out
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Update Time! Added: A11 support Added: Undo / Redo function Added: Oval Shapes Added: Square Shapes Added: Scroll shortcuts Middle mouse scroll + (Alt Left/right Alt+Shift Up/Down) Added: SaveItems /LoadItems command for claims Updated: mod command structure First up, consider this the first go at A11, quite a few changes means quite a few chances for bugs. I've noticed a couple of crashes but can't confirm if they're the editor or just problems with the A11 release. Undo/Redo functions You can now undo block placements in the editor. Use the arrow buttons at the top of the editor. Shapes You can now draw shapes with blocks. Oval and square for now but more over time. It's not 100% accurate but should be intuitive enough for you to get by. Use the radio buttons at the top of the editor to select your shape. New mod commands: bbb SaveItems Saves all chest contents to the server and empties the chests. bbb LoadItems Reloads all the saved items back to the chests. There's a setable cooldown time between saves and loads. This is basically meant to be used just before you log off a server to save your stash from grief. bbb modmode bbb modmode off Saves all the items in your inventory to the server so you can do some mod/admin stuff. Turn the modmode off to restore your normal inventory. Updated mod commands. You can now type "bbb ?" into the chat window to see the list of all bbb commands. You can then query each command with a ? e.g. "bbb claim ?" will give you a description of what the command is and how to use it. Coming up: Prefabs 2.0 I've started playing around with improving the prefab file structure. My goal is to be able to have different layouts within the same file. So you could build a house prefab but change where the safes are or add new decor or entire extra rooms and have the server instantiate a random version of the prefab each time it adds it to the world. I have the basic code done but I'm looking for prefabbers to test the functionality out and to recommend ways of simplifying or improving the implementation. If you're interested send me a PM. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Magoli;230436]hi Hal A11 looks and sounds awesome - don't u think !!! And it seems not so much blocks have CHANGED !!! Some old (unused) Blocks where removed like Key,Lockpick,cobweb,smoothinggrouptest,sharpstone,a lot of weapon-parts,Rocket-Launcher+Ammo ,etc.) There r a bunch of new ones - which tooks place in those unsused - and some r were new blockIDs !!! check out Allocs rev224 - it shows all item-changes in detail: [URL="https://7dtd.illy.bz/changeset?old_path=%2F&old=224&new_path=%2F&new=224"]https://7dtd.illy.bz/changeset?old_path=%2F&old=224&new_path=%2F&new=224[/URL] The real Problem is the Rotationpart. There r partwise new Rotations - YES !!! But iam not able to figure out some kind of system or structure behind that !!! It is chaotic and unsorted like before !!! (Some Blocks turn first to right in y-angle ; others similar Blocks rotate totaly different !!!) I thought they turn all the same ways now - but it seems they dont !!! The modded Assemblycsharp.dll from 0.38 DOESN'T fit to the A11 !!!! (got blackscreen, even without eac !!!) I hope u will release [SIZE=4]a new editor-update very soon[/SIZE] (because now prefabing is freezeddown, cause of no exporting supported!) btw: Do u start a new thread about that Converter-thing !!! (i got something to tell u to that theme too !) Mag out[/QUOTE] Yeah A11 is looking good or will after a few tweaks. It's a big step up from A10 though so heading in the right direction. Ah that's a shame about the rotations still being unsorted. It would have made life easier in the future if it had been. If you want to start a new thread for the conversion stuff we can talk there or just send me a PM. @all, As usual they release an update just after I've finished the mod. The mod is A11.0 and not A11.1. I will look at getting the new version out tomorrow. Cheers, Hal
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Hi Hal Thx for the update !!! I cant wait to test the new editor-functions !!! New look and positions of triggers and buttons r nice too !!! But i have a heavy issue now: It seems there r no blocks in the blocklist (after the update). Before I click yes - there r all blocks in the list!) And if i copy a block (or section) and paste - then this error-window appear!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]7665[/ATTACH] Iam sure u knew that already. It has something to do with the whole Item-list (new format?), which the editor has lost by some reason (after 0.39 update). Perhaps that issue is fixed automaticly with ur next update - But wanted to bug-report it anyway. best easterwishes Mag
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Update Time Just A11.1 support added. Do a manual update or wait for the notification. [QUOTE=Magoli;231605]Hi Hal Thx for the update !!! I cant wait to test the new editor-functions !!! New look and positions of triggers and buttons r nice too !!! But i have a heavy issue now: It seems there r no blocks in the blocklist (after the update). Before I click yes - there r all blocks in the list!) And if i copy a block (or section) and paste - then this error-window appear!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]7665[/ATTACH] Iam sure u knew that already. It has something to do with the whole Item-list (new format?), which the editor has lost by some reason (after 0.39 update). Perhaps that issue is fixed automaticly with ur next update - But wanted to bug-report it anyway. best easterwishes Mag[/QUOTE] Hey Magoli, The missing blocks should be sorted in this release. It was because the editor loads the blocks from the XML now but wasn't refreshing the list if they'd already been loaded (i.e. you'd opened the editor, closed it and re-opened) but let me know if you're still having trouble. Cheers, Hal
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Hey Hal. When your editor replaces the dll file for the game, I find I can't load the game at all and get a bear of death screen until I verify and validate game files. Am I doing something wrong here? And I get this error when trying to save player in backup manager. [attachment=229:name]
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[QUOTE=TwistedInc;231783]Hey Hal. When your editor replaces the dll file for the game, I find I can't load the game at all and get a bear of death screen until I verify and validate game files. Am I doing something wrong here? And I get this error when trying to save player in backup manager. [ATTACH=CONFIG]7678[/ATTACH][/QUOTE] You need to run the game without EAC enabled or it thinks you're trying to hack the game. Open the game folder and run the exe without EAC in its name. Once the game has loaded the other error should disappear. The game needs to be run before the editor can access the backup manager.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;231801]You need to run the game without EAC enabled or it thinks you're trying to hack the game. Open the game folder and run the exe without EAC in its name. Once the game has loaded the other error should disappear. The game needs to be run before the editor can access the backup manager.[/QUOTE] Aha, got it! Is there a list of commands somewhere for capturing/saving and loading prefabs? I can't seem to find where they are in this thread.
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type "bbb ?" into the chat window for a list of functions. Have a look at [URL="https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?10118-How-to-Add-or-Move-a-Prefab"]this [/URL]thread and [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=119q0Fh4dgI"]this[/URL] video
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