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Will indoor farms work if there is a roof?


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Quick question, but I couldn't seem to find the answer anywhere else for this specific scenario... I'm planning to build an indoor farm on a multi-level building (on the second floor), which means there will be a roof above the farm (aka the third floor). I plan on using windows for the walls though to let plenty of sunlight in.


Has anyone tried this or know if it will work?


So far everything I'm reading for indoor farms involves putting windows on the ceiling - but in my scenario - the ceiling will consist entirely of solid blocks.

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i saw a vid on youtube that implied that the only thing that will grow indoors is mushrooms. everything else requires direct sunlight, and glass blocks don't count. it seems that for purposes of energy and agriculture, glass counts as solid blocks. i found this vid after wondering why my own indoor crops were not growing. your best bet is a rooftop garden.

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I've heard different things but it's hard to tell what format it's from PC or console... I've never tried underground, I always do platform stuff so I'm off the ground... For trees and farms... I hate doing crops, chopping trees and replanting and worrying about sneaky sneakers...

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