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New perks mods and help required


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Hi guys


i'm new to the modding scene here but i have been working on a few minor tweeks.

Firstly i have added the following skills to bring the archery skills into line with the other ballistic skills.

Prey Knowledge - more or less the same as boomstick

Rending Arrows - better decap chance.

i figgered bows and crossbows are slower to fire so adding the perks to bring them into line with other makes it possible to stay the bow hunter throughout the game without being forced to "upgrade" to guns.


i have also moddified the "the fixer" perk to have 7 levels,

lvl 6 is the same as l5 but at lvl 7 you get a %110 quality loss reduction, basicly you can very slightly improve the quality of times each time you fix them.


Now for the bit i need help with.

i am trying to make a perk the reward for a quest,

the quest is one you start with and is basicly kill 500 zombies, get l1 of this perk,

kill 1000 zombies get l2, 2000 for l3 and 5000 for l4.

and each level is just 5% extra entity damage across the board.

not designed to be a quest you deliberately go out and hunt but just a progression, if you kill enough zombies, you get good at it kinda thing.


i have tried

<reward type="Perk" id="lordDeath" value="1" />

and that seemingly does nothing.

if anyone can point me in the right direction id be greatful.


i know there is a reasonable chance that mods to this effect already are out there but im trying to learn so i can do more advanced stuff later.


Many thanks

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well I do not think you can tie the perk to the number of zombies killed.


Perks are leveled up using points and those points are gained from experience leveling up the player level.


So basically a quest can reward points to be able to afford the perk but in turn those points can be used elsewhere as well.


I would suggest using the archery skill:



<perk name="Legolas" icon="archery" description_key="legolasDesc" title_key="legolas" max_level="3" skill_point_cost_multiplier="0" skill_point_cost_per_level="10" group="weapons">
	<requirement perk_level="1" required_skill_name="Archery" required_skill_level="50"/>
	<requirement perk_level="2" required_skill_name="Archery" required_skill_level="75"/>
	<requirement perk_level="3" required_skill_name="Archery" required_skill_level="100"/>
	<effect name="DismembermentChance">
		<add skill_level="1" value="0.1"/>
		<add skill_level="2" value="0.2"/>
		<add skill_level="3" value="0.3"/>




legolasDesc,progression,Skill,,"Increases chance to dismember or decapitate a zombie with each rank, using a bow or corssbow.",,

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re clockwork


i worked out the fact that i cant directly tie the kill count to the perk, so i was trying to give the perk as a reward for a quest.


quest already let you count kills AND give rewards, there seem to be a few diferant rewards already, i was hoping someone may have figgered out a way to give a perk as a reward for a quest.

rather than giving 1 skill point to spend, give 1 level of X skill


Many thanks

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You can not reward a perk but I think you can reward a skill, so you could add dismemberment to the archery skill:




<action_skill name="Archery" icon="archery" description_key="archeryDesc" title_key="archery" group="weapons">
	<effect name="EntityDamage">
		<multiply skill_level="1,99" value="1,1.5"/>
		<multiply skill_level="100" value="2" />
	<effect name="DismembermentChance">
		<add skill_level="25,100" value="0.1,0.3"/>



Then you could make the quest reward a skill level, I have not done this but I do think it is possible


<quest id="Legolas_Beginner" name_key="Legolas_Beginner" subtitle_key="Legolas_Beginner_subtitle" description_key="Legolas_Beginner_offer" icon="ui_game_symbol_zombie" 
category_key="challenge" offer_key="Legolas_Beginner_offer" difficulty="insane" >
	<objective type="ZombieKill" value="500" />

               <requirement type="Group" id="requirementGroupBow" value="OR">
		<requirement type="Holding" id="woodenBow" />
		<requirement type="Holding" id="crossbow" />

	<reward type="Skill" id="Archery" value="25" />
               <reward type="Quest" id="Legolas_Advanced" />
<quest id="Legolas_Advanced" name_key="Legolas_Advanced" subtitle_key="Legolas_Advanced_subtitle" description_key="Legolas_Advanced_offer" icon="ui_game_symbol_zombie" 
category_key="challenge" offer_key="Legolas_Advanced_offer" difficulty="insane" >
	<objective type="ZombieKill" value="1000" />

               <requirement type="Group" id="requirementGroupBow" value="OR">
		<requirement type="Holding" id="woodenBow" />
		<requirement type="Holding" id="crossbow" />

	<reward type="Skill" id="Archery" value="25" />
               <reward type="Quest" id="Legolas_Master" />
<quest id="Legolas_Master" name_key="Legolas_Master" subtitle_key="Legolas_Master_subtitle" description_key="Legolas_Master_offer" icon="ui_game_symbol_zombie" 
category_key="challenge" offer_key="Legolas_Master_offer" difficulty="insane" >
	<objective type="ZombieKill" value="3000" />

               <requirement type="Group" id="requirementGroupBow" value="OR">
		<requirement type="Holding" id="woodenBow" />
		<requirement type="Holding" id="crossbow" />

	<reward type="Skill" id="Archery" value="25" />
               <reward type="Quest" id="Legolas_Legendary" />
<quest id="Legolas_Legendary" name_key="Legolas_Legendary" subtitle_key="Legolas_Legendary_subtitle" description_key="Legolas_Legendary_offer" icon="ui_game_symbol_zombie" 
category_key="challenge" offer_key="Legolas_Legendary_offer" difficulty="insane" >
	<objective type="ZombieKill" value="5000" />

               <requirement type="Group" id="requirementGroupBow" value="OR">
		<requirement type="Holding" id="woodenBow" />
		<requirement type="Holding" id="crossbow" />

	<reward type="Skill" id="Archery" value="25" />


Then you have to make the localization - Quest


requirementGroupBow,,Requirement Group,,Holding Wooden Bow or Crossbow,,



Then last but not least make sure to make the initial quest (<quest id="Legolas_Beginner") rewarded off the start of the game somehow either by completion of the stone axe or some other means.

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did you guys get this to work? I couldn't and I followed clockworks directions and I made the initial quest (<quest id="Legolas_Beginner") rewarded off completion of the wooden bow and nothing.


I dont know the exact code for awarding a skill levels it was just my best guess and it is a hack job of a way of doing it to begin with since quests can not reward a perk.


My first example is the best one.

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So, one thing you could do, though it will clutter up the skill list...and it's not guaranteed that the player will take the skill at the end.


Create a skill which requires a ton of points to level up, that way it can't be reasonably purchased by the player. The skill does nothing. It's basically a trigger to unlock being able to put points into your perk.


Make your perk require level 2 (I think skills start at level 1) in the skill you just created.


Make your quest award one point in the skill you just created. Also have it dole out enough skill points to buy a level in the perk you linked to the skill.


Then it's up to the player to spend those skill points on the perk...

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You can not reward a perk but I think you can reward a skill, so you could add dismemberment to the

Skills and perks are largely the same thing.

The difference is that it's no player_skill or action_skill and therefore not tied to more or less specific actions.

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  • 1 year later...

Robin Hood and Legolas perks


Hello everyone,


With the risk of asking a question with a really obvious answer, do these two perks affect the bolts fired from a crossbow or only the arrows fired from bow?


To me, it seems like "Robin Hood - Increases damage with each rank using a bow" - no mention about crossbow.

Additionally, "Legolas - Increases chance to dismember or decapitate a zombie with each attack using a bow" - again, no mention of the crossbow.


So if these two perks do not affect the crossbow at all, but "Bow weapon smith" does, what would be the point in choosing "Archery Class" if thee only two perks affect only the bow and not crossbow?

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