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My PC infected by Avian influenza.


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Look more closely, they spawn and run very quickly and are hard to see.




I also think they're just really rare compared to the other animals, but I haven't checked the XMLs.


Try roaming in a plains biome; it seems like I see them there more often than in other biomes. Also move away from your base so that there's a chance for any animal to spawn.

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I see more of them in the desert and wasteland biomes. If in the desert...listen for them squawking by cacti (little buggers run into them a lot).


Yup! Desert and wastelands has possibly the most...


On the other hand... I am a USDA certified and trained Avian Influenza (USDA-APHIS-VS-E.N.D. Taskforce) specialist and also a certified and +30 year experienced Computer Service Technician. So apparently I can help you with your situation! <G>

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RNG is a cruel mistress. I was running into and killing chickens regularly and never seeing a rabbit. 500+ feather and as many bolts in storage. Two weeks later I got the quest again and now I'm tripping over rabbits and chickens are as rare as hen's teeth.

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I see more of them in the desert and wasteland biomes. If in the desert...listen for them squawking by cacti (little buggers run into them a lot).


Reminds me of all the rabbits I would hear running into a cactus traveling between base and city. Lots of laughs were had.

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