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Any way to put in a 75% block durability option?


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Topic, there is current 25%, 50%, 100% and I think 200%, right now I am trying 50% but it feels too easy, 75% might be perfect but there is no option for it (even though there is a 25%), anyway to mod one in or is this something in that csharp.dll?

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So there is no way to modify some file to add 75% to the modded options menu when you go to choose continue/new game?


I can't get the serverconfig thing to work, does it need a new game?


Ugg!! I can't remember exactly but something with the save file location postings said that if you change the save file location in one of the xml's that it will update it after the 2nd logging into the game; IE: Change it and then log into the game, then exit and log in again and then it will be changed... I have a feeling it's the same process - possibly exact process so that the system actually takes a look - hopefully at everything, but I really have no clue... If anyone does hopefully they'll correct me! As for making one modification maybe a modder knows, but it maybe an exe or dll or something else, which would be more than just editing xml's.

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