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Process priority


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Hello there,


I wanted to change process priority for my game, because i have weak CPU with dual core. It helps me with every game. The problem is that i can't change process priority. Every time i try to change it, it prints me a error message: access denied.

Can somebody help me? Is this way how the game is supposed to work, so it denies every piority changes?

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  • 6 months later...

I've never felt the need to change the priority of the game so I can't help you there, but if you're having issues running the game due to background stuff taking some of the CPU load, why not just disable them? If you go to: "Start/Run/msconfig" and disable anything you don't need constantly running in the background (make sure to check off the "Hide all Microsoft services" so as to not disable anything potentially really important). By minimizing stuff running in the background, it should give you a good boost and be just like if you set the game to highest priority. Not only that, but I'm sure you'll also notice a boost in overall computer performance too.

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I'm admin and only user on pc. this is only game where i am unable to change priority


I understand that. And I already told you how to do it. When you open the Task Manager and open the Processes tab, you should see a button at the bottom that says "<Admin symbol> Show processes from all users". Click on that and after that you should be able to change the process priority.


You could also look up how to change the priority through Regedit or by using command line switches, but those are more complicated and Regedit could mess up your system.

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