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[12/11] Message from the Team - Patch 13 in Submission!


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PLEASE FIX THE CONSTANT CRASHES! For no reason every 20 minutes the game crashes. And it takes awhile to load (which I completely understand) but t gets annoying when you need to load the game up to 5 times an hour. Makes it impossible to play long durations. Loving the game though! Keep up the good work! I’ve bought this game twice for Xbox already, and am ordering soon for PS4 and possibly PC! Can’t get enough of it!


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That is so far from the truth it isn't even funny. We are missing out advanced rotations, the expanded skills/perks, compound bow, all of the electrical options, the locked down workbench/forge/chem station (B.S. - because I think it is B.S. you can't move your own stuff anymore, but nonetheless, console doesn't have that), added zombies and animals, and the list goes on and on.



You can move chem stations and forged on console. Use a wrench to destroy it and it’ll go into your inventory. I recommend using a stronger tool to destroy it down to just a little durability left and use the wrench for the rest. As long as the last hit is done with a wrench it’ll go into your inventory to be replaced. Make sure it’s emptied first though, or you’ll lose anything in it, including smelted materials.

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He was talking about pc in A16 you can't move it unless you put a land claim block down before putting those down. He was just saying how console is missing that part of it. I get what he is saying but I play on oc also and some of the stuff isn't ready yet and still being worked on. Console isn't going to get that stuff until it is good to go. They already have enough issues as it is. Things get buggy just porting the finished stuff much less stuff that is already buggy to begin with.


I remember before console got A15 stuff people complain and said they be happy ti just get some of that stuff but now console got it people demanding more and it isn't fair bull crap.


Console didn't get new zombies because the new zombies in A15 on pc was crap and they did away with them in A16 and remade them. I don't know what is so hard to understand they release console as a finished game not alpha console isn't the ones testing stuff pc is. They are only going to bring what is finished to console not stuff currently being worked on. What is so hard to understand that? I could see if pc version and console version came out at the same time but it didn't. The pc is where they are making the game not console. Regardless what you think or how you feel about that nothing is going to change it so all I can say is get over it. You don't like to hear the truth tough it is what it is. Also want to add you are putting hopes in getting everything pc has on console and that might not happen. It wouldn't shock me at all if electric, turrets, or blade traps don't make it to console. A very great possibility that those don't make it. Then what we got to hear you complain some more how unfair it is and such? Also no guarantees that console gets any more content. Until they announce it then it might not happen. If you go read and stoo complaining then you would understand that. But no we just going to cry us a river in here because this messed up how they are doing. They can't help 2 things here one is how sony and Microsoft are about alpha games on console the next thing they can't help is console limitations. They never really intended to bring this game to console at least not while in alpha. If it wasn't for TT and IG console wouldn't even have this game as it is right now. They are not going to rework the dream they had for this game because console can't handle it. They will finish making the game on pc and try as hard they can to match what they can or as close as they with console.


last thing I have said what I felt I needed to, probably shouldn't of but did. But this thread is about the bug fixes not new content. So lets get back on topic and anything else move over to general discussion. Thanks

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Hi all,


As crazywildfire said in their last post, this is getting off topic. While I understand some players are frustrated they are not seeing some (or all) of the features that are on PC - it is true the team want to port as much as possible to the console from PC, but like others have said, nothing will be considered for porting until the feature is deemed finished and ready by the team. There are a lot of seemingly complete features in A16, but TFP are still tweaking parts, you also have to allow for mechanics that interlink with each other and balance each other out, you couldn't port one without the other, that wouldn't work.


I understand you want to discuss it and some of you want to have your frustrations heard, but going from what's in the patch to the differences between console and PC is off topic - and I'd rather not close this post yet. There are stickies in the general discussion area you can refer to too if needed. For this patch the team are working on bug fixes reported by the community.


Secondly, if you have a bug, and don't see the fix listed, please don't report it here. There's a reason I mention it in the original post. I cannot chase reports here. Please post it in the Console Bug Reports section - even if someone else has already reported it, create your own post, the more information we have the better! But do NOT post them here. Not only can I not chase them in a large thread, but once the thread goes big enough I will miss them.


Thank you,


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So has the update been approved Clare? As in ready for my PS4 to update it?


No it is only in Submission with Sony and MS, once it is approved and going Live I will post a second update, this thread is to let you all know that the patch was sent on to Sony and MS for approval. All going according to plan, it shouldn't be too long a wait. :)

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No it is only in Submission with Sony and MS, once it is approved and going Live I will post a second update, this thread is to let you all know that the patch was sent on to Sony and MS for approval. All going according to plan, it shouldn't be too long a wait. :)


Alrighty thank you very much for the update m'am!

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Will this update require us to start a new world in order to have the fixes apply or will they apply to our existing worlds?


from the first post in this thread:

You should NOT need to start a new save unless otherwise stated by the team.


I'm so old, i can't understand that writing makes less effort than reading... :)

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Awesome! I am so excited about any update to the game even bug fixes. Please pass along my appreciation to the design and dev team(s) and for them to have a happy holiday season.


One quick question, will I need to restart my maps or will these fixes just roll into them so I don't need to worry?


I most appreciate your time and find out for me, therefore, I eagerly await your response and hope you have a happy holiday season too.


Best regards,


Patrick R. Link

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- NOTES only apply to the fix DIRECTLY ABOVE them, unless otherwise stated

- You should NOT need to start a new save unless otherwise stated by the team.

- do NOT post bug reports below. They belong in the CONSOLE BUG REPORT section.

- keep posts CIVIL and RESPECTFUL when discussing or giving feedback about the patch.

- please keep the post ON TOPIC. This post is for the discussion of this patch ONLY.

- I do NOT have further info on future features, updates on MD5, Multiplayer issues and other fixes not mentioned in the notes, when I have those updates they will get their own post.


She said right in this section you do not need to start a new map unless stated by the team and nowhere did they state that you should so the answer is no you do not need to start a new map.

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· Fixed an instance of an issue that would occasionally cause blocks to spawn without support and create a mass collapse when broken


Does this issue only apply to game generated structures or does it also affect blocks placed by players? The reason I ask is because I'm in the process of adding a third floor to my base(approximately 70-80 blocks high from bedrock level) and I was able to place supports and a roof about 7 blocks high with no issues whatsoever, EXCEPT one block. Every time I place a cobblestone frame in this one spot, the pillar below (upgraded to full cobblestone) collapses for no apparent reason. I even tried adding extra support just to be absolutely sure it was more than sufficient, and when I go to place that one block, it along with a few blocks adjacent will crumble. Just curious if this issue may be the cause.


Keep up the good work!

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Does this issue only apply to game generated structures or does it also affect blocks placed by players? The reason I ask is because I'm in the process of adding a third floor to my base(approximately 70-80 blocks high from bedrock level) and I was able to place supports and a roof about 7 blocks high with no issues whatsoever, EXCEPT one block. Every time I place a cobblestone frame in this one spot, the pillar below (upgraded to full cobblestone) collapses for no apparent reason. I even tried adding extra support just to be absolutely sure it was more than sufficient, and when I go to place that one block, it along with a few blocks adjacent will crumble. Just curious if this issue may be the cause.


Keep up the good work!


The pillar below; does it go to floor level or just floor to ceiling on the second floor. If there is a space below the column, that will be your issue.

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The pillar below; does it go to floor level or just floor to ceiling on the second floor. If there is a space below the column, that will be your issue.


It goes to the ground floor. The base is basically a flat cube , with the construction like this: 1st floor = solid wall 1 thick on 3 faces, with the 4th face a series of horizontal poles. The 2nd & 3rd floors have full foundations 2 blocks thick. The support pillars are full blocks, 1 block thick, and spaced at either 6 or 7 block intervals. I'll have to check if a block is missing underneath the area that I am having the issue, or if there is a frame I forgot to upgrade.


Thanks for the response!

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I really wish you would get the lead put its not hard to take the game as it is on PC and bring it to console i firmly believe your pulling the same crap bungie is doing otherwise the game would already be at that stage if the game isnt complete why the heck would you have sold it to us to begin with thats dumber then preordering a PREORDER

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I really wish you would get the lead put its not hard to take the game as it is on PC and bring it to console i firmly believe your pulling the same crap bungie is doing otherwise the game would already be at that stage if the game isnt complete why the heck would you have sold it to us to begin with thats dumber then preordering a PREORDER


There are plenty of listings describing what ALPHA, BETA, EARLY ACCESS, etc types of games are and what should be expected when you enter into a program like this. While some studios abandon their projects pretty quickly, this pair (TT&TFP) have shown no signs of letting up, so while at times this game is like a slightly nutty significant other, (s)he's still a lot of fun.


For perspectives sake, John Carmack (idSoft founder), when asked by reviewers, gamers etc about the completion date of any of his new projects, dating all the way back to DOOM, would always answer the same way:


"When it's done"


So, yeah, it's kinda buggy, but I guarantee you that your $$/per hour spent on this are so low that it should be very appealing to continue as long as it's still a fun game for you to play.


If not, then go ahead and hit a AAA title for $70 or some random free to play that might cost you $xxxx before it's all said and done.


- - - Updated - - -


Update isn't gonna delete my game is it?!😢

Nope, and no restart needed either. Clare's very good at posting exactly what is changed/fixed etc with each patch and this info always appears at the top of the first page of this thread. 👍👍

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The live update is below this and not up in the sticky section for some reason. If anyone cares lol


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I really wish you would get the lead put its not hard to take the game as it is on PC and bring it to console i firmly believe your pulling the same crap bungie is doing otherwise the game would already be at that stage if the game isnt complete why the heck would you have sold it to us to begin with thats dumber then preordering a PREORDER


If you read above or explore some and read the threads you will find the answers. That is all I will say to this. Not going to go into it again because it will get off topic and not going to repeat the same thing over.

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