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What explosives don't break blocks?


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I have a few different types of explosive items (TNT, Mines etc.) that I want to use for the blood moon hordes. The thing is i'm scared to throw near my base in case it blows up the ground or my walls. Can someone help tell me which are save and will only damage zombies?

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As far as I know all explosives will do damage to structures, but not all do as much. But yeah, read the description on the item to see what kind of block damage you will be looking at. With concrete and up you should be fine to use explosives for the most part. Just be careful.

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Unless they've nerfed the damage a pipe bomb does, it's pretty minimal.

I don't work with explosives too much so I haven't tested it for a while.

The test I did was a pipe bomb on a wood porch. Only took like 4 or 5 blocks down to the frame stage, then another pipe bomb to finish them off.


Dynamite on the other hand.....forget it. That'll F stuff up!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think the better question would be which blocks are most resistant to explosives. of course the answer stainless steel. we just completed the 105 horde where i experimented with the different explosives. the stainless steel blocks in my trench held up the best, but the only way to repair them is to break them out and replace them. the forged steel held up pretty well and are repairable with a hammer and forged steel. sand was the worst in that huge craters were created and we took damage from falling debris from explosions over 30m away. the conclusions i came to from this experiment is ton only use explosives if you can afford to spend the days between bloodmoons repairing the damage. the damage to our base from the use of explosives was extensive and very costly in terms of labor and materials. we are now less than 36 hours from the next b'oodmoon and we still havent repaired all the damage. luckily we have a secondary base that we can ride out the next bloodmoon. minus the explosives, of course.

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