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MOD Undead Legacy Review???


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Good night, I'm looking for a game with MOD Undead Legacy, someone who already played something opinion, he's HARD-CORE, now I'm playing Clockworks and I've already died 10 times, it's very insane. I see that it has a lot of craft in it, but in the survival part how is it?

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now there are quite a LetsPlays on this mod - see for example BoreKPlays.



....now I'm playing Clockworks and I've already died 10 times, it's very insane....


don't play in a hardcore mods as in vanilla - change tactics.

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In the current release and upcoming releases there are no plans on making zombies (undead) any harder or easier in Undead Legacy, therefore I would say the combat part is pretty much vanilla, however weapons and their stats (for some) have been altered, but not to any extremes.

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