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Finally, thank u thank u thank u, knew it could be done.


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Ok been taking a lil hiatus of 7D2D and haven't played since the last patch came out. Well I loaded up my last save and to went explorer. Haven't seen the football stadium yet so started that way. Along the trip I stopped and looted several things and my backpack filled up quick. Then it happened, I went to loot and scrap it and noticed I no longer have to switch it to my inventory to just scrap it, nope I can now instantly scrap it from the placeholder.


Thank you soooo much devs, I have been wanting this lil ability for some time now. Saves me so much time without having to swap items just to scrap it.

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I think it's a great feature too. The next one to add on top of that is the ability to directly "Wear" items. That would be the next great add-on


Instant wear would be sweet. Especially picking up your own backpack when ya died. Its a overload if in the winter biome with tons of clothes on.

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