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Is it possible to catch up on my teammates exp?


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I just recently joined a private co-op modded server where my four friends are on day 27 and nearing level 100. Is there any way to obtain exp a bit faster with the tools they have? I would like to level up different skills than they have hence feeling usefull.

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Faster, sure. Good quality, high tier tools will allow you to mine, harvest, build, kill zombies, and so on in less time, and so you’ll earn experience points faster than with the low quality tools you could make yourself. You’re unlikely to catch up to their level unless they deliberately take things easy or use inferior tools. So specializing in other skills they don’t have covered is a great idea.

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ur best bet quaz is ask them if they have an auger if u can do any mining they need (...)


This is usually the best way to catch up as mining is currently the Nr.1 way to level fast. Should be the auger or iron tier tools for the beginning, as steel will just drain your stamina all the time.

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