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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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-Maybe it would be good to add a short word in the description of all food, to which group they belong.


-Yesterday I found and read your full mod description :)

What I still don't understand is, how you will reach ie. an amazing nutrition lvl. Does it goes over time?

Till the nutrition mod I always eat to 100% and different stuff, but never was above good lvl.


-Why are the drinks not part of the system?



-Also some receipts with painkillers as ingredient would be fine. Don't know what to do with 100 of it. May a receipt for vitamins would be fine. Or as part of medkit ie.


-I know you don't like to participate from other mods, but I really love the maniac powder from valmod. Have a look.

(did you know that true survival uses your rgw-mixer?)


- pizza with pork? I would take tomatoes for it

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-Maybe it would be good to add a short word in the description of all food, to which group they belong.


-Yesterday I found and read your full mod description :)

What I still don't understand is, how you will reach ie. an amazing nutrition lvl. Does it goes over time?

Till the nutrition mod I always eat to 100% and different stuff, but never was above good lvl.


-Why are the drinks not part of the system?



-Also some receipts with painkillers as ingredient would be fine. Don't know what to do with 100 of it. May a receipt for vitamins would be fine. Or as part of medkit ie.


-I know you don't like to participate from other mods, but I really love the maniac powder from valmod. Have a look.

(did you know that true survival uses your rgw-mixer?)


- pizza with pork? I would take tomatoes for it


Yeah i was thinking about adding the food groups to each food in the descriptions but probably only after it gets merged with the main mod and is no longer an add on after it has been fully balance tested


It is best to not make yourself 100% full with the nutrition system it is best to not go over 75% full and just maintain a full buff that way you always have room to eat something once you drop down a ways. Think of it this way of you gorge yourself and are 100% full you are not healthy. And since I have not made it so players get fat and move slower I just made it so you have to know when to eat and what to eat. It is a learning curve for all of us and once it is balanced it will be easy to maintain a positive nutrition buff which will slowly increase nutritional level over time. Provided you find enough food groups to be able to eat without going over your limit in any of them.


The mod so far is still not fully balanced yet so it is more likely that you will still lose nutrition until it is balanced


It is better to eat only once or twice a day and let your food drop so you can eat a full sized meal, it takes 10 blueberry 5 potatoes and 3 venison to get to a peak trifecta that is 50 food worth so you have to be at 50% food bar just to be able to get all that in your system.


So wait till you have maybe 25 food left and eat 50 so you are at 75 and still have a full buff and rinse repeat you an always have a snack if the buff drops off because there is always room to eat something this way.


Drinks are not part of the system because I am not sure if it will break the balance of the system but it might come as a future addition possibly after it is balanced


Painkillers and Vitamin recipes might also come in the future vitamins slowly increase your nutrition over time so it can be quite overpowered if people can just make them.


I wont be taking time out to peak through at other mods to find out what the maniac powder does but if you want a new addition tell me exactly what you want and I can think about adding it for sure. And yes i am fully aware that Spider is using my RWGMixer I have no problem with that.


Pepperoni is pork and I did not want to add a ♥♥♥♥ ton of new items and recipes to the game all at once.

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I get this: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index


Not sure what would cause that. I am fixing a few issues with the Nutrition system and reworking alot of how it works I will have an update in a while, what buff states were you in when this happened. Any specific info you can provide might help me narrow it down.

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Update (8/17/17)


Updated Trifecta Nutrition System



-Fixed Trifecta buffs will now properly be applied (Removed all mutexes that were blocking bifecta and trifecta buffs from being applied)

-Changed negative food buffs no longer count towards bifecta and trifecta buffs (Previously I had 150 buffs that were designated to allow bifecta and trifecta buffs to be applied even if you were over the limit on one if the food groups now all those buffs have been removed and if you go over the limit you now have to wait for it fall back within the limit before it will count towards applying the positive effects)


In my tests so far I have not come across any errors or anything so if you come across any make sure to let me know and give as much detail about the occurrence as possible.

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I don´t have Trifecta Nutrition System if that matters. I was just chilling in my base when this error occured.




Are you on a server or single player game? Were you infected? Did you take antibiotics?


Otherwise it looks like you might have edited my files since you should not be able to receive a Large Recovery Bonus from a bed unless you are both infected and have taken antibiotics. And I see neither of those other buffs on you.


If are running the latest experimental branch make sure to reinstall the mod since TFP updated to A 16.3 b3 And I had to update the Assembly file.

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Are you on a server or single player game? Were you infected? Did you take antibiotics?


Otherwise it looks like you might have edited my files since you should not be able to receive a Large Recovery Bonus from a bed unless you are both infected and have taken antibiotics. And I see neither of those other buffs on you.


If are running the latest experimental branch make sure to reinstall the mod since TFP updated to A 16.3 b3 And I had to update the Assembly file.


This happened in my SP game, I have another game where I play with my friend, it´s working fine. I didn´t get infected recently or edit any files and after reinstalling the mod problems still exist.

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This happened in my SP game, I have another game where I play with my friend, it´s working fine. I didn´t get infected recently or edit any files and after reinstalling the mod problems still exist.


Something is strange and IDK what is causing it, but this error could be caused by any number of things that are not even related to the mod, I am still confused as to why you have a Large Recovery Bonus without taking antibiotics


Anyways I did make an update to fix an issue with the Recovery Bonus being able to become active after an infection had been cured but while still under the influence of antibiotics.


Update the mod and let me know if it still happens but if it does still hapen then it is most likely not being caused by my mod.

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Something is strange and IDK what is causing it, but this error could be caused by any number of things that are not even related to the mod, I am still confused as to why you have a Large Recovery Bonus without taking antibiotics


Anyways I did make an update to fix an issue with the Recovery Bonus being able to become active after an infection had been cured but while still under the influence of antibiotics.


Update the mod and let me know if it still happens but if it does still hapen then it is most likely not being caused by my mod.


I reinstalled the game and updated the mod but problem still exists. Well, maybe i start a new save :)

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I reinstalled the game and updated the mod but problem still exists. Well, maybe i start a new save :)


No I just found a way to fix it, simply redownaload the mod again now I just made an update then go into dev mode and give yourself a redPill it is a dev only item and after you take that pill it should fix the issue.


If it does not fix the issue then you might have to start a new game cause then I dont know if it is a vanilla game issue or from my mod.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/18/17)


Updated both mod versions and Trifecta Nutrition System



-Added a dev only Red Pill item that is meant to fix infection common issue that can be on current games if you happened to cure an infection with antibiotics before the antibiotics wore off



+Changed redPill buff to remove recovery common and set infection variable to 0

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No I just found a way to fix it, simply redownaload the mod again now I just made an update then go into dev mode and give yourself a redPill it is a dev only item and after you take that pill it should fix the issue.


If it does not fix the issue then you might have to start a new game cause then I dont know if it is a vanilla game issue or from my mod.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/18/17)


Updated both mod versions and Trifecta Nutrition System



-Added a dev only Red Pill item that is meant to fix infection common issue that can be on current games if you happened to cure an infection with antibiotics before the antibiotics wore off



+Changed redPill buff to remove recovery common and set infection variable to 0


Can´t open the dev mode because that error keep repeating itself, can´t close it either.

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Can´t open the dev mode because that error keep repeating itself, can´t close it either.


♥♥♥♥ so you r game is too buggered to even give yourself the item? what about crafting it? if you make a recipe to craft it with one paper or something simple.


I suspect this issue is not from my mod however if it is I hope that I have fixed it.

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♥♥♥♥ so you r game is too buggered to even give yourself the item? what about crafting it? if you make a recipe to craft it with one paper or something simple.


I suspect this issue is not from my mod however if it is I hope that I have fixed it.


Well, I managed to get that command in but no pill appearad, in final solution I tried suicide. Like always, suicide is not answer :D I´m gonna start a new game. Thanks for the help anyway!

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Well, I managed to get that command in but no pill appearad, in final solution I tried suicide. Like always, suicide is not answer :D I´m gonna start a new game. Thanks for the help anyway!


Ok you might not have got the update if the pill did not appear since it take a minute for github to receive the update so you should update once more to be sure. My suspicion was that the recovery bonus buff was reducing your infection variable below zero into the negative numbers which caused the issue but since you are starting a new game it should not happen again with my new fixes in place. This error has been posted in the past before and it was a vanilla game issue but has since been fixed or so I presume and many things have been presumed to have caused it from UI issues to chunk loading.


Fingers crossed it does not happen again. :)

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Update (8/18/17)


Updated both mod versions



-Added seed icons for the crops



-Changed all crops no longer have an extend parm1

-Changed all Crop seed blocks now use added custom icons

-Added player specific harvestable corn

-Changed naturally spawning corn no longer downgrades and will now be destroyed



-Slightly reduced spawn chance of wheat / goldenrod / cotton

-Increased spawn chance of blueberries to be the same as the new spawn chance for wheat / goldenrod / cotton

-Changed naturally spawning corn to now be the original harvested corn from dead corn

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Update (8/18/17)


Updated Trifecta nutrition System


-Removed all mutex variables from all bifecta and trifecta buffs so they do not get blocked from being buffed

-Reduced the range of which bifecta and trifecta buffs need to be cast to fix an issue where they were not being cast due to falling within the proper range yet still not meeting its buff requirements


Bifecta and Trifecta buffs are now working as intended and I just need to finish balancing their nutritional gain but it is looking really good so far!

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Update (8/20/17)


Updated Trifecta nutrition System



-Reworked how all buffs get applied (I to had rework how all the bifecta and trifecta buffs were getting applied due to issues of them either not being buffed properly when falling between proper ranges and being buffed when not falling in between proper ranges)


The Nutrition System is now fully tested and working as intended everything has been balanced and is no longer a WIP :)

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