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Hal's Prefab Editor


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Got a slight issue if anyone would be willing to lend a hand. I have Hal's prefab editor installed and im at the backup manager. I'm not sure which to select "local file" or "ftp file". This is a server hosted by by purepings.com I have admin and access to console commands, and I have already disabled EAC so I can get into the server while running Hals. I have an Enormous prefabs I would like to extract and place in our new server we just started renting. I've been looking through tutorials and forums pages for days now, and haven't had any luck whatsoever. Thanks everyone!
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[QUOTE=Itsgoinindry;211307]Got a slight issue if anyone would be willing to lend a hand. I have Hal's prefab editor installed and im at the backup manager. I'm not sure which to select "local file" or "ftp file". This is a server hosted by by purepings.com I have admin and access to console commands, and I have already disabled EAC so I can get into the server while running Hals. I have an Enormous prefabs I would like to extract and place in our new server we just started renting. I've been looking through tutorials and forums pages for days now, and haven't had any luck whatsoever. Thanks everyone![/QUOTE] On the main menu click on the "Settings" button. In there you can fill out your FTP information (address, username, password etc). Make sure you get the initial directory correct. Connect to your server with an FTP client and double check it. Mine is /7dtd/ but yours is probably different. Once that's all filled out go to the backup manager and choose the FTP option. It should connect to your server and display the options. You'll need to have the dedicated server DLL installed on your server. You'll find it in the same location as the prefab editor .exe file. Copy it to your server in the Managed folder and rename it from "Assembly-CSharp Dedicated.dll" to "Assembly-CSharp.dll". Having the dedicated server DLL installed means you don't need to disable EAC and you can have the vanilla DLL on your local machine. Any problems just post back here. Hal
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Hey Hal, long time... I noticed that you stated the meta tags are broken from a post above, (version .38 special) I was trying to teach someone today about these tags and noticed that the "Class" does not show up also, not sure if this is the same issue. when I select a light for instance the class light does not list and no meta for light shows up. Not gone a way, just taking a break waiting to see what happens with A11. :) hope all is well.
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[QUOTE=Wsiegel;211610]Hey Hal, long time... I noticed that you stated the meta tags are broken from a post above, (version .38 special) I was trying to teach someone today about these tags and noticed that the "Class" does not show up also, not sure if this is the same issue. when I select a light for instance the class light does not list and no meta for light shows up. Not gone a way, just taking a break waiting to see what happens with A11. :) hope all is well.[/QUOTE] Hey Wsiegel, good to speak with you again ^^ Yeah the new block structure in A10 caused that to break. I'm going to look at it for the next release but that will probably be after A11 is out. From the sounds of it there could be some pretty big changes to the code so a lot of it may need re-doing. Thanks for the heads up, I'll add it to my list. Yeah I'm just ticking over too until A11 hits, then we'll see what new goodies there is to play with :) [QUOTE=Itsgoinindry;211647]Thanks for the quick reply Hal. Just making sure im choosing the correct initial directiory. Would this be my steam/steamapps/common/7dtd? or something else?[/QUOTE] No, that's your local directory. You need the path from the FTP. I use FileZilla as an FTP client. When connected to my server it shows a path for your directory. Here's an [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/7DTD_FileZilla.png"]image [/URL] The bits in red are what you need. Fill out the settings form in the editor with all the details [URL="http://www.vendocode.com/7DTD_Settings.png"]Image[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Itsgoinindry;211680]Im sorry I dont know if I understand. I put in my ftp info in settings with my save path as "/saves/". Or do I use the name of the server world name im getting the prefab from? And does the dll file have to be changed before it will let me set up backup manager?[/QUOTE] The images I posted are what I need to put in. Yours may be different. Download FileZilla and connect to your FTP server through it. Then look at where I highlighted the red boxes and put the information that's there for your server in. Yes, the DLL needs to be installed before you can start using the backup manager for the server. You can transfer the file through FileZilla (or any other FTP software you use). Hal
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Hey there Hal, Im still confused as to which folder im selecting in /save/. I've tried numerous ones that made the most sense but when I try to add my steam64ID in the backup manager setup it doesn't seem to work. Could you walk me through man, im not savvy when it comes to this kinda thing, Thanks.
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[QUOTE=Itsgoinindry;211910]Hey there Hal, Im still confused as to which folder im selecting in /save/. I've tried numerous ones that made the most sense but when I try to add my steam64ID in the backup manager setup it doesn't seem to work. Could you walk me through man, im not savvy when it comes to this kinda thing, Thanks.[/QUOTE] I'm not sure how to help you further. Once the information is filled out correctly it should work. The root folder is the folder that's at the base of your FTP connection. And the save path is whatever is defined in your ServerConfig.XML file (mapped to your FTP location). The name you put into the settings isn't your steam64 ID. It's the name of your character. In the image I linked you can see mine is "HAL9000" rather than my steam ID.
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - HELP ME AGAIN HAL Like -Itsgoinindry- i like to save some buildings from my rented server with the Backup-Manager too. In the last 2 days tried a lot but have still problems to get FTP running on the backupmanager! If i switch from Local to FTP in the Backup-Manager everything stays empty and nothing happens ! What should show in the Backup-Manager when the connection is established correctly ??? Here is my Desktopscreen: (with all Infos from my serverhost and Filezilla (connected with the target server yet !!!)) [ATTACH=CONFIG]7154[/ATTACH] +Port 8821 is OPEN (portforwarded) +Game is running on the server in meantime as well +USERNAME and PASS works fine in FILEZILLA (as u see!) The Issue has something to do with the entries on: Server:, Root:, or SavePath: Strange is: That i dont have a "Saves"-Folder (with the files in it) on the server (as u see!) (Is this essential to get the connection enabled ???) I tried all Names, Paths and Fillin-variations i know (with "/" , without "/" , with "ftp://" - and without , etc,etc,etc) - But no success !!! What did i do wrong ?!?!?! Is there another way to get buildings saved-out from dedi-servers ??? (except over FTP) I hope i gave all the Informations u need to help me out of this. Thx ahead for quick answere (time runs away till a11 release ;) )
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[QUOTE=Magoli;212875]PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - HELP ME AGAIN HAL [/QUOTE] Try this: Server: Root: / Save Path: / Your save path is the same as your root. You can tell by the "Random Gen" and "Navezgane" folders being in the root directory. Hal
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WOW - thx for the quick response ;) Now the BackupManager seems to connect to the server (when i click on BackupManager in the Mainmenu it tooks about 10 secs - then the Managerscreen appears! It also tooks time now when i switch button from LOCAL to FTP ! And i feel my PC working and try to do something. So I think he is connecting correctly. This is good :) [U]But shouldn't appear there something in the boxes (especially firstly in the worlds-box) ??? (Like it is on LOCAL-button)[/U] My boxes all stay empty (like before - when i wasn't connected) And there is no ability to add, choose or edit anything here. At the first Connection-time my Norton-firewall breaks in the first-time-ftp-connecting-process. I allowed the connection. But i was afraid that some important ftp-connection-script was badly corrupted or interrupted. So i reinstalled the whole game on steam and on the server (Its Nava now). To be sure i also deleted and "reinstalled" the whole Editor. I updated server (rev222) and the editor (0.38) - placed the AC.dll from Editor-folder to Server again. So everything should work fine. But as i said before - The white boxes r still empty - No world to choose - nothing! Only when i switch to LOCAL - then my new savegame from the server appears there (as u see in the pic) (its "ftp_savegame01" - this should be under ftp-section - or not ?) [ATTACH=CONFIG]7155[/ATTACH] This is so strange to me - I can't figure it out by myself ! Do u know further ? Confused thx ahead - Mag
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[QUOTE=Magoli;212965] Now the BackupManager seems to connect to the server [/QUOTE] Your local games won't be displayed if you're connecting over FTP but any world on the dedicated server should show up. I can't advise you any more than I have, doing the things I've mentioned should be enough to get it to work. Had a problem like this a few months ago and it was down to the FTP server software the provider was using. If you don't mind sharing your FTP information then send me a PM with your details. I'll see if I can connect to it through the editor from my computer.
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FAZIT: Now i surly got a ftp-connection established !!! (in the box:worlds it shows now all the root-files and folders) But it seems that the file-archive-structure of my server is kinda different to all other common servers. It begins with: There is no "Saves"-folder where it should be !!! (In fact there is no Saves-folder at all on serversite) And it ends with: There are RandonGen-saves listed in the Nava-folder. (Its default-settings - i dont changed nothing !!!) Strange is that the BackupMan. connects easy to my "old" server. But not to my new one (With which i tested and tried the last 4 days :( ) Also it seems there is a conflict between "_" and ":" used in the folder-adresses ! HOWEVER: I stopped try to get ftp-access over the Backup-Manager !!! (on this server) Because i found a much easier [U]way to get access to rented servers[/U] : - Just download the whole save-game-folder to your local PC (with Filezilla or so) - Then make a new SurvivalMP-game with THE SAME NAME AS THE SERVER-SEED-NAME - Start game (just to be on map for one moment) and then quit this session again. Quit Game !!! - Copy (replace) the whole downloaded "Region"-folder to where ur Local-Saves are in the right folder ( mine is C:\Users\Me\Documents\7 Days To Die\Saves\ or \ ) - Copy (replace) the whole downloaded "Map"-folder to where ur Local-Saves are in the right folder - Copy the file "AllocsPeristentData.bin" in to the Local Save-game-folder. (if have this this file!) - start Game again - Continue your last saved (solo)-Game --> YOUR ON A COPY OF YOUR SERVER-MAP NOW :) - Now u can easy use the Backup-Manager to export all the Points and POI's u like !!! :) I dont if its nessecary to copy the Map-folder too. Also not sure if the file "AllocsPeristentData.bin" is essential to get this work. BUT IN MY CASE - ITS WORKED !!!!!!! I exported all the players builts and bases (including Cellars-Tunnel-Holes furnitur and chests) (I dont know if the chest-ingredencies go on the new place to !!!) - But however : FILE IS CLOSED !!! :) Finally thx for ur advise and Infos on this - which without i didnt get it worked (someway) !!! PS: If u need people for beta-testing the world-editor u can count on me ;) (it would be a pleasure to me) !!! Just PM me !!!
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[QUOTE=Magoli;213215]FAZIT:[/QUOTE] I'm not sure I'd call that easier but I'm glad you got a solution Magoli ^^ ":" characters aren't allowed in folder names. Thanks for the beta test offer but the world editor is a while away yet. Just found another problem with inserting prefabs. The new terrain mesh generator screws up some of the blocks and they combine with whatever's in the area your inserting too. I've put it on hold till A11 comes out as that has a completely new mesh generator / merger in it if I've read correctly. Once I get to grips with that I'll hopefully be able to resume the project. Hal
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Hi there, Amazing work on creating this tool, I've been playing catch up for the last 6 months trying to learn modding, prefabbing, etc. but my professional programming skills are in a customized big business software package and do not translate well. I have three questions; 1. I have recently become an admin on a set of rented servers and I am trying to spice things up by creating a bunch of custom items and recipes and I wanted to insert some prefabs into the existing random gen world but we are running Alloc's server fixes. This means that we can not use your prefab .dll correct? 2. Can regions be moved between two servers using the same seed? such as two servers with the live public one running Alloc's server fixes and another one running the prefab editor to make changes to regions? 3. Could I hot swap the two .dll files? Running the prefab .dll to make changes when needed then swapping back to the .dll with Alloc's mod afterwards or are there other files that would be impacted by this change? Thanks for your time and effort
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Hello QuickSilver, [QUOTE=Quicksilver;213441] 1. I have recently become an admin on a set of rented servers and I am trying to spice things up by creating a bunch of custom items and recipes and I wanted to insert some prefabs into the existing random gen world but we are running Alloc's server fixes. This means that we can not use your prefab .dll correct? [/QUOTE] Correct, we both modify the Assembly-CSharp.dll which means you can't run both our DLLs at the same time. [QUOTE=Quicksilver;213441] 2. Can regions be moved between two servers using the same seed? such as two servers with the live public one running Alloc's server fixes and another one running the prefab editor to make changes to regions? [/QUOTE] Absolutely, just copy the world save folder from the server to your local save folder and you can modify the regions on your local machine and copy them back. Just make sure you switch off the dedicated server or any changes to the server would be lost when copying back the region files. [QUOTE=Quicksilver;213441] 3. Could I hot swap the two .dll files? Running the prefab .dll to make changes when needed then swapping back to the .dll with Alloc's mod afterwards or are there other files that would be impacted by this change? [/QUOTE] You can't hot swap the files but you can swap them. If you change the DLL the server must be rebooted to use the new DLL as it's loaded into memory. But you can switch the DLL, reboot, use the server and then swap again and reboot to restore the other. Alloc is a member of TFP now so hopefully at some point his mods will become part of the core game functionality. If that happens then it frees up the server for another modded DLL. There's also been talk of a proper modding API so people can create mods that are loaded by the vanilla DLL meaning no swapping would be needed at all. Cheers, Hal
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Hi there, firstly can I say thank you for the oppertunity of using your fantastic software. Ufortunately I am having a little difficulty in using it. The problem being. When I go type in the chat box: bbb ex (my name) it tells me player not found. I have tried changing my name so there are no tags and also checking every way possible to ensure my name is correct and set to admin. Everything I have tried has not worked sadly. I have followed the basic guide on youtube word for word but encounter this player not found issue with anything attempted. If you could spare a moment it would be hugely appreciated! Kindest regards, Pukester1988 ---------------------- Toxic Pulse Server ----------------------
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Hey Hal. Great work buddy, finally got my head around this! I've looked through this thread but I can't seem to see any answers on why there's no 'Add prefab at player location' for any of the random gen maps. Is there a workaround for this please?
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[QUOTE=TwistedInc;216174]Hey Hal. Great work buddy, finally got my head around this! I've looked through this thread but I can't seem to see any answers on why there's no 'Add prefab at player location' for any of the random gen maps. Is there a workaround for this please?[/QUOTE] That function works by putting the prefab into the Prefabs.xml file. In the random gen world that file doesn't exist. The random gen alternative is to use the "bbb InsertPrefab" command e.g. for a prefab called MyHouse 1) Put the prefab file MyHouse.tts into the dedicated server's prefab folder. 2) Go into the game 3) Go to where you want to insert the prefab (the South West tip of the prefab) 4) Open the console and type "le". Find your player location (e.g x=200 y=64 z=1443) 5) Type into the chat box "bbb InsertPrefab MyHouse 200 64 1443" 6) Wait till you get a message saying "Prefab inserted" or something similar - If you don't get a message and nothing happens wait for 10 minutes 7) Log out 8) Log in Hal
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;216200]That function works by putting the prefab into the Prefabs.xml file. In the random gen world that file doesn't exist. The random gen alternative is to use the "bbb InsertPrefab" command e.g. for a prefab called MyHouse 1) Put the prefab file MyHouse.tts into the dedicated server's prefab folder. 2) Go into the game 3) Go to where you want to insert the prefab (the South West tip of the prefab) 4) Open the console and type "le". Find your player location (e.g x=200 y=64 z=1443) 5) Type into the chat box "bbb InsertPrefab MyHouse 200 64 1443" 6) Wait till you get a message saying "Prefab inserted" or something similar - If you don't get a message and nothing happens wait for 10 minutes 7) Log out 8) Log in Hal[/QUOTE] Perfect! Thanks Hal!
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;216200]That function works by putting the prefab into the Prefabs.xml file. In the random gen world that file doesn't exist. The random gen alternative is to use the "bbb InsertPrefab" command e.g. for a prefab called MyHouse 1) Put the prefab file MyHouse.tts into the dedicated server's prefab folder. 2) Go into the game 3) Go to where you want to insert the prefab (the South West tip of the prefab) 4) Open the console and type "le". Find your player location (e.g x=200 y=64 z=1443) 5) Type into the chat box "bbb InsertPrefab MyHouse 200 64 1443" 6) Wait till you get a message saying "Prefab inserted" or something similar - If you don't get a message and nothing happens wait for 10 minutes 7) Log out 8) Log in Hal[/QUOTE] Just checking one thing Hal... when you say chat box you mean the drop down command window, right? And for some reason I'm getting ERROR: Unknown command 'bbb' I should add, this is a MP server, as I use it for recording a coop series on my channel.
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[QUOTE=TwistedInc;216276]Just checking one thing Hal... when you say chat box you mean the drop down command window, right? And for some reason I'm getting ERROR: Unknown command 'bbb' I should add, this is a MP server, as I use it for recording a coop series on my channel.[/QUOTE] No, it needs to be in the main chat window rather than the console.
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