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A16 - Simple UI


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This mod is my humble attempt at yet another UI mod.


This mod will work with Alpha 16.1 (b1) Stable, Alpha 16.2 (b7) Stable, Alpha 16.3 (b12) Stable, or Alpha 16.4 (b8) stable


This mod is and always will be pure xml edits only.


This mod adds some extra HUD bars and info to the UI as well as rework the toolbelt and increase player built storage, minibike storage, forge input, crafting queue, and all workstation outputs.


For a version with a bigger backpack try Simple UI Plus


Here's a list of some of the changes.


  • Food and Water bars added to the bottom left HUD. (below health)

  • Feels like temp added to the bottom left HUD. (above stamina)

  • Enlarged toolbelt slots.

  • Removed borders from toolbelt slots and bar.

  • Toolbelt backround is now a very transparent black.

  • Toolbelt slots now have key numbers in top left corner.

  • Toolbelt holding color is now green.

  • Experience progress bar added above the tool belt.

  • Player level with icon added to the top left of the toolbelt.

  • Player deaths with icon added to the bottom left of the toolbelt.

  • Zombie kill counter with icon added to the top right of the toolbelt.

  • PVP kill counter with icon added to the bottom right of the toolbelt.

  • Added an outline to the quest tracker.

  • Two indicators were added to the top and bottom of the compass to show which way you're facing.

  • Outside temp, and Elevation added to the right of day and time under the compass.

  • Added buff icons with description and timers. Plus up to eight can be displayed.

  • Increased forge input from 2 spaces to 3 spaces.

  • Increased crafting queue from 4 spaces to 5 spaces.

  • Increased all workstation outputs from 6 spaces(3x2) to 9 spaces(3x3).

  • Increased player built storage size from 72 spaces(8x9) to 140 spaces(14x10) - (only supported in 16:9 resolution or probably better)

  • Increased minibike storage size from 18 spaces(3x6) to 99 spaces(9x11) - (only supported in 16:9 resolution or probably better)

  • Expanded Quest Trackers objective entries to hold up to 12 entries.

  • Expanded spawn menu to hold up to 144 entity classes. (This even works with a 4:3 resolution)

  • Plus a few other things I'm sure I forgot Lol



Simple UI No Storage Description

Simple UI No Storage does not include the following.


  • Does not include increased player built storage.

  • Does not include increased minibike storage.



Simple UI Lite Description

Simple UI Lite is the HUD only and does not include the following.


  • Does not include increased forge input.

  • Does not include increased crafting queue.

  • Does not include increased workstation output.

  • Does not include increased player built storage.

  • Does not include increased minibike storage.



Download And Install Using The Mod Launcher




You will not see the increased storage size until you build a new storage container or upon building\rebuilding the minibike. You may even have to start a new game in some rare cases to see the increased storage size.


All previous versions of this mod can be found at the nexusmods link.



Nexusmods Link





Manual Download Links

If using less than a 16:9 resolution download either the lite or no storage version.


Simple UI v0.9


Simple UI No Storage v0.9


Simple UI Lite v0.9



Simple UI for Valmod Overhaul Manual Download Links

You must install Valmod Overhaul first then just follow the normal install instructions using one of the zips below


Simple UI v0.9 VMO5.5 (not compatible with valmod bigger backpack)


Simple UI No Storage v0.9 VMO5.5 (not compatible with valmod bigger backpack)


Simple UI Lite v0.9 VMO5.5 (not compatible with valmod bigger backpack)


For a version with a bigger backpack try Simple UI Plus



Manual Installation

Only follow the below instructions if you are not running any other mods.


  • Download the zip file of your choice and extract the contents to your 7 Days To Die installation directory "\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die" overwriting any files when asked.



If running other mods or a different game version than listed then you will manually have to merge this mod in. However with how this mod was made it should be fairly easy to do.



To Uninstall a Manual Installation

  1. Right click on 7 Days To Die in your steam library and select properties.
  2. Click on the Local Files tab.
  3. Now just select verify integrity of game files (This will return the game back to stock so any mods would need to be reinstalled)





If you want to see this mod in action check it out on dhlmaster's YouTube channel.





















  • Big thanks to sphereii for adding this mod to the mod launcher

The 7D2D Mod Launcher - A Mod Launcher for 7 Days to Die






  • Expanded Quest Trackers objective entries to hold up to 12 entries.
  • Expanded spawn menu to hold up to 144 entity classes. (This even works with a 4:3 resolution)


  • Added more comments to better note some of my changes in the xml files.
  • Further seperated date and time from temp and elevation to try and prevent overlap in foriegn languages and really high number of days.
  • Increased crafting queue from 4 spaces to 5 spaces.
  • Increased all workstation outputs from 6 spaces(3x2) to 9 spaces(3x3).


  • Updated to Alpha 16.2 (b7).


  • Fixed xp bars background and fill so it no longer overlaps bottom border.
  • Returned toolbelt holding highlight back to original thickness for better visibility.
  • Shifted temp and elevation slightly more to the right so it's not so close to the time.
  • Cleaned up and added more comments to the xui.xml to better show my changes
  • Increased forge input from 2 spaces to 3 spaces.
  • Renamed Simple UI No Storage to Simple UI Lite.


  • Updated to Alpha 16 (b138).
  • Moved buff icons and timers back down to the bottom left above player temp.


  • compass indicators changed back to white to better match the ui.
  • wind icon and reading removed.
  • Outside temp and elevation moved to the right of day and time under the compass.
  • Added buff icons with description and timers to the top left corner. Plus up to eight can be displayed.
  • Minor code cleanup and removal of no longer used windows.
  • Added versions for A16 (b119) - Thanks goes to iicecube for testing.


  • Toolbelt holding color changed to green.
  • Player deaths with icon added to the bottom left of the toolbelt.
  • PVP kill counter with icon added to the bottom right of the toolbelt.
  • Added an outline to the quest tracker.
  • Increased player built storage size from 72 spaces(8x9) to 140 spaces(14x10) - (only supported in 16:9 resolution or probably better)
  • Increased minibike storage size from 18 spaces(3x6) to 99 spaces(9x11) - (only supported in 16:9 resolution or probably better)


  • Updated for Alpha 16 Experimental (b129)
  • Compass indicators now have black background and outline for better visibility



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Thanks for the kind words guys


And now for another update





  • Toolbelt holding color changed to green.
  • Player deaths with icon added to the bottom left of the toolbelt.
  • PVP kill counter with icon added to the bottom right of the toolbelt.
  • Added an outline to the quest tracker.
  • Increased player built storage size from 72 spaces(8x9) to 140 spaces(14x10) - (only supported in 16:9 resolution or probably better)
  • Increased minibike storage size from 18 spaces(3x6) to 99 spaces(9x11) - (only supported in 16:9 resolution or probably better)



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Possibly. I'm thinking of dropping the wind and moving the temp and elevation over with the day and time. Then putting the buffs with timers in the top left corner. I'll have to see how it looks though.



EDIT: Any thoughts on how this is looking?








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Okay will test out and see how is it, but may i know what is no storage version? As in those not using the increased inventory mod?


Yeah they don't have increased player built storage or increased minibike storage. it's for those running lower than a 16:9 resolution

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If using a separate storage mod I recommend using the one without increased storage for maximum compatibility no matter the resolution.


My increased storage is an xml edit only and only affects the player built storage containers and minibike storage and is based on a stock backpack size. It only requires a 16:9 resolution or better so the larger storage windows fit on the screen since I made them as big as I could without scaling the ui.

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Glad ya like it


update posted as well as versions for (b119)- Thanks goes to iicecube for testing.





  • compass indicators changed back to white to better match the ui.
  • wind icon and reading removed.
  • Outside temp and elevation moved to the right of day and time under the compass.
  • Added buff icons with description and timers to the top left corner. Plus up to eight can be displayed.
  • Minor code cleanup and removal of no longer used windows.
  • Added versions for A16 (b119) - Thanks goes to iicecube for testing.



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Since installing this mod, I get a null reference error. My game is vanilla apart from this mod. I'm using the version without the backpack on client and server. I still seem to be able to escape out of the error and eventually launch the game. Not sure what's causing this, but it's definitely the mod.


Any ideas? Is there something in the non backpack version that's telling it to look for files that are only in the backpack version? (just a guess!)


The mod looks very nice, by the way. My only gripe is that the bleeding out icon appears at the top, which I can easily miss.

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Since installing this mod, I get a null reference error. My game is vanilla apart from this mod. I'm using the version without the backpack on client and server. I still seem to be able to escape out of the error and eventually launch the game. Not sure what's causing this, but it's definitely the mod.


Any ideas? Is there something in the non backpack version that's telling it to look for files that are only in the backpack version? (just a guess!)


The mod looks very nice, by the way. My only gripe is that the bleeding out icon appears at the top, which I can easily miss.


I seem unable to reproduce this error so far. Are you using the (b119) or (b129) version? Does the same error happen in single player?



Also to change the buffs back to the way they were just open the xui.xml and change the following lines


Change or remove the following line (line #86)

<window name="S420ActiveBuffsWindow" anchor="LeftTop" /> <!-- buff timers - place here so it disappears when compass does -->


<!--window name="S420ActiveBuffsWindow" anchor="LeftTop" /--> <!-- buff timers - place here so it disappears when compass does -->



Then change the following line (line #110)

<!--window name="S420BuffPopoutList" anchor="LeftBottom" /--> <!-- stock like buff list -->


<window name="S420BuffPopoutList" anchor="LeftBottom" /> <!-- stock like buff list -->

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This was using A16 B129



Well I seem to have fixed it now. I verified the files, which obviously removed the mod and the game worked again.


I've also reinstalled the original files, confirmed there are no issues with those files, then reinstalled the mod again (same files I used the first time round, from my backup) and the game works now, just like it did the first time round.


I can only assume that the game itself had an issue which caused the issue, but I can't for the life of me, figure out what.



Anyway, thanks for your reply. I'll go try the game with the mod again now that it's all working, in single player. I'll try playing on my server later to see if there's a problem on that side. I have anti cheat turned off on my server too, incase that caused issues.

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Mod Updated




  • Updated to Alpha 16 (b138).
  • Moved buff icons and timers back down to the bottom left above player temp.

I'd like to try this out, as it looks like a nice basic UI mod. I see stuff about b129 and stable in the news forum, so I'm not sure if this should work with stable or not. :)

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