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Why the increased screamer attacks??


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So I'm running SP alpha 16.1 on the PC and there seems to be quite a difference in the amount of screamers that spawn between this and Alpha 15 and I need help figuring out why.


In Alpha 15, I could leave my forge on all day, and when I'd go back to base for the night, I could turn on a campfire and another forge, then maybe a screamer would spawn. My base would be covered in torches as well.


With Alpha 16, it seems like if I turn on 1 forge for five seconds, a screamer will spawn. It's only day 6 of my Alpha 16 game, and I've already had to kill at least 10 screamers. Why is this, especially since the heat value of forges and fires were reduced by 25%? I chop up all the corpses around my house and don't leave them. I craft items in my backpack like arrows, but no more crafting than I would do in Alpha 15.


Are screamers attracted to torches now? Because I have a bunch of them on the inside and outside of my base (as I did in Alpha 15)....


I don't know. It just seemed like with the heat value of forges and campfires going down, there would be no reason why I should see way more screamers than in Alpha 15, where I ran my forge constantly and hardly saw any. Thus, there must be some hidden factor that I'm not seeing...

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Yes torches are the reason. more then 5 are unadvisable. I love it. Gives me a reason to go electric :D


I can attest to this as well. In my current playthrough I have no torches whatsoever but when I want to complete a few Silence of the Lambs challenge notes I turn on 2 Chem Stations, 3 Forges, 15 Campfires and it still takes a few minutes between Screamer spawns.


So it definitely sounds like Torches are the issue with the endless Screamer spawns.

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For all who have a difficult time with screamers at your base:


Drawbridges and wood spikes are your friend. It is passive upkeep from that point on. Except for the once in a great while you 'clean the yard' right at the same time a screamer spawns.


PS: My basic home base design is 19x19 building with 4 draw bridges, one at each side. A pit surrounds the base that slopes up and out. Wood spikes surround the 'landing' the drawbridges opens out to. AI makes the screamers walk right out the edge of the landing, dropping right onto the spikes. While I have all my forges and torches going, I sometimes hear the death of the screamer as I go about my business. Once in a while, I time the recent death as a time to go out and clear bodies and put new spikes down.

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As stated by others, torches are the biggest screamer generator. Campfires, forges etc add to it as well. Not sure how deep you have to go but at some point your deep enough that the heat generated does not spawn screamers. Bedrock, you can put up all the heat you want. But above that break point, what ever that depth is, you will get screamers. Think of them as a points farm and more screamers helps you level.

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