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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Odd. I couldnt figure out how to make dough, went into my LOCAL install of your mod where the launcher puts it. No dough in items or recipes....so i deleted the whole mod, re-copied it from local copy. Now dough is there....and the description of crackers lol. Seems the launcher wasnt updating my local game...

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Odd. I couldnt figure out how to make dough, went into my LOCAL install of your mod where the launcher puts it. No dough in items or recipes....so i deleted the whole mod, re-copied it from local copy. Now dough is there....and the description of crackers lol. Seems the launcher wasnt updating my local game...


Hmm yeah I suspected something was off with the launcher, idk why though since it updates directly from my github repo. Might have to bug Shpereii again because I love the launcher but it needs to be 100% reliable and I myself have not used it so idk what the issue is exactly.


Did you check to make sure it was not an issue on your end maybe an incorrect install path or anything like that.

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Possible to utilize the fridge to cool a drink? like if we place a certain drink in a fridge, it upgrades the drink to a cold one


Glass from sand?


When making Dough on table, can get get jar back?


No the fridge cant do that sorry. Not without losing its storage capabilities and its loot contents for each prefab.


Glass is made from heat with sand that is why the forge does that


And recipes can only have one output so no dough is the output for that recipe.

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Ive been doing my best to keep a full trifecta, at all times, in game time im not sure, cause im on our dedi, not solo. I died alot before the new nutrition system went in, and im still at 70 wellness, it hasnt went up yet.


getting trifecta, and keeping it, isnt to painfull, but ive had trifecta for few days now, and no change in wellness

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Ive been doing my best to keep a full trifecta, at all times, in game time im not sure, cause im on our dedi, not solo. I died alot before the new nutrition system went in, and im still at 70 wellness, it hasnt went up yet.


Ok well you should be gaining 1 wellness every 2 in game days now with incredible nutrition. And if it is possible to maintain a trifecta nearly 100% of the time then I might have to tone down my previous buffs to how fast it moves nutrition because I have not played long enough to get fully set up and able to maintain a trifecta easily yet. And that is how I have to balance the system is based off of how easy it is to maintain once you get to the point where it becomes easy to maintain.


Also once you get to amazing nutrition you should be gaining 1 wellness every in game day. But it sounds to me like its balanced I might just have to tone down the speed a bit for trifecta nutritional increase, cant be having people gain a full nutritional stage every in game day unless supplemented with vitamins otherwise vitamins lose there purpose and you loose the drive to find them. everything has to feel like it has a purpose and balancing that purpose is the hard part.


- - - Updated - - -


I believe valmod has a fridge that while holding a drink you click the fridge and it cools it. I'm on mobile at the moment so I cannot check


Hmm yeah I could use the exchange item for that but I still need to crate all new items that give cooling effects in order to do that as well. Also simply clicking the outside of the fridge and having it turn instantly into a cool drink is a bit weird to me but still I will think about it.

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Update (8/23/17)


Updated Compo Pack add on to latest compo pack release


You will have to stat a new world in order to benefit from whatever updates were done to the prefabs. And since I have not tested loading the new update on an already existing world and it might cause issues.




-Updated prefabs



-Updated to use the new prefabs and to no longer use any removed prefabs

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If i have incredible nutrition, i can slow down on on maintaining the 3 buffs all the time? As long as i dont drop to great nutrition?


Ii have a good farm going. started the game near a dessert, and we gathered all the yucca we could, planted some near base, got it to multiply. Gathered corn for vegetable. And wheat for grain. Veg, fruit, grain. Maintained them at trifecta as much as we could.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/23/17)


Updated Compo Pack add on to latest compo pack release


You will have to stat a new world in order to benefit from whatever updates were done to the prefabs. And since I have not tested loading the new update on an already existing world and it might cause issues.




-Updated prefabs



-Updated to use the new prefabs and to no longer use any removed prefabs


Sometimes, people can delete the region files, that they have NOT been to, and the game will re-create the files on server restart. Its been hit and miss for me over the years, sometimes works great, sometimes get weird happenings lol. Best to start over, new map, if you are not to far along.

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If i have incredible nutrition, i can slow down on on maintaining the 3 buffs all the time? As long as i dont drop to great nutrition?


Ii have a good farm going. started the game near a dessert, and we gathered all the yucca we could, planted some near base, got it to multiply. Gathered corn for vegetable. And wheat for grain. Veg, fruit, grain. Maintained them at trifecta as much as we could.


You dont need to maintain the buff 100% of the time for it to increase your nutrition and it will never go down so long as you even have a single half peak buff it will still go up just incredibly slowly.


The only way you can drop in nutrition is if you die or eat lots of canned food or eat moldy bread old sham sandwiches or rotten flesh.


And yeah the work it takes to get to a stable point for maintaining the trifecta is nice but I will have to test to see how fast it actually moves a nutritional stage and will balance it around 100% uptime if it is possible to maintain it 100% of the time.

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Thing is, we had crops growing, food starting to collect, before you added the new food nutrition system. So we had a head start on it lol. Actually gaining wellness, as in getting over 70/200 max stats, seems to be not happening at a fast enough rate...but im impatient lol. Ill maintain Incredible buff, and ive been online all morning, 2-3 game days has past, no change in wellness

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Update (8/23/17)


After thinking about the nutrition system some more I realized I had it set so that even at an amazing nutrition level it would take you 50 to 100 Days to get to max wellness and that is just ridiculous considering before I added the nutrition system you could easily gain tons more wellness per day eating good stews and using vitamins so I have made some drastic changes!


I have also buffed vitamins to now give 1 wellness per vitamin plus they still increase nutrition by 1/3 of a stage per vitamin (the nutritional gain remains the same).



-Changed all nutritional stages wellness gain rates:

-Amazing Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 6 hours

-Incredible Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 12 hours

-Great Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 24 hours

-Good Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 36 hours

-Neutral Nutritional Level does not affect your wellness

-Low Nutritional Level decreases wellness by 1 every 24 hours

-Bad Nutritional Level decreases wellness by 1 every 12 hours

-Very Bad Nutritional Level decreases wellness by 1 every 6 hours

-Extremely Bad Nutritional Level decreases wellness by 1 every 3 hours

-Vitamin now increases wellness by 1 per vitamin

-Changed all positive nutrition buffs to now increase nutritional stage based off of 100% up time

-Single half peak now cancels base nutritional loss

-Single peak now increases nutritional stage by 1 every 30 days

-Bifecta half peak now increases nutritional stage by 1 every 10 days

-Bifecta peak now increases nutritional stage by 1 every 7 days

-Trifecta half peak now increases nutritional stage by 1 every 3 days

-Trifecta half peak now increases nutritional stage by 1 every 2 days

-Slightly adjusted negative single buffs so that negative 15 cancels out a half peak bifecta and will cause you to not increase nor decrease in nutrition while a half peak bifecta and negative 15 is active at the same time

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-Amazing Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 6 hours

-Incredible Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 12 hours

-Great Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 24 hours

-Good Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 36 hours

-Neutral Nutritional Level does not affect your wellness



Is amazing new? Or has it always been there? The number of hours in game or real time?

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-Amazing Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 6 hours

-Incredible Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 12 hours

-Great Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 24 hours

-Good Nutritional Level Increases wellness by 1 every 36 hours

-Neutral Nutritional Level does not affect your wellness



Is amazing new? Or has it always been there? The number of hours in game or real time?


Always been there, and its in game hours.

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But I should add that buffs do not dynamically update properly so if a buff is currently on you it will not update until it is debuffed and rebuffed.


That is why it is best to either kill yourself in game to reset all buff states or start a new game. since some buffs persist indefinitely and the only way to reset them is death or a new game. But that is extreme cases the changes I made will simply require you to transition into a different nutritional level.

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But I should add that buffs do not dynamically update properly so if a buff is currently on you it will not update until it is debuffed and rebuffed.


That is why it is best to either kill yourself in game to reset all buff states or start a new game. since some buffs persist indefinitely and the only way to reset them is death or a new game. But that is extreme cases the changes I made will simply require you to transition into a different nutritional level.


So far i have not seen any buffs get "stuck"

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So far i have not seen any buffs get "stuck"


Well during my tests I changed a buffs duration and the duration of that buff did not change so that means that buff did not dynamically update thus the old buff was active until its duration was over and was debuffed before I could buff that buff with my new changes that is what caused my screw up before when I thought that I had fixed the nutrition system but screwed it up instead. this also explains why Narimbur had player reset issues when switching back to the regular mod when the nutrition system was only an add on.


Trust me even if you think the buff has changed it has not changed until it gets refreshed as a new buff with the new changes.

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