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mid playthrough, is it safe/possible to change game settings/light mods?


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by which I mean difficulty, loot %, loot respawn, blood moon count (number of zombies) settings, as well as basic xml mods (like changing tree/plant growth rate only, for example)


If needs be I'll run off and do some tests, but if somebody feeling generous already knows, that would save me a lot of time!

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All settings in the main settings menu are safe to be changed mid game. Simple xml edits should also be perfectly safe as they are really just basic settings changes themselves. Nothing you specifically mentioned would break your save and would simply change things from that time forth.


You could probably even add a prefab pack and it would work for unexplored regions without messing up your save.

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Things to avoid would be

- changing the main game timer/days.

- major changes (like deleting entire skills) to progression. That would screw up your character.

- Changes to biome probabilities or random gen. That would get whacky.

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Also for xml files:


Do not change values for event driven items post event trigger. Examples: Bloodmoon. You cannot change spawning or values after the 2200 event trigger for that bloodmoon. Same goes for quests. If you change values or rewards for a quest you already have active, it will not update. Once the quest is in your que, it stays there as is.

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