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Nomad rules


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So a friend and I just started up a fresh play through and decided to go with a nomad style of play rather than the sedentary life. So I'm wondering what kind of rules people set for themselves when playing Nomad style? Below is what I think we're doing so far:


1. Have to shelter in a new prefab structure every night.

2. Other than campfires we can't place crafting stations.

3. No mining or hiding under ground unless it's a poi.

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I would love to play like this, but there honestly just isn't enough personal inventory, especially before getting a minibike but even after that, to develop a character much past stone-level. Inventory management would become too much of a hassle for me to tolerate.

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To me thats the fun of no mad. Live off what you find. There's no need to hoard every little item in no mad. For me, if I can't find a use for the items in my near future, it gets scrapped. Not much a point in holding 100 mechanical parts when you're nowhere near needing them as a no mad.


Maybe just my taste but actually leaving things behind because I don't immediately need them is fun. Gives a better sense of "What do I need right now to survive?" Instead of just loot everything.


- - - Updated - - -


Also... replied from my phone. No mad = nomad. Lol

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So a friend and I just started up a fresh play through and decided to go with a nomad style of play rather than the sedentary life. So I'm wondering what kind of rules people set for themselves when playing Nomad style? Below is what I think we're doing so far:


1. Have to shelter in a new prefab structure every night.

2. Other than campfires we can't place crafting stations.

3. No mining or hiding under ground unless it's a poi.


A friend and I played a game with the first rule, and it was also OK to have some small outposts with chests (either buried in the ground or visible). It was entertaining at first but ultimately we didn't continue with it, since you lose a good portion of the game since you aren't building anything permanent, or at least stockpiling items to be able to craft what you need. It was a fun change of pace though.

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I typically do a semi-nomad type of thing where I have a hub base where my main industrial plant and 7th day defenses exist, and then have a network of basic outposts spread out every 1.5-2K or so where I can stay at night and do basic caches of supplies. Each cache base has 6 chests, a sleeping bag, a forge, a fire, and takes a predictable amount of resources to set up. I usually leave a stockpile of necessities in each cache in case I need it.

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<SNIP> ...rather than the sedentary life.


So you sit at the computer playing 7 Days to Die and with your character you just sit around?!? lol



(of a person) tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.

synonyms: sitting, seated, desk-bound, stationary; More

antonyms: active

(of work or a way of life) characterized by much sitting and little physical exercise.

synonyms: sitting, seated, desk-bound, stationary; More

antonyms: active


Or... Do you stand up and walk around as you play? :)

Or... Do you do the happy dance while you play? ;)


When we play we actually have our characters do things all day and all night long... There's building stuff, crafting stuff, farming, hunting, zed despensing, etc... We actually at times play all day and all night too :)


Just messing around. There are some hard core types that like this style, some of them go so far as to have no crafting at all, no traitors, no loot drops, there's a long list some where. OH! There are also the... What do they call it... "Dead is dead" is what they call it, albeit 'we' call it "Perma-Death" :) Sure fun and exciting the first couple of times, but it gets boring too. You could possibly get some ideas from them, if not at least try it. I however am easily fascinated, so just playing is enough for me.

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