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Block placement issue


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I am currently struggling with not being able to place blocks on a structure that I have already built... I tried to make another level on a structure that I had already built out of cobblestone block... When I placed the block, the cobblestone blocks underneath just fell apart... And now when I try to replace the blocks that were already there, they just fall and smash apart... I'm not quite sure what's happening

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there is the spot... the middle 2 blocks on the second row was where the glass panes were. I had to add another wall on the inside to keep everything out... no matter what I do, even with the wall on the other side, you cannot place blocks there, any block, they just scrap apart and fall

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No... I did not collapse any structure.. it is placed right next to the pass n gas in the desert biome heading west, just after the bridge next to the river... The structure is built as follows... The "posts" are cobblestone block, 5 blocks high, and the gap between posts is 6 blocks... So including the posts, it's a total of 8 blocks... I filled in the floor/ ceiling (depending on whether your above or below ) and started with the walls for the actual building with the same math.. blocks are 5 high, 6 blocks apart, 8 total... The second row has 2 or 3 blocks missing in the middle where I had placed glass panes... I built this structure after I had the issue at the farm with my concrete blocks never drying, so I went all cobblestone... I came back down and it's just randomly falling apart and now I cannot place anything there... I built a full wall behind it to keep everything out, but even the new wall won't support blocks there either... And more fun facts, when I try to stand on the iron bars I have placed for the spider guys, the bars fall now under my weight as well... This is 2 structures that have been fowled up and I don't know why

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I posted a picture for you to look at. I'm fairly certain the SI limits are in no way reached. Nothing has been dug out underneath, and the make up of the building is below the SI of the blocks according to the math... I cannot find any reason for the blocks to just instantly fall apart when I place one there, and I've placed every kind. Wood, concrete, metal trussing, cobblestone frame, etc. They all just crash and scrap into whatever produced them...


- - - Updated - - -


no, there were no structures on that spot.. It is next to a structure, a pass-n-gas... it is a platform structure... posts are 6 blocks apart, so 8 blocks total including the posts, as are the walls on the structure above the platform.

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Are all your corners above the lower columns? It's hard to see on the picture - it looks like your upper floor is not properly supported. If the corners are all above the lower upright supports, it will help the integrity.


You could also add a second row of floor - double thickness floors are stronger. You could also add ramps to the columns to help take the weight of the upper floor.

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