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PC versus Console/ My opinion


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I know before I even start this that I'm bound to catch some flack, but I'm posting it anyway.


My kids got tired of the console version of the game and decided to try the PC version. They talked me into it as well, and I gave it a try. Now, I'm not using a gaming pc, in fact I'm using a lap top, a pretty powerful laptop, but a laptop none the less. That being said, and yes the lag at anything near console graphics was irritating, but I managed to get rid of it by reducing graphics and got a fairly smooth running game. However, I find the resource gathering system (how much resources you get for each tree/boulder you break) more than a bit irritating. Not to mention the "25" quality weapons and the entire leveling system.


The boar is an improvement, but the crow flies like it's on crack. The random gen world is interesting, but can get overwhelming as you get bombarded with POI's, and I don't even want to talk about the messed up sleeper issue. I've got three hours in so far, and already miss the console version. I'm finding guns left and right, and ammo, heck, I already have a 200+hunting rifle, and a 250+ pistol, but I'm still rocking a crappy bow and reinforced club.


I guess my point is, I saw this as a crafting survival game, and the PC version, you're better off scavenging and using existing POI's, at least if you are playing solo.


I have no doubt that there are many who prefer the pc version, I'm just not one of them.

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Well some of those things you don't like could possibly make it to console. A16 on PC added a bunch of that stuff you talked about. No more spam crafting tools to get higher tools. You have to unlock higher quality by spending points in perks. Without getting to much into it because it would need to be in the PC section not the console section most of the stuff you said can be changed on the XML files and such. If you are not sure how then ask in the PC section, lots of people do not mind helping just be sure to ask what it is you are wanting to try and change.


Personally as someone that plays both also I like the console version for what it is. But I do like the PC version also. At one point (take away a few things) the PC version was where console was not that long ago. It wasn't until A16 some of the things you brought up changed. PC had a handful or two more things then what console has now a little over a year ago but it was for the most part about in the same place.


Not sure what the next console update will have and will not have but I can see the perk system from A16 being added, more of the resource system from A16 get put in as well. Possibly see the new town layout also but not sure how much in size comparison it will be.


Anyway point is the console is just a port from PC with what they can do when they can do it. Not going to go into that to much here right now. But I say play both, you said you only been playing PC version for 3 weeks. Some of the stuff you are just not used to and will grow on ya but A17 is around the corner and you can start fresh and can try out some of what seems to be cool things being done.

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I can see how some of these things seem undesireable with the pc vs console features such as the no more spam crafting, no more one hit kills on animals with the mini bike, the vultures, etc.


I for one am excited to see these features on console. I watch video gameplay of the pc version with total envy, it looks so much better, more fun, & way more challenging than what we have on console.


Like crazywildfire says, stick with it man. Maybe it'll grow on ya. It does look like its a much different experience than what we have on console. I'm sure it'll even take some time for us console only players to get used to whatever new stuff we get with the new update.

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I play both versions, and I'm truly torn as to which I prefer. Surviving in the PC version seems so much harder. Hordes consisting of multiple dogs appearing out of nowhere and running at you, most containers being empty, zombies being able to hit you from miles away... I'm on day 11 and not managed to build a horde base yet. And I've been forced to eat at least ten sham sandwiches due to not finding enough proper food to get by. My wellness got down to 70 for quite some time. But by the same token, so much is improved. It no longer takes ridiculous amounts of wood to make basic spikes or frames, you can find entire pieces of a minibike in containers, everything moves that bit faster... And you can use a keyboard and mouse! :)

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I play both versions, and I'm truly torn as to which I prefer. Surviving in the PC version seems so much harder. Hordes consisting of multiple dogs appearing out of nowhere and running at you, most containers being empty, zombies being able to hit you from miles away... I'm on day 11 and not managed to build a horde base yet. And I've been forced to eat at least ten sham sandwiches due to not finding enough proper food to get by. My wellness got down to 70 for quite some time. But by the same token, so much is improved. It no longer takes ridiculous amounts of wood to make basic spikes or frames, you can find entire pieces of a minibike in containers, everything moves that bit faster... And you can use a keyboard and mouse! :)



But that is all the fun lol. Hopefully the zombie hit range gets fixed A17. Nothing wrong with the way console is as long as one doesn't try and compare the two. That is where people have issues they want to compare the PC to console and the console version is not PC. It is the same game but different game at the same time.


Some of the changes I think that possibly come to console I'm not looking forward to. But we will see how some of those things do on console if they make it. It might work out a little better being console has a smaller map and all.

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