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Need help with buffs


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I am trying to make something work in this alpha that used to work fine but now I can't figure it out. I have created two blocks that both when walked on apply a buff. What I need is that when you walk on one block you obtain a buff like infection but have it do no damage or affect any stats , basically you just see you have a buff applied for say duration 9000. Then the other block when you walk across it gives you another buff that in turn cures the first buff. I know this sounds wierd but I used to have this working but cannot seem to figure it out with the buffs now.


I have made the blocks and they apply the buffs but I cannot make the buffs cure one another. Any help would be appreciated.


This is how they used to look and work.


   <buff id="Waiting" type="speedmodifier" duration="9000" name_key="Waiting" description_key="WaitingDesc" tooltip_key="WaitingTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_knife"  >
<modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" mulValue="1.1"/>

   <buff id="Active" type="speedmodifier" duration="2" name_key="Active" description_key="ActiveDesc" tooltip_key="ActiveTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_treasure"  cures="Waiting">
<modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" mulValue="1.1"/>			

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You could try:


<buff id="Active" type="speedmodifier" duration="2" name_key="Active" description_key="ActiveDesc" tooltip_key="ActiveTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_treasure"  [b]actions="debuff(Waiting)[/b]">
<modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" mulValue="1.1"/>			



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You could try:


<buff id="Active" type="speedmodifier" duration="2" name_key="Active" description_key="ActiveDesc" tooltip_key="ActiveTooltip" icon="ui_game_symbol_treasure"  [b]actions="debuff(Waiting)[/b]">
<modify id="0" stat="speedmodifier" mulValue="1.1"/>			




Thanks ill give that a try

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