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cant wait for a17 please come soon <3


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The reason a17 is taking so long is because of whole entire systems being re-written from the ground up.


Like the game engine that the client runs off of.

The buff system.

The vehicle system.

The list goes on and on.


It's also been said that a17 is just a step away from Beta, so I would bet that we see a18 by the start of next year, and Beta shortly afterwards. With that kind of cycle, gold will be inside of the next two years easily.

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To some extent, it'll be a little bit sad when it goes into Beta, since that'll be the end of major content updates (sans DLC's anyway).


To be sure though, A17 is firming up as possibly the biggest ever Alpha update in the games history. A long wait no doubt, but one well worthi it.

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To some extent, it'll be a little bit sad when it goes into Beta, since that'll be the end of major content updates (sans DLC's anyway).


To be sure though, A17 is firming up as possibly the biggest ever Alpha update in the games history. A long wait no doubt, but one well worthi it.


I agree. I am wondering what happens to this forum. When they move on to another game, what happens here? I have made a lot of online friends here so I am hoping this forum stays active, keeping up with information such as MP servers and mods. I don't want this part of my life to slowly fade out.

Would make me sad.

Don't make me sad...

You wouldn't like me when I am sad...
































(I cry alot and my nose gets all running and I make these high squeaky noises....it's awful)

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Poor Gamida.....that's what bandanas and long sleeves are for. To keep your hopes up, maybe the TFP will keep this one semi active and include a dirct link to it from the new game forum. Feel better? :)


a little.....could you pass me one of those 25,000 stacks of tissues please...

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