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Update last night deleted my save game


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So I come home from work and start the game up. Immediately get booted, start the game back up and my save data is completely gone. I tried to uninstall the game and all content and redownload it thinking the last save would download from the cloud, but nothing. Then I look at the game info and it says I got an update today. Were we supposed to be expecting a big update? Why would it delete my save game? Right after I finally built an auger too 😥😥😥

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Moving this to bug reports.


Updates to the game do not wipe your saves. Did you happen to update your XB1 too?


When you say booted, were you kicked back to the XB1 dashboard?


Nothing was changed about the game, but you're the second person who reported this happening in the past week so I am concerned something else changed to cause it.


Are all your other game saves intact? Is there any save data registered on the cloud?



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Moving this to bug reports.


Updates to the game do not wipe your saves. Did you happen to update your XB1 too?


When you say booted, were you kicked back to the XB1 dashboard?


Nothing was changed about the game, but you're the second person who reported this happening in the past week so I am concerned something else changed to cause it.


Are all your other game saves intact? Is there any save data registered on the cloud?




Yes it kicked me back to the dashboard, this is a normal thing for me with this game though so i didnt initially think anything of it. I dont think i got an xbox update, i will have to check though. I havent been able to check any other games so i am not sure if this is the only one affected. The save was on the cloud as i have 2 consoles, one in the bedroom and one in living room. I switch between the two every so often and the cloud save syncs just fine. Thats why i tried deleting the game and reinstalling it, i thought it would download any cloud saves again as well. It didnt download though

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This was the only game save affected. The last update to my xbox was beginning of February. But like I said, the game had an update on 3/26. I have pictures of exact times but I can't upload them on mobile, anything that might help figure out what happened?

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I andrewcu, thank you for letting me know the update dates.


You said you immediately got booted when you started the game, did you manage to load the save at all, or did you only get as far as the menu? The other player that had this occur for them also crashed but they had been playing for about an hour.


Had you been playing for a long period before you loaded this session or playing any other games?

You mentioned you just got an auger, if you were playing the game were you using it when it crashed?

I assume you were continuing a save made in a different version, was it from 1.17, 1.16 or older? And do you remember any of your settings from that save?


I'm sending all this info onto the team member looking into this, we'll be trying to replicate what happened to see if we can see what caused this using information from both yourself and the other player this happened to. If there's any detail you can think of, or anything you noticed please let me know.



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I andrewcu, thank you for letting me know the update dates.


You said you immediately got booted when you started the game, did you manage to load the save at all, or did you only get as far as the menu? The other player that had this occur for them also crashed but they had been playing for about an hour.


Had you been playing for a long period before you loaded this session or playing any other games?

You mentioned you just got an auger, if you were playing the game were you using it when it crashed?

I assume you were continuing a save made in a different version, was it from 1.17, 1.16 or older? And do you remember any of your settings from that save?


I'm sending all this info onto the team member looking into this, we'll be trying to replicate what happened to see if we can see what caused this using information from both yourself and the other player this happened to. If there's any detail you can think of, or anything you noticed please let me know.




I was able to load the save, but immediately after it loaded it kicked me to the dashboard. So I wasnt able to actually play at all. I hadnt played at all prior to this on that day, Tuesday. The last time i played the game prior to this was on Sunday. I always quit to the main menu when i am finished, so when i loaded i did load from the main menu. I honestly am not sure if it was on a different version prior to this update i received on 3/26, i have never actually looked. I did look on the other xbox though and the last update that one received for the game was on 12/17. It appears to be completely random. My thought was that you guys would be able to track the update that was sent maybe? Would this be possible by giving you any system information along with the date and time i received the update?

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Hi andrewcu,


Thank you for that information, the 12/17 update would have been the update for XB1, so it likely you were playing on that version since then, but if the save is older then that date then it could be from


I will check with the team, we do not track individual saves so we possibly cannot check when systems were updated either, I shall ask anyway.



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Hi andrewcu,


Thank you for that information, the 12/17 update would have been the update for XB1, so it likely you were playing on that version since then, but if the save is older then that date then it could be from


I will check with the team, we do not track individual saves so we possibly cannot check when systems were updated either, I shall ask anyway.




I meant the update. Are sent updates not tracked in any way?

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