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Pit width?


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As wide as you want to make it of course! :rapture:


As for practicality, I usually do a minimum of 3 or 4 blocks, which is wide enough to keep zombies from gapping it, but still allows players to jump it pretty easily w/out the need for a bridge.

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Pve or pvp?


For pvp make the pit as wide as your claimed area is. It is best to have at least 20 blocks from your walls. Otherwise players can jump on top of your base.


For pve I would suggest avoiding making a pit because it needs constant repairs and going with a design like this

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If you expect any PvP then it also depends on your tower height, but in general the absolute minimum is 5 blocks, strongly prefer 6 if you're willing to put in the work to dig out that many blocks. I've seen builds with 10+ wide moats and 4 drawbridges but unless you have many people working on your base that might be unfeasible.


Your tower height is important because people can build raid towers and jump over onto your roof if you don't make your tower high enough. Adding additional claim blocks outside of your moat to prevent raid towers is ideal, but people can still screw around with minibike chassis in which case you want a bigger moat.

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