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Zeds opening hatches


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Since when can zeds open vault hatches? I had a epic failure on horde night trying a new set up... I quickly ran down my ladder, closing the hatch, and as I hit the bottom, 6 blocks, the fkr popped back open... I got a crawler, cop, and nurse right on top of me... I opened up my SMG and ran back up, closed the hatch again, ran out, closing the vault door behind me and ran north in my tunnel to Diersville, I was at the pass n gas next to the bridge in the desert... I no longer got the horde, I didn't get any zombies period... I was afraid my bedrock tunnels were full of zeds but I went back after 4 am and not a single zed in my tunnels and that fkn hatch was wide open again... When did I miss this ability?


And for those who want a good giggle, say so in the comments and I'll go into detail about my epic failure and how incredibly hilarious it was after

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Here's what happened... I made a pit, by design and by mistake... It was a collapse that I didn't want to see go to waste and I didn't want to abandon the whole show so I decided to make a pit fall with a column based set up in the middle... There's 5 blocks above bedrock, and then a double concrete floor under just the column structure... Surrounding the columns are metal spikes upside down so it's flush with the bottom of the first column... Well it's horde night... 22:00... Music hits... I have my spotlights on, tool bar all set.... And nothing.... All of a sudden, it's raining Zeds... Decaying mothers, cops, etc... Apparently I forgot or didn't fkn understand they must fly a bit after a running start... So I guess I need a slanted roof... I didn't know zeds could fly... This proceeded the hatch problem... Ok, now that you're all giggling... I'll post pics later... I've never done a slanted roof... I'm assuming they'd just walk around on a flat roof?

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Right, I know they will walk on it, but they'll walk or crawl down a slanted roof, rather than just walk in circles above me on a flat roof


Only if you are near the edge.


It sounds like you neglected a force called momentum. If they are running, their forward movement when they hit a cliff can cause them to fall out away from the wall. They are not going to get to the edge and stop moving forward to just drop.

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I neglected to take the momentum into consideration, as I was clearing out the rest of the pit, some fell in but it was at normal daylight walking speed... So any ideas, suggestions? Should I just increase the height of my walls all the way up out of the pit so they hit a flat wall and fall down?

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I put a pin code on all my doors. Also ever get the bug of vault hatch being placed down. Then ya open it. Then it falls down the ladder and breaks into a pile of iron? That happened to me a few updates back. Hasn't happened lately. So maybe that bug was fixed.


This only happens if the top ladder gets smashed out for some reason. If the hatch fell and the ladder was intact then it would be a bug.










In my little 2D drawing you can see what I'm talking about. B=Block, L=Ladder, H=Hatch and _=Nothing. The ladder block technically takes up an entire block space, so if that ladder is missing you can see there is nothing supporting the hatch which will cause it to fall. I actually had a super embarrassing death one time trying to smash a block adjacent to my ladder and I end up hitting my ladder and breaking it, which caused the hatch to fall on my head and kill me.

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I neglected to take the momentum into consideration, as I was clearing out the rest of the pit, some fell in but it was at normal daylight walking speed... So any ideas, suggestions? Should I just increase the height of my walls all the way up out of the pit so they hit a flat wall and fall down?


That's what I would do. My fall pit designs usually involve making a little base at ground level, digging the pits around that and having the main base down at the level of the fall pit. I actually have a really old video that shows that kind of design. But yeah, if you base is below the level they are entering from, they can end up on top of your base.


Here is the old video for reference if you want to check it out. It's the first thing I show, the rest can be ignored.

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I never really intended on it being a fall pit... I got a little carried away digging iron and shale and had a huge collapse and just didn't want to waste the open pit... If I was going to do it again, I'd dig out the 4 or 5 block deep ring and leave the center intact and just did out and reinforce the center at the bottom... I just hate to waste all those blocks to make a complete square all the way above the ground... Seeing as how it's like a hill, three sides will stick up quite a bit compared to the hill

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