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Will the blood moon hordes stay as they are now?


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Here is my issue with the blood moon hordes as they are now: They are coming in packs depending on what size you set them in the game set up. You kill the pack and another one will come. You kill that one and another one will come. After a few packs, only one zombie will go for you. And this part is the one, that really annoys me. That one zombie that is constantly spawning. After you killed dozens of zombies this little guy is no threat to you. I feel like he is only there to stop you from looting the dead zombies until end of the night.


I liked the old hordes where everyone came at once much more. I remember my first try outs in this game, when they overran me. This is what I'm missing with the "one pack after another" hordes now.

So, are there any plans to rework the hordes for coming versions? At least I would really appreciate it if this one guy at the end would be removed. What do you think?

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Short answer? Yes, they will change in some shape or form.


TFP want massive zombie hordes all night long as much as we do. The issue is how far they can push it without crippling the frame rate for a lot of players.


As development continues more system resources will be freed through optimisation which will allow for more zombies.


Be patient, this is alpha, everything is subject to change and improvement.

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TFP want massive zombie hordes all night long as much as we do.




I don't want massive Zombie hordes all night long! Keep your speaking for others in the community to yourself please! :strawberry: I'd prefer waves with gaps in between so I can grab all that luvverly loot! I cry little tears in the morning over all the loot that just went poof at the end of it's timers. Not so bad if your co opping and someone watches your back in the slightly quieter moments but as BLEEP if your solo. Sure later on in the game the loot isn't as important but early on it's a crime lol.


Really though if they were continuous massive waves all night may just as well not build a fort at all. Bugger doing all that work and then just seeing it get bashed to nothing in a night. This somewhat alarms me " in the Dev 17 post " I like doing base building with massive defenses and already in the late game there's always serious repair work to do in the mornings after a Blood moon even with all concrete and steel.


Personally I prefer PVE game play with a reasonably safe home base and going out into the wide world to explore and face other dangers, horde or nature based to find my supplies and gear. The point being to enable me to go further for longer and into more dangerous areas as my equipment gets better.


Overall I think that they have done a good job with plenty of options to tailor the game play to your own liking and I hope it stays that way. Recently there has been a push for some reason (seems to be mainly from the pvper's) to take away the safe underground living style some people like to employ by either letting zombies dig down to you or spawning zombies in tunnels if you dig. I saw a Dev post hinting at it not going to be quite so safe under ground in A17.


Even though I do not employ this tactic taking away options from the community to appease some other sections of the community I do not think is a good thing. Hopefully all that was meant by the Dev was that it may not be so easy making those under the road style bases where you farm the horde above you via half slabs as that does seem a bit of an exploit of game mechanics.


It is still in Early Access so I am sure there will be many changes still to come for things such as Bloodmoon hordes and other features, here's hoping there's still many more options to come with it for all of us! Thanks Fun Pimps! :smile-new:

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I agree with some of what Sparks said. As it is, this game turns into Building Maintenance Simulator 2018 unless you use cheesy tactics and/or mod the game, especially if you play solo like I do. My preferred play style is that my base should give me a safe place to rest and regroup before going out to explore the world, and having to spend a big chunk of my play time repairing walls is hardly the post-apocalyptic experience I'm looking for. :p


I guess what I'm saying is that hordes are good, but keep in mind that not everyone plays an MP server where you can split up the boring stuff between players.


- Matt

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