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I have no clue...


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So, foolishly thought if I want somethings in my game I would have to mod them myself. Easy right.


Was thinking of making a secure storage chest that would shock player if they hit it...similar to the vending machines.


So I copied the recipe for secure chest and changed name and ingredients (they are just for testing right now, would change them later if it worked)


Then I copied the block for the secure chest and added <property name="Buff" value="shockedBuff"/>


Thought that would be it as it was all I saw in vending machine code.


In game I can make the chest ok but when I hit it nothing happens.


Below is my sad first attempt at a mod. have a look and tell me what idiotic mistake I have made or if the whole thing was a total clusterf......



<recipe name="ShockingSecureStorageChest" count="1">

<ingredient name="wood" count="100"/>

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="25"/>

<ingredient name="electricParts" count="5"/>

<ingredient name="carBattery" count="1"/>



<block id="2019" name="ShockingSecureStorageChest">

<property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>

<property name="Class" value="SecureLoot"/>

<property name="CustomIcon" value="cntChest01"/>

<property name="Material" value="wood+wood"/>

<property name="StabilitySupport" value="false"/> <!-- build restriction -->

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel"/> <property name="Texture" value="293"/>

<property name="Mesh" value="models"/>

<property name="Buff" value="shockedBuff"/>

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>

<property name="FuelValue" value="300"/>

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/chest01" param1="main_mesh"/> <property name="HandleFace" value="Bottom"/>

<property name="ImposterExchange" value="imposterQuarter" param1="154"/>

<property name="LootList" value="10"/>

<property class="RepairItems"> <property name="wood" value="10"/> </property>

<drop event="Destroy" name="wood" count="1,3"/>

<drop event="Fall" name="woodDebris" count="1" prob="0.75" stick_chance="1"/>

<property name="LPHardnessScale" value="8"/>

<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="cntStorageChest"/>

<property name="Group" value="Basics,Building"/>

<property name="DescriptionKey" value="cntSecureStorageChestDesc"/>

<property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/>

<property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="10"/>


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The shock buff when hit is controlled by the blocks class <property name="Class" value="VendingMachine"/>


you could do a BuffsWhenWalkedOn or you could make a quest that requires you to consume a consumable that would cast a shocked buff on you. That buff would then complete the quest and reward you with a key that could be used to upgrade a non working "locked" chest into the working unlocked version to receive its contents.


But to make it shock you upon striking it is not so doable as far as I can think of.


You could maybe make a new vending machine and add a window to its UI that would allow for item storage but IDK if its possible without dll edits or SDX mod where anything is possible.

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The shock buff when hit is controlled by the blocks class <property name="Class" value="VendingMachine"/>


you could do a BuffsWhenWalkedOn or you could make a quest that requires you to consume a consumable that would cast a shocked buff on you. That buff would then complete the quest and reward you with a key that could be used to upgrade a non working "locked" chest into the working unlocked version to receive its contents.


But to make it shock you upon striking it is not so doable as far as I can think of.


You could maybe make a new vending machine and add a window to its UI that would allow for item storage but IDK if its possible without dll edits or SDX mod where anything is possible.


Thanks for the info



*hugs gambo*


Thank you sinda and back at ya (I don't feel so bad now :))

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