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SUGGESTIONS - Weather Conditions, Camera, Giant Bosses ?


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( Could this be done in a mod or an update ? ?


Biomes - Weather condition


The Desert feels a bit empty i would like to see some rare occasions where the dust rises up and creates whirlwinds which damage the player over time and slow them down

Plains, Forests and Pine Forests i would like to see in those a more hospitable area where more animals and less zombies spawn depending on the biomes ( pine forests have way higher chance of spawning a bear or zombie bear etc. )

The Wasteland could have some radioactive anomalies like from the stalker with a rare spawn at random places that make strage things happen like for example teleport the player 10 meters further ( would create chaos and confusion with co-op XD )





Zoom in with right click while driving : it think since the camera goes further behind the player the zoom in while driving should compensate on the distance the first person can see and also

Switch to first or third person while driving ( this may be done in a17 XD )

Freelook with left ALT would be nice :p




Giant Bosses ?


I also noticed that in the desert there are very few trees

i thought it would be awesome to have like a huge monster in the distance spawn at random times

maybe there could be biome bosses ?







Opening the map while driving




Taming Animals and having a farm


like pigs cows sheep chickens dogs or cats maybe


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They said in A17 we will be able to open the map up while driving.


I can't remember but think something about the autorun kinds speak will be in A17. It might not be autorun but I think something like it. I could be wrong I just thought I remember something about it or something.


Oh please next time use something besides yellow. Maybe it is because I'm on my phone and not on a computer it shows up really awful and really hard to see.

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MM also said they are eliminating Plains by making it a desert sub-biome, and combining the forests into one biome as well.


As for the animal spawning, you can edit your XML files to make that happen right now.


can u edit the xml to make the animals spawn more in certain biomes ?

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   <biome name="forest">
       <spawn maxcount="2" respawndelay="4" time="Any"   entitygroup="ZombiesAll" />
	<spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="7" time="Any" entitygroup="EnemyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />
	<spawn maxcount="1" respawndelay="7" time="Any" entitygroup="FriendlyAnimalsForest" spawnDeadChance="0" />

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