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Not Modded - Showing as Modded


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I am running a server and I understand that changing certain settings will place the server under the modded server list (e.g. BlockDurabilityModifier). Is there any way not to have this show up as modded? When I think of a modded server I picture a player having to download files in order to play that server.


What are your thoughts? Thanks,


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Personally, I think that changing basic game settings should not make a server show up as modded.


Unfortunately that is not the case. Changing some settings will make it show under the modded category.


i agree, i think unless xml files are modded it shouldnt be listed as modded

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Any modifications from vanilla will cause your game to register as modded.

Thats ANY change-hours of daylight, number of zombies in XML, ANY change what-so-ever.

But, dont worry about this. "Modded" title means little. Almost everyone who plays this game prefers certain settings over others.


I just changed my progression configs to make it so you gain more skill points as you level up and changed level cap from 200 -> 500.


Any change to any settings at any point will cause the MOD title tho. :)


To be honest, id say that modded title is legit just for dedicated servers to know if the custom configs are active that they set or not. xD

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IMHO, doing something like changing the day length to 90 minutes, daylight hours, safe zone time within a small margin, and a few things like that, should not toss it into the modded category.


I asked Joel about it a couple years ago. Will have to see if I can hunt down what he said on it if he replied.

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