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A16 - Simple UI


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great work , thanks for this UI.


question, is there a way to add text to display (only) a group url and discord information in the UI? area of text I'm thinking would be space between Stamina / Health and Belt?


The short answer would be yes you can add any text anywhere pretty much. However this would take making a new window for it in the windows.xml or adding on to an existing one and then alot of trial and error to get your positioning where you'd like it.


You might check out how valmod adds the version number to the top right corner for a good example.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any chance i could only get some parts of the mod and discard others? Modular install...


I'd be interested in the Minibike storage upgrade most of all. The rest of the storages and crafting station inputs i'd prefer to stay vanilla.

UI wise id maybe only like to have buffs and thirst/hunger/temperature (the left side of screen). Everything else i'd leave as it is.

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Any chance i could only get some parts of the mod and discard others? Modular install...


I'd be interested in the Minibike storage upgrade most of all. The rest of the storages and crafting station inputs i'd prefer to stay vanilla.

UI wise id maybe only like to have buffs and thirst/hunger/temperature (the left side of screen). Everything else i'd leave as it is.


All my changes are noted in the windows.xml and xui.xml so you can easily take or leave what parts you'd like. It'd just take a little experimenting.

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Small update to the main mod. If you don't use the 2 new changes no reason to redownload




  • Expanded Quest Trackers objective entries to hold up to 12 entries.
  • Expanded spawn menu to hold up to 144 entity classes. (This even works with a 4:3 resolution)



I won't be updating the Valmod version though till after the next Valmod update.

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Small update to the main mod. If you don't use the 2 new changes no reason to redownload




  • Expanded Quest Trackers objective entries to hold up to 12 entries.
  • Expanded spawn menu to hold up to 144 entity classes. (This even works with a 4:3 resolution)



I won't be updating the Valmod version though till after the next Valmod update.



Hey there,

I was using the Simple UI mod with the Valmod package, but it didn't work well after the 7d2d update (16.4) - after installing the Simple UI mod, my game says it is alpha 16.3 again.


Val now updated his version, may I ask you to do it for your Simple UI Valmod package, too? :)


kindly regards and keep on molding that great.



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Small update to the main mod. If you don't use the 2 new changes no reason to redownload




  • Expanded Quest Trackers objective entries to hold up to 12 entries.
  • Expanded spawn menu to hold up to 144 entity classes. (This even works with a 4:3 resolution)




Hi stedman..


Maybe I failed by posting this in the SimpleUI Plus section when I know I did not have requirement of ALL clients to install this mod:


I have been using Your mod for a while now. Did not change anything file wise.


We have noticed a resolution change- the slot windows are smaller than before. 4 players has reported losing items from the extended slots.


I’ll have to look at files to get you verison information, currently at work; I’ll edit this post soon a possible.


Im now quite certain is was not Plus, considering thinking back to when these mods came out there was something in Plus that I felt was not needed on my server there went with these.


Anyone else has been experiencing lost of items in expanded slots simce updating?

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No resolution change was made and which expanded slots cause this one doesn't come with a bigger backpack?


I am certain I downloaded and installed update for V09 link from OP. only reason I opted for update after the fact, was the changelog info regarding Quest tracker holds 12. Never had an issue with the UI, it was pushed from server to clients.. Now, I am highly confused when you mentioned there is no increased storage in backpack; Here is our server screen shot:




The player built storage capacity are 176 slots, while inventory holds 60. the only indication from the XUI xmls is <!--S420 Start--> is there another way for me to look in the files to help determine what is being used? I can do pastebin, I just need to know which files from server is necessary to identify and rectify the problem. In this screenshot; any item placed in slots 33-60 (count from top left #1 to bottom right #60) will be deleted when the player logs out of server.


Here is a preview video I did prior to the v09 update:


By the Plus thread, and size of storage's it seems like; instead of getting the v09; the Plus 4:3 version was downloaded instead; which would be a facepalm situation because, I am sure I was not on the Plus thread for download.



here is vanilla capture:



Please help figure this oddity out. I dont want to start a new game; I really dont care about the added storages. I just decided on this because of the thirst, hunger, temps meters.


If output logs are going to be asked for, we have a problem with that. That issue is the output logs are overwritten when the server is restarted. I did save a few old logs from before the update, and I can dload a new set since the server had not been rebooted since the update was done and players began noticing a problem.


I guess main question is..


Considering everything I am looking at.. if I download V09 and installed it on server, without going back to vanilla files first, will it overwrite the necessary files? or are there added files that would need to get vanilla'd first? As for my server, we were fine before the weird expansion

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From the screenshot I'd say you definitely installed the Plus version.


The Assembly-CSharp.dll would not be overwritten if you installed Simple UI over the top of Plus. So that would still need restored to vanilla first. The other thing is any storage containers built while plus was installed may not be accessible after switching back cause of the differences in size.

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I just checked all the links and none of them where for the Plus version.


Thanks for checking.. Just a confirmation in installation of V09; Installation is only to Server files; Clients do not need to install?


I've used your mod for a while,always worked from server side installation only; never did I need a player to download or install this to work.


Thanks again,

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Thanks for checking.. Just a confirmation in installation of V09; Installation is only to Server files; Clients do not need to install?


I've used your mod for a while,always worked from server side installation only; never did I need a player to download or install this to work.


Thanks again,


Correct this mod is only xml edits so everything is pushed from the server.

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  • 5 months later...
Hey man, We've had a problem with blackscreen issue after 16.3. We think it has to do with negative values and the ui, we can not load a char after they've been deathlooped once, we fix it than it happens again.


This might help :)



We are going to have to strip it from the mod for now. It doesn't seem to creep up on a player file until after they've been affected by the death loop.


I was playing on another server recently (in the last 2 wks - 16.4) which decided to use this mod...I was absolutely in love with it. Unfortunately within a few days they had to remove it, as several players developed the blackscreen issue pretty much immediately after the mod was installed.


Reading the comments here, it seems like the consensus is that it somehow relates to the modified health bar. I therefore redesigned the mod around vanilla health and stamina bars, and removed changes to forges etc (just in case). It hasn't been tested on a dedicated server yet, but might be worth a shot, if just to determine whether or not the health bar is really the issue.


Here is the mod on Nexus: Blacksafe Simple UI


Stedman, ofc feel free to use these changes in your future iterations if this turns out to correct the issue. If this turns out to not correct the issue I'm removing it from Nexus and will let you know about it. Cheers

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Feel free to post your version as long as credit is given where credit is due. Which your current posts do.


However I will say I've been unable to recreate this issue in anyway nor has there ever been any proof my mod was the cause of this issue at anytime ever. It was mere speculation at one time and was proven to not be recreatable.


The thing about the health bar doesn't even make sense to me as mine is far less modded than most but I guess to each their own.

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Feel free to post your version as long as credit is given where credit is due. Which your current posts do.


However I will say I've been unable to recreate this issue in anyway nor has there ever been any proof my mod was the cause of this issue at anytime ever. It was mere speculation at one time and was proven to not be recreatable.


The thing about the health bar doesn't even make sense to me as mine is far less modded than most but I guess to each their own.


Yeah...I don't know why the health bar would do that either but I also don't know why any other aspect would cause the problem. I do know that infinite blackscreens happened to at least 5 people within a day of Simple UI being installed on an otherwise unmodded server; the owner pulled it and the blackscreens stopped immediately. This was maybe a week ago. Reading the original info regarding the blackscreens the consensus seemed to point to health. I really just built this version bc I wanted to convince the server owner to run your mod again lol. Idk. I think I'll change the name of the mod and description as they imply that the original doesn't work correctly, and I didn't set out to slam your work, it's my favorite ui.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...
I was playing on another server recently (in the last 2 wks - 16.4) which decided to use this mod...I was absolutely in love with it. Unfortunately within a few days they had to remove it, as several players developed the blackscreen issue pretty much immediately after the mod was installed.


Reading the comments here, it seems like the consensus is that it somehow relates to the modified health bar. I therefore redesigned the mod around vanilla health and stamina bars, and removed changes to forges etc (just in case). It hasn't been tested on a dedicated server yet, but might be worth a shot, if just to determine whether or not the health bar is really the issue.


Here is the mod on Nexus: Blacksafe Simple UI


Stedman, ofc feel free to use these changes in your future iterations if this turns out to correct the issue. If this turns out to not correct the issue I'm removing it from Nexus and will let you know about it. Cheers


Hey Threnix did you ever work out a fix on why it gives a argument out of range exception error mate? I started a thread about it before I seen this one, but seems afew people has had that issue with your version of this UI. I have it set up on a vanilla server myself if that helps any.




Also Stedman if I have to switch it out which one of yours would you recommend for a vanilla server?


Thanks in advance for any help I can get on this. Appreciate it. :)

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Hey Threnix did you ever work out a fix on why it gives a argument out of range exception error mate? I started a thread about it before I seen this one, but seems afew people has had that issue with your version of this UI. I have it set up on a vanilla server myself if that helps any.




Also Stedman if I have to switch it out which one of yours would you recommend for a vanilla server?


Thanks in advance for any help I can get on this. Appreciate it. :)


Not sure about threnix's version as I had nothing to do with that version.


As far as which one to try I'd say the regular Simple UI version is my favorite but any of them should work fine on a vanilla server depending on your taste. Or at least I've never had an issue anyway on my own server.

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