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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Xyle;201647]Damn, damn Waited to long to edit. Sorry to bother you with stupid stuff like that Yes, it was missing the name. Thank you very much!!![/QUOTE] No problem. I've added another check so hopefully people will get a notification rather than a crash in the next version. Cheers, Hal
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Awesome awesome tool! I will probably lose my job because of this! Awesome!! Quick question for anyone that can answer. I have searched high and low and couldn't find a definite answer. Can you get custom prefabs into [U][B]EXISTING[/B][/U] dedicated server regions or [U][B]ONLY[/B][/U] at certain coords? I copied regions from my server, loaded them into naz and tweaked it, got a fab on it, even though the borders didn't match up, but when I put that region back onto server, it didn't load. I also had a prefab I made spawn in an unexplored area, copied that region and renamed it to an existing region, that didn't work either, lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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[QUOTE=Xyle;201821]Awesome awesome tool! I will probably lose my job because of this! Awesome!! Quick question for anyone that can answer. I have searched high and low and couldn't find a definite answer. Can you get custom prefabs into [U][B]EXISTING[/B][/U] dedicated server regions or [U][B]ONLY[/B][/U] at certain coords? I copied regions from my server, loaded them into naz and tweaked it, got a fab on it, even though the borders didn't match up, but when I put that region back onto server, it didn't load. I also had a prefab I made spawn in an unexplored area, copied that region and renamed it to an existing region, that didn't work either, lol. Any help would be greatly appreciated![/QUOTE] Try not to lose your job, that'd make me feel bad! The code for inserting prefabs is a bit flakey at the moment, especially if you have a very large prefab you're trying to insert. The only way at the moment is to use the InsertPrefab command. But it's using some vanilla code that isn't meant to handle very large amounts of data so it can confuse the server and cause it to look like it's failed (the client gets silently disconnected from the server) e.g. for a prefab called MyHouse 1) Put the prefab file MyHouse.tts into the dedicated server's prefab folder. 2) Go into the game 3) Go to where you want to insert the prefab (the South East tip of the prefab) 4) Open the console and type "le". Find your player location (e.g x=200 y=64 z=1443) 5) Type into the chat box "bbb InsertPrefab MyHouse 200 64 1443" 6) Wait till you get a message saying "Prefab inserted" or something similar - If you don't get a message and nothing happens wait for 10 minutes 7) Log out 8) Log in I've been meaning to do a video on how to insert a prefab. Hopefully I'll get some free time soon to upload one. Hal
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Have been trying to Manually Update from your program, so that I can experiment "client-side" with the bbb command and what have you. However, when I replace my Assembly-CSharp.dll file, and then attempt to load 7dtd.. I get the TBoD and I have to verify my files before I properly reload my client again. Can you assist with this?
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[QUOTE=Fadespell;202809]Nevermind, started using the 7daystodie.exe found within the folder common/7dtd folder, and now I can play with these options client-side.[/QUOTE] The other way is to do it through Steam and you have to start the game with EAC disabled (Click Play -> Without EAC) as the protection sees the mod as a cheat hack. You won't be able to join EAC protected servers with the mod installed so keep a backup of the original DLL if you play online. Or come and play on my dev server where EAC is disabled.
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Hey Hal, I've been toying with Alloc server fix and was able to add server command to get/set blocks in the world. So now I have an interesting idea. What if your editor could connect to a server through telnet and do live editing. getting/setting block in small chunks could be done with the server command I'm adding. Would that interest you in any way? If so let's combine our effort! :3
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Hi StephanieRct, I'm interested but unfortunately I've gone down another route already. I already have live editing with the [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kt-oRf_KJwE"]world editor[/URL] I'm in the process of building. Problem is it uses a separate TCP socket rather than telnet (I just found it easier to work with custom client/server classes for passing the data). But thanks for the offer and congratulations on the mod. It's good to see other coders doing DLL mods and I remember that stuff being a tough nut to crack! Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=StephanieRct;205458]ohay nice job, didn't know that! Any idea when we can put our hand on it? Or is it already available? I'm confus now ._.[/QUOTE] The world editor is a long way from finished. I was leaving it alone till the modding API is officially released by TFP but I've got a working version for A10.4 that I've been messing around with. I've been thinking of doing a "closed beta" type thing with a few people from the forum to start tracking down bugs and testing new stuff as it comes online but RL is keeping me pretty busy at the moment to time to get things progressed can be hard to find.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;205506]The world editor is a long way from finished. I was leaving it alone till the modding API is officially released by TFP but I've got a working version for A10.4 that I've been messing around with. I've been thinking of doing a "closed beta" type thing with a few people from the forum to start tracking down bugs and testing new stuff as it comes online but RL is keeping me pretty busy at the moment to time to get things progressed can be hard to find.[/QUOTE] I'm all in for closed beta, if you need volunteers :)
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Hello Hal9000 I got some probs to get the editor (backup-manager) work. [ATTACH=CONFIG]6979[/ATTACH] What did i do wrong ??? - Where should this COMMAND-FOLDER be ??? Next problem: If i let the editor exchange the Assemblycsharp.dll with the modded one - my game wont start anymore. In the loading-screen appears a Teddybear and the text says that my files are corrupted. Then Game exits. (had to reeinstall 7days to fix that prob)
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[QUOTE=Magoli;208209]Hello Hal9000 I got some probs to get the editor (backup-manager) work. [ATTACH=CONFIG]6979[/ATTACH] What did i do wrong ??? - Where should this COMMAND-FOLDER be ??? Next problem: If i let the editor exchange the Assemblycsharp.dll with the modded one - my game wont start anymore. In the loading-screen appears a Teddybear and the text says that my files are corrupted. Then Game exits. (had to reeinstall 7days to fix that prob)[/QUOTE] Let the editor replace the DLL. Then start the game by going into steam, click Play and then "Start without EAC protection". Or go to where the game is installed and double click on "7DaysToDie.exe" That will get rid of the backup manager error.
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OK - i can now start the game by: -doubleclick .exe in gamefolder (not the EAC.exe-one) -by pressing start in steam (play without eac) -by pressing "lunch game" in the editor BUT it seems i CAN'T join EAC-protected servers anymore. [U]Not even my own 1.[/U] (Only if i turned EAC off) Is there a ability to get the EDITOR AND EAC working together ???? Or is this the (actual) nature off itself ??? If YES: Which files (except Assemblycsharp.dll) i have to re-replace to get the default-game-settings quickly ??? Or do i have to reinstall game everytime when i want to join a EAC-protected server ??? Another question: Its about Meta: In older versions i saw in the Metalisting the Names (open,closed,lit,unlit ,etc...) - now its just only the numbers. Could u change that back - or give me a listing of what is what in the Metalist ??? Or do i have to try it out every single time by myself ? wow - sry - a lot of questions ;)
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[QUOTE=Magoli;208681]OK - i can now start the game by: -doubleclick .exe in gamefolder (not the EAC.exe-one) -by pressing start in steam (play without eac) -by pressing "lunch game" in the editor BUT it seems i CAN'T join EAC-protected servers anymore. [U]Not even my own 1.[/U] (Only if i turned EAC off) Is there a ability to get the EDITOR AND EAC working together ???? Or is this the (actual) nature off itself ??? If YES: Which files (except Assemblycsharp.dll) i have to re-replace to get the default-game-settings quickly ??? Or do i have to reinstall game everytime when i want to join a EAC-protected server ??? Another question: Its about Meta: In older versions i saw in the Metalisting the Names (open,closed,lit,unlit ,etc...) - now its just only the numbers. Could u change that back - or give me a listing of what is what in the Metalist ??? Or do i have to try it out every single time by myself ? wow - sry - a lot of questions ;)[/QUOTE] You can't have the client version of the editor installed and play on EAC servers. EAC thinks the editor is a cheat mod so it won't load the game with it. Until there's a way to get a mod whitelisted you have to have EAC disabled. If you're running your own dedicated server you can install the dedicated version of the DLL on the server. This will give you all the bbb commands and you don't need to mod your local DLL file so you can still have EAC enabled. Ah yes, I hadn't noticed the meta data was different now. The next version of the editor is going to read the block data from your game folder. This will allow the editor to be used with custom blocks. I'll make sure the meta data is correct with the new way of loading block data. Thanks for letting me know about the problem. The next version of the editor also has an undo/redo function and basic shape drawing (oval and square for now). Hal
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thx for the answere Hal9000 :))) I didn't play dedi - i have 2 rented servers running (by Gamerzfactory). Yesterday i installed the unbelieveable "alpha10.x - prefabpack" by Ecko on [U]my PC at home[/U] - it works fine on SurvivalSP and SurvivalMP. Now i try to figure out how iam gonna add prefabs to my rented servers. I hope this works too ?! (And then i wanna learn build my own recipes and blocks too :) ) PS: double-Thumb-UP for all your tools + tuts. Especially the editor - I love it.
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[QUOTE=Magoli;209000]thx for the answere Hal9000 :))) I didn't play dedi - i have 2 rented servers running (by Gamerzfactory). Yesterday i installed the unbelieveable "alpha10.x - prefabpack" by Ecko on [U]my PC at home[/U] - it works fine on SurvivalSP and SurvivalMP. Now i try to figure out how iam gonna add prefabs to my rented servers. I hope this works too ?! (And then i wanna learn build my own recipes and blocks too :) ) PS: double-Thumb-UP for all your tools + tuts. Especially the editor - I love it.[/QUOTE] If you have rented servers then they will probably be dedicated servers. If you have FTP access to them then you can replace the DLL and install the prefabs too. If you don't have FTP access then cancel the subscription and find a provider that gives it. I use bluefang and have no problems at all but there's plenty to choose from. Hal
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thx for your tipps and infos allthrough Hal9000 I made it work on my rent server. And also added some new recipes. Its easy like on my own PC. But my host allows only 3uploads a time. The Ekko-MegaPack tooks about 30mins of copywork. :) - But the new prefabs looks awesome :))) No need to change server-host. Got ftp access :)) I like my Serverhost. Good service - cheap - and all functions are available :))) One serious question: Yesterday there was a guy on my server who has got the ability to: fly,transportation,cheat-cheast,tracking players, god-mode He really made stress - Now he's on GBL - lol EAC was deactivated / buildmode was OFF / dm is only allowed with permissionlevel 1 (but noone has 1 - i (admin) set myself permissionlevel 0) (other players r asked to try dm - negative (not allowed to them) And i think he used a pirate-game-version. Because on his steam-profile stands: [U]OWNED GAMES: 0[/U] How could this happen ?!?!?! How could he do that without passes ?????
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OK - surely he used such a cheatmod. Thx again for helping me. I found some Issues in the editor. Iam sure u already know them - but anyway: -rotating prefab doesn't work correctly. Some blocks r NOT rotating with the prefab - They r in the same direction like before Rotating. -meta-values has to be fixed. (and PLS re-add the names instead of the numbers) -Most of the Prefabs on the Packs got a "double-door-trouble" - there is the upper half AND the whole Door at the same time and position! (when decided TFP to add 1-part-doors ??? After Alpha8.8 ??? I very look forward to the new REDO/UNDO-function u have mentioned. (I need that soon ;) ) When comes the 0.39-update - tommorow ??? hihihihihi - (DONT ANSWERE THIS !!!)
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;208962] Ah yes, I hadn't noticed the meta data was different now. The next version of the editor is going to read the block data from your game folder. This will allow the editor to be used with custom blocks. I'll make sure the meta data is correct with the new way of loading block data. Thanks for letting me know about the problem. The next version of the editor also has an undo/redo function and basic shape drawing (oval and square for now). Hal[/QUOTE] Does that mean the meta values are invalid? I'll have to experiment with them otherwise. I came here to ask how to lock doors, since all of the doors were unlocked on my prefab and I wanted to lock some of them. Then I read your post.
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[QUOTE=Magoli;209986]OK - surely he used such a cheatmod. Thx again for helping me. I found some Issues in the editor. Iam sure u already know them - but anyway: -rotating prefab doesn't work correctly. Some blocks r NOT rotating with the prefab - They r in the same direction like before Rotating. -meta-values has to be fixed. (and PLS re-add the names instead of the numbers) -Most of the Prefabs on the Packs got a "double-door-trouble" - there is the upper half AND the whole Door at the same time and position! (when decided TFP to add 1-part-doors ??? After Alpha8.8 ??? I very look forward to the new REDO/UNDO-function u have mentioned. (I need that soon ;) ) When comes the 0.39-update - tommorow ??? hihihihihi - (DONT ANSWERE THIS !!!)[/QUOTE] a) Yes I'm aware of the rotating issue. The blocks will rotate (i.e move position) but there direction won't change. This is because different blocks use the directions differently so without a 1:1 map of which direction to use it's not possible through code. I may remove that feature in the next version. b) The meta data will be fixed in 0.39. The A10 block changes broke it and I only found out about it a few days ago. c) Double doors are a problem with prefabs rather than the editor. It was A10 when single block with child block doors was introduced. But if you have an example of placing a door in the editor produces two doors I'll have a look. d) 0.39 will be out Soon ™ - I was going to have it tie into A11 but with the new beta delayed till some time in March (at least) I may do an interim release and have the big 0.4 as A11 compatible. [QUOTE=Gipothegip;210155]Does that mean the meta values are invalid? I'll have to experiment with them otherwise. I came here to ask how to lock doors, since all of the doors were unlocked on my prefab and I wanted to lock some of them. Then I read your post.[/QUOTE] I don't think A10 invalidated the meta info. 0 is closed and 1 is open. Locked doors aren't handled through the meta. It's tied to a player ID so doors placed in prefabs are unlocked by default. You can use the secureWoodenDoor block or the secureWoodenDoorReinforced to have locked doors in prefabs though. Hal
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