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Nerdpole height limit?


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can someone enlighten me as to why i can nerdpole to skybox on the ground but not from on top of a structure even if i created the structure i wanted to make a look out tower ontop of one of my buildings but ten or so blocks up they collapse do they need to be upgraded as i go? if so why can i just tower to the sky ontop of dirt with frames? just curious nothing real serious

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You are stacking straight up and down so the game is seeing as a stable connection. If you try to build straight out from that it isn't going to go so good. Not sure what the tower looks like that you are building but it will need to be supported. Upgrading things does help make the structure more stable.


On break at work so hope that sums it up without getting to much into it for ya.

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can someone enlighten me as to why i can nerdpole to skybox on the ground but not from on top of a structure even if i created the structure i wanted to make a look out tower ontop of one of my buildings but ten or so blocks up they collapse do they need to be upgraded as i go? if so why can i just tower to the sky ontop of dirt with frames? just curious nothing real serious


I don't have an answer for you, but I do have to say that I know exactly what you're talking about. Every so often, and it's been both wood and cobblestone frames for me, blocks will just explode. I'm doing nothing more than stacking them straight up in one column. I've even tried shutting down the ps4 and trying again. Same thing happens. If anyone knows the answer, I'd be really curious to hear it. Until then, have you considered posting a bug report?

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If it what I'm thinking then bug reports have been made on it. Some spots on the map do this. One of a few reasons, look around and see if a cave runs under/around the spot. Caves sometimes have a pretty big impact on this.


Anything else I would probably need to see a picture or video. Definitely check the structure and make sure it what needed to support the build. If things are just falling down no matter what in a specific spot and not another then it would be a bug in the game.

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You'd need to have support all the way down, you may find this post helpful - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?20701


Other things that can have an effect are caves - Crazywildfire said - or there have been issues with an areas SI glitching in something large like a building of hill was collapsed in one go by removing the bottom row of blocks, or similar.


But as crazywildfire also said, being able to see the structure and how it looks underneath your nerdpole would give us a better idea of what's going on.



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you can build much higher with concrete then wood. pretty sure every block has a weight limit. it's why my buddy's vault collapsed to much weight in the roof


The height isn't the issue, or what the column is made of; it's the load-bearing row that's important.

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ok thanks guys, this cleared it up for me i was trying to build it ontop of a room. still seems kinda goofy that i can stack wood frames to the sky on dirt but not on a reinforced roof, but ya know mechanics and what not. Thanks tho ill just build it in a different method.


the earth is you support structure on dirt. there is gravity at work here. minecraft and most building games there is no gravity

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so hypothetically speaking i should be able to tower with frames on the corners of the structure tho? i have yet to hop on today but was thinking about this on the throne this morning XD


I think there might,ve been a lil bit of a wording issue on my initial post i was literally just trying to build straight up with frames that would topple down after ten or so blocks, but i now see it must be because of the hollow space that i had under it (ie a room) i am going to try to figure out a decent way to work around this though for aesthetics sake, Thanks a bunch for linking me to that thread Clare that should help a bunch!

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so hypothetically speaking i should be able to tower with frames on the corners of the structure tho? i have yet to hop on today but was thinking about this on the throne this morning XD


I think there might,ve been a lil bit of a wording issue on my initial post i was literally just trying to build straight up with frames that would topple down after ten or so blocks, but i now see it must be because of the hollow space that i had under it (ie a room) i am going to try to figure out a decent way to work around this though for aesthetics sake, Thanks a bunch for linking me to that thread Clare that should help a bunch!


A hollow space underneath is definitely going to stop you building up, either by refusing to place blocks or causing a collapse. If you build up at the corners, so long as they are fully supported, you can go up as high as you want.

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