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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Guppycur;557967]@Hal What's the magic formula for how to get your name in the Backup manager? Seeing [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3xxT2aEmdc&feature=youtu.be"]this [/URL]video, starting at about 2:25, see my struggle.[/QUOTE] I add myself as a user by name. then click on that name and click save player and wait for it to look for me. usually takes about 5 minutess. I'll post a video in a bit.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;557967]@Hal What's the magic formula for how to get your name in the Backup manager? Seeing [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3xxT2aEmdc&feature=youtu.be"]this [/URL]video, starting at about 2:25, see my struggle.[/QUOTE] Sorry Gup, that video says it's still processing. To add a name you can click on the "+" icon in the backup manager. If you're in game just "bbb rp" or claim something to make the entry. [QUOTE=Abrondino;557975]Offering players the ability to use Claim and Load offers them the ability to claim before harvesting and loading their crops again. Any chance there can be an ability to combat that?[/QUOTE] Like Gup said the only real way is to have a delay between loads. There's a setting in HalGlobal.txt called "delayload". You can set it to the number of minutes before a player can reload a claim. For for example delayload=90 would be that the user could only load every 90 (real world) minutes. delayload =10080 would mean they can only do it once a week etc. If it's still getting abused you can set it to delayload=-1 and that means only bbb admins can load claims but normal players are able to save them. So they can have the benefit of grief protection but no way of exploiting it.
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;558084]Bah. Firefox crashed while I was at star wars. Yeh I do not have good luck installing my user through the Backup Manager manually, but I will get the video up so you can see what I mean. What event fires off the auto add of the user to the Backup Manager?[/QUOTE] I'll check it out when it's up. Anything that causes bbb info to be saved. Making an admin, claiming an area or being online during a bbb rp will all cause the creation of a bbb user (which is what you're seeing in the backup manager) [QUOTE=SlicksGirl;558086]hitting the SAVE PLAYER button does it for me. it either crashes the game or adds me.[/QUOTE] Report your bugs. If something in the editor crashes the game upload the log here (or PM me if you don't want it on public display). I've saved player data hundreds of times without a crash. That doesn't mean it can't crash, just I've never seen it. If I don't know it's happening I can't fix it.
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Okay so, that may be my problem. I need to do something bbb related before trying to make myself admin. Yeh, okay. Go into a new game, futiley attempt a bbb command, THEN go to backup manager to become an admin. Aight. That's the secret sauce. Oh, and hysterically, my phone wants to correct bbb to either bbq or bbc, depending on its mood. And I don't take it to mean bbc the tv station. ;)
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;558102]Okay so, that may be my problem. I need to do something bbb related before trying to make myself admin. Yeh, okay. Go into a new game, futiley attempt a bbb command, THEN go to backup manager to become an admin. Aight. That's the secret sauce. Oh, and hysterically, my phone wants to correct bbb to either bbq or bbc, depending on its mood. And I don't take it to mean bbc the tv station. ;)[/QUOTE] If you're the first person in the world just run "bbb rp" and it will make you an admin. You don't need to do it through backup manager. You also don't need to be admin to save claims. The default for non-admins is 3. Ah yes, there's a lot of big black cats in my neighbourhood too. [QUOTE=SlicksGirl;558106][URL="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vu9ufonc0pkeo0f/AAA50v2cyCBAFl70BjcrXm52a?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vu9ufonc0pkeo0f/AAA50v2cyCBAFl70BjcrXm52a?dl=0[/URL] crash output logs. Thanks Hal.[/QUOTE] Thanks. Is this over an FTP connection? Or just running on the same machine? There seems to be quite a few errors in those logs. It's been a long time since I ran a dedi. How normal are those?
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these are p2p games, on my Pc. I dont play on my dedicated anymore because since A15 came out, i cant go anymore than about a km before i fall through the world. I dont play on my husbands dedi because he wont let me mod it and his friends want creative on and my buddies dont. I'm saving up to get a server device.
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Yeh but... You see Hal, I have a really bad memory. And even though I'm sure to have sticky notes that tell me it's "bbb rp", they're surely buried under the sticky notes that tell me I have to pee. So yeh. ...and what is rp for? Righteously Prominent? Really Popular? Rotund Potato?
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[QUOTE=SlicksGirl;558118]these are p2p games, on my Pc. I dont play on my dedicated anymore because since A15 came out, i cant go anymore than about a km before i fall through the world. I dont play on my husbands dedi because he wont let me mod it and his friends want creative on and my buddies dont. I'm saving up to get a server device.[/QUOTE] I think your system is struggling for resources which is causing it to be a bit unstable. I'll run some tests on my system though and see if I can get it to crash. I've never done p2p though so it maybe something specific to that mode that causes the editor to fall over. One I'm definitely interested in is the "Can not expand this memory stream". That shouldn't be happening with the editor installed. If you get more of those I'd be very interested in seeing the log. [QUOTE=Guppycur;558123]Yeh but... You see Hal, I have a really bad memory. And even though I'm sure to have sticky notes that tell me it's "bbb rp", they're surely buried under the sticky notes that tell me I have to pee. So yeh. ...and what is rp for? Righteously Prominent? Really Popular? Rotund Potato?[/QUOTE] Reese's Pieces. Or Reload Players if there's no pieces available. rp is just the alias, you can run "bbb reloadplayers" if you'd like.
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[QUOTE=Mana;558189]I am wanting to insert prefab into current world on dedi server, can i just upload .tts file and edit .xml?[/QUOTE] Yes, upload the TTS and XML. You don't need to edit the XML. Just install the dedi editor DLL and you'll get access to all the bbb commands.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;558009] There's a setting in HalGlobal.txt called "delayload". You can set it to the number of minutes before a player can reload a claim. For for example delayload=90 would be that the user could only load every 90 (real world) minutes. delayload =10080 would mean they can only do it once a week etc. If it's still getting abused you can set it to delayload=-1 and that means only bbb admins can load claims but normal players are able to save them. So they can have the benefit of grief protection but no way of exploiting it.[/QUOTE] I cannot find any file named halglobal.txt on my dedicated server. Is it only available on non-dedicated?
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;560198]How scared should we be of a16? :)[/QUOTE] Personally I can't wait - power, the socket system and that new distant terrain all look bloody amazing. From an editor perspective it's probably going to be a bit of work. Both power and the new painting ability are going to have changed the block structure so that'll need implementing. Any old prefabs will need updating because of the new rotation system but Gazz mentioned the other week that they have an internal document for mapping old to new that they're willing to share when it's ready. The main issue will be time. If it drops tomorrow I can probably get it done over the christmas break but if it drops before the end of January I'm not going to have a lot of time to put into it. But it'll all get done eventually.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;558238]Yes, upload the TTS and XML. You don't need to edit the XML. Just install the dedi editor DLL and you'll get access to all the bbb commands.[/QUOTE] I have tried uploading the dedi server dll to my rented server but the server refuses .dll uploads and denies any file name change in that folder. Also having an issue when i claimed an existing building to renovate it. I am getting what looks like a candle flame in mid air and a dead space where i cannot insert anything. The editor show the block in place but when i start the game no block appears in that space.
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