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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Mana;564074]I am pretty sure I am doing it properly (bbb ex castle) but I get this [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/3zx3mzlb1h5s7y0/castle.jpg?dl=0[/url][/QUOTE] thats fantastic.. you made a floating castle.. and i love how you have those rooms just open like that.
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Now I am confused. The box shows this [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5l98x3hnncx6eu/Screenshot%202017-01-05%2016.56.30.png?dl=0[/url] but has cut the back off. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE=SlicksGirl;564078]thats fantastic.. you made a floating castle.. and i love how you have those rooms just open like that.[/QUOTE] Not ideal for a fortified castle though LOL
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[QUOTE=Mana;564081]Now I am confused. The box shows this [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5l98x3hnncx6eu/Screenshot%202017-01-05%2016.56.30.png?dl=0[/url] but has cut the back off. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Not ideal for a fortified castle though LOL[/QUOTE] cobblestone is not very secure.. those bottom 3 rows of blocks need to be at least steel, regular steel will do.. and make them 2 or 3 thick..
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;561138]If your provider is stopping the upload then the only thing to do is change the provider. There's plenty out there that allow DLL mods.[/QUOTE] I put a support ticket in and they were very helpful and installed the dll for me.
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This may be in this thread somewhere but there are so many pages trying to get through them is tough. Will this editor work stand alone? I want to be able to mess around with my prefab base during my lunch breaks at work. Of course I don't have the game installed on my work computer (I like the idea of keeping my job haha). Just curious if I can work on it during my lunch. Save it in my dropbox then when I get home pull it up and place it in the game. Any thoughts or ideas on this would be great. Naterz
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Didn't bbb ex get replaced entirely by bbb claim? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] @naterz Nope. You could probably get away with just making the directory structure and put a few files in though... My guess is it only needs the xmls (blocks) and a prefab folder. And whatever file it reads so it knows it's a 7days directory.
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[QUOTE=SlicksGirl;564058]hey, is it broke? because it is not allowing me to save anything anywhere. when i try to save to the prefab folder it says i dotn have permissions. and when i try to save to a folder on my desktop, it saves nothing.[/QUOTE] The editor only looks at the prefab folder for the game to load/save from. Some folders (like C:\Program Files) require elevated privileges to save in. You can start the editor as an administrator to give it permissions. [QUOTE=Mana;564081]Now I am confused. The box shows this [url]https://www.dropbox.com/s/j5l98x3hnncx6eu/Screenshot%202017-01-05%2016.56.30.png?dl=0[/url] but has cut the back off. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Not ideal for a fortified castle though LOL[/QUOTE] Claiming saves an area, not a prefab. If you claim an area and export it, then import a prefab in a different location the claim won't move. So if your claim size fit the first time but you imported it 5 blocks further east the second time when you export again it would cut 5 blocks off because it's saving the area, not the prefab. [QUOTE=Mana;564096]I put a support ticket in and they were very helpful and installed the dll for me.[/QUOTE] Glad they sorted. There's also providers that give direct FTP access to the managed folder so you can swap and change as you please. It's a lot quicker if you'll be doing it a lot but if it's only occasional then raising the ticket is probably easier. [QUOTE=Guppycur;564204]Didn't bbb ex get replaced entirely by bbb claim? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] @naterz Nope. You could probably get away with just making the directory structure and put a few files in though... My guess is it only needs the xmls (blocks) and a prefab folder. And whatever file it reads so it knows it's a 7days directory.[/QUOTE] No, it's just the claim command now saves the prefab too. If you wanted to re-export that claim you'd use bbb ex still. Saves having to remove the claim and re-create it [QUOTE=naterz98;564172]This may be in this thread somewhere but there are so many pages trying to get through them is tough. Will this editor work stand alone? I want to be able to mess around with my prefab base during my lunch breaks at work. Of course I don't have the game installed on my work computer (I like the idea of keeping my job haha). Just curious if I can work on it during my lunch. Save it in my dropbox then when I get home pull it up and place it in the game. Any thoughts or ideas on this would be great. Naterz[/QUOTE] As Guppy said, just copy the 7DTD folder to your pen drive. You can delete all the large files, all it needs is the .EXE in the main directory and the config folder for the XML data. Maybe the Managed folder too with the new DLL checker but copy the whole thing and just experiment trimming it back.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;564293]The editor only looks at the prefab folder for the game to load/save from. Some folders (like C:\Program Files) require elevated privileges to save in. You can start the editor as an administrator to give it permissions. [/QUOTE] It was saving just fine to the prefab folder before the update. i was editing some thing the other day and saved it to the prefab. today i ran the update when prompted. Rebooted my pc, started up the editor, started a new project, saved it just fine. started up a second project, tried to save it to the same folder. (I mean it should have because the last one did all on its own. ) then i tried to edit the same project in order to add a part two to the build. and went to "save as" right on the prefab folder the FIRST one was showing up in. It said i dont have permissions. so i tried to save it in the other file I had saved all my previous builds. (this project is around number 15.) and it said i didnt have permission. so i looked into the prefab folder it normally saves to and the first version of this project was not there, nor was the second, nor was the third letting me save it. Yes guppy, this is that thing i said i'd do to the tunnels i made on your server.. code name uoza's house of horror, were we can play admin gods to the poor hapless players.
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@Hal Could you make it so that I don't need the game installed on the dedi as well? When you set it to the dedi folder and try to run the editor you get a nice "Could not find path" error to the Assembly-CSharp.dll file, because the path requires the data folder to be named 7DaysToDie_Data, instead of 7DaysToDieServer_Data like it is on a dedi. ...I suppose I could just copy/paste the folder in the dedi, but I figured this was an unintended issue you could resolve long term. Ironically, the prefab editor will load afterwards, though... :) -Gups
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;564293] Claiming saves an area, not a prefab. If you claim an area and export it, then import a prefab in a different location the claim won't move. So if your claim size fit the first time but you imported it 5 blocks further east the second time when you export again it would cut 5 blocks off because it's saving the area, not the prefab.[/QUOTE] Yep thanks I sorta knew I was doing something stupid lol.
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I managed to give myself admin permission in the server by going into single player and using the bbb rp command then switching to the server and doing the same command there (when i'm the only one on there), but when I use the bbb ip command, it pastes the prefab where i want it but the rest of the map seems to fail to load when i move any distance away from it, when anyone else joins afterwards, the map is fine for them and they cannot see the prefab. If i leave then rejoin, everything returns to normal and the prefab is gone.
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