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Alpha 15 is the first version in a long time where I've had the patience and interest to keep playing past Day 30. I'm on day 43 and no Bandits. What gives?


Do I need to explore new area for them to be in? Why don't they come check out hot areas like zombies do? It'd make a helluva lot of sense for bandits to come find areas with no zombies-"Ah, there's no zed here, probably means somebody I can rob, heheheh."

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War of the Walkers also has bandits (and survivors). I stole them and added them to my installation of Valmod Overhaul, and changed spawning so that a few bandits and survivors spawn just about anywhere. It's tricky to get only a few to spawn, but someone (I forget who) came up with a way to do it that works really well.

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If you want bandits, enable cheat mode, bring up the spawner, and spawn some. Only the melee bandits work. The ranged and leader bandits just stand there and cuss at you.


I had to mess with the XML but I got all the bandits and survivors working in War of the Walkers. The AI sucks (that's not something you can fix in the XML) but survivors shoot or beat on zombies, and bandits shoot or beat on me.

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