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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Getting a low nutrition buff now after being logged off for few hours, im almost full on food, cant eat anymore cause in full. i had half peak food buffs in 3 groups once, had a positive nutrition. Now it feels that my efforts are worthless, cause im negative already? Feel like i cant consume enough food to stay positive.

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Getting a low nutrition buff now after being logged off for few hours, im almost full on food, cant eat anymore cause in full. i had half peak food buffs in 3 groups once, had a positive nutrition. Now it feels that my efforts are worthless, cause im negative already? Feel like i cant consume enough food to stay positive.


yeah but do you have any negative food buffs, they are more powerful in the negative direction than the positive ones. You cant go over peak in any food group basically.


A negative 15 will counter a positive full peak Trifecta entirely

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I had something similar. After some day's with a good nutrition I lost one wellness instead of win one. If I die and loose 10 wellness, then I need 40 day's with good food to gain the 10 wellness back. Is that right?

I really don't understand how to come to amazing state. You can't eat so much and all groups at the same time. Also you have to carry all food groups with you. Inventory is very small with all things you need to survive in this mod.


Also the nutrition mod is one way. If you try to get back to the old system the player is set back to day 1. Spawning on a starting point with beginner inventory and all skills lost. So, if you update the mod and forget the nutrition mod later, all progress of the current player is lost.

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I had something similar. After some day's with a good nutrition I lost one wellness instead of win one. If I die and loose 10 wellness, then I need 40 day's with good food to gain the 10 wellness back. Is that right?

I really don't understand how to come to amazing state. You can't eat so much and all groups at the same time. Also you have to carry all food groups with you. Inventory is very small with all things you need to survive in this mod.


Also the nutrition mod is one way. If you try to get back to the old system the player is set back to day 1. Spawning on a starting point with beginner inventory and all skills lost. So, if you update the mod and forget the nutrition mod later, all progress of the current player is lost.


I dont see how the nutrition mod would affect player skills at all. it only changes food to give buffs and those buffs give nutrition which raises or lowers wellness otherwise switching back will simply make food directly raise wellness.


But I will have to do some more thinking and maybe some mroe testing to see what I can do to get a better balance for the system but either way switching form the nutrition system back to regular mod without it will not affect player stats, player wellness level or anything.

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I had something similar. After some day's with a good nutrition I lost one wellness instead of win one. If I die and loose 10 wellness, then I need 40 day's with good food to gain the 10 wellness back. Is that right?

I really don't understand how to come to amazing state. You can't eat so much and all groups at the same time. Also you have to carry all food groups with you. Inventory is very small with all things you need to survive in this mod.




Thinking this myself. LOVE the system, i think its too steep going up, and to quick to drop. Feel like i cant consume enough food to keep a balance. And i feel like if i do anything other that 100% attention to nutrition i will drop

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Thinking this myself. LOVE the system, i think its too steep going up, and to quick to drop. Feel like i cant consume enough food to keep a balance. And i feel like if i do anything other that 100% attention to nutrition i will drop


I need time to think about this before I make any changes but i will probably reduce the penalty speed for negative nutrition


but you have to think of it this way, 1 blueberry for eg gives 1 food it takes 35t in game time for every 1 food to drop if you are not infected for eg, and it takes the same amount of time for the 1 fruit to be metabolized my problem with the system is there is no way for me to make a memory buff without tons of work which remembers what food you ate last so technically a person could survive solely on one food group and there nutrition would still go up very slowly


for eg eating only berries you can keep your fruit nutrition level at full peak without going over and as soon as you need to eat more food you can eat more berries because they metabolize at the same rate. and a full peak fruit will make your nutrition level rise by one full stage every 30 days


So it is going to be tough to balance around feedback unless you guys fully understand the system and use it to its fullest potential


I am going to be doing a full extensive test and playthrough with it over the course of the next few days and make adjustments as needed but since I can only know for sure that I am the only one who fully understands the system I cant make changes based off of your guys feedback directly.

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I agree with you. And i do understand the mechanics. eat 3 food groups, dont eat so much of 1 group as you get negative effect. eat till you get trifecta. I think thats right lol


I guess the hardest thing, is 30 days to get 1 or 2 wellness seems LONG. And for a player just starting out, it should be hard to balance the mechanics, cause you dont have the food. we are expanding our farm, and its getting easier to stay positive. NOT easy, but we are getting better, since theres 5-6 different food groups to gain a positive buff, you are not limited to just 3. You can eat grains, fruit, veggies. Or dairy, grain fruit. Mix them up....right? lol

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What about Ramen Noodles in cupboards? Could add hot meal buff as well lol, those noodle would survive a zombie apocalypse lol


Lol yeah I can add that it would compliment the chicken noodle soup recipe, but read through the full mod details it shows how fast each buff effects nutritional stages, right now I am jsut starting out and managed to kill a boar ate his 3 meat and killed a dear and ate one of his meat and am treading water for the night so zombies dont get me i am at peak single for meat and have harvested some wheat.


Soon as daylight breaks ill head to town collecting as much wheat and blueberries as possible and loot for as much dairy products as I can and watch what I eat along the way, but everything feels balanced so far. but I have jsut eaten meat so far too and have not gone over the limit. but going over the limit has to be a huge impact otherwise it will be pointless to even have the whole nutrition system at all.

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Ok so I have spotted an issue I will be fixing, what is happening is the peak levels only increment your nutrition every 50t and that every in game half hour and since food metabolizes at 35t I need to make it so that your positive effects actually have a chance to make a tick happen otherwise you have to maintain the positive buff for at least a full in game half hour or it wont actually move your nutrition at all.


So the system is balanced but I need to scale the numbers so it ticks faster so it actually has a chance to move your nutritional level while its active.

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Ok so I have spotted an issue I will be fixing, what is happening is the peak levels only increment your nutrition every 50t and that every in game half hour and since food metabolizes at 35t I need to make it so that your positive effects actually have a chance to make a tick happen otherwise you have to maintain the positive buff for at least a full in game half hour or it wont actually move your nutrition at all.


So the system is balanced but I need to scale the numbers so it ticks faster so it actually has a chance to move your nutritional level while its active.


Thats my thoughts.

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Update (8/16/17)


Updated Trifecta Nutrition System



-Increased tick rate of positive buffs (You should now benefit a lot more from the positive buffs even if they are only up for a short period of time)

-The speed in which they effect your nutritional level is still unchanged


for eg previously half peak single was set to give 0.5 nutrition every 50t now it gives 0.01 nutrition every 1t

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I dont see how the nutrition mod would affect player skills at all. it only changes food to give buffs and those buffs give nutrition which raises or lowers wellness otherwise switching back will simply make food directly raise wellness.


But I will have to do some more thinking and maybe some mroe testing to see what I can do to get a better balance for the system but either way switching form the nutrition system back to regular mod without it will not affect player stats, player wellness level or anything.


I don't see this also, but I tried two times to switch back and every time I was set back to lvl 1. Maybe because the player has buffs active and saved that the old system doesn't know.

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I don't see this also, but I tried two times to switch back and every time I was set back to lvl 1. Maybe because the player has buffs active and saved that the old system doesn't know.


Then those buffs should just be eliminated from the player and not exist anymore and should never affect stats or player level. Sounds very strange.

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In crafting menu, no descritions. for crackers or crackers n cheese. but it is in there....


SoyBeans,items,Food,New,Soy Beans,,,,

SoyBeansDesc,items,Food,New,Soy beans can be used to make Soy Milk,,,,

CrackersAndCheese,items,Food,New,Crackers N' Cheese,,,,

CrackersAndCheeseDesc,items,Food,New,A nice quick snack,,,,


CrackersDesc,items,Food,New,A bit dry and goes better with cheese,,,,

HoneyHam,items,Food,New,Honey Ham,,,,

HoneyHamDesc,items,Food,New,Nice and sweet honey glazed ham,,,,


- - - Updated - - -


oh servers dont push the localization file so you have to manually download it. :)


I was meaning the server too. I Up dated once this morning, and just now on ur last update



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In crafting menu, no descritions. for crackers or crackers n cheese. but it is in there....


SoyBeans,items,Food,New,Soy Beans,,,,

SoyBeansDesc,items,Food,New,Soy beans can be used to make Soy Milk,,,,

CrackersAndCheese,items,Food,New,Crackers N' Cheese,,,,

CrackersAndCheeseDesc,items,Food,New,A nice quick snack,,,,


CrackersDesc,items,Food,New,A bit dry and goes better with cheese,,,,

HoneyHam,items,Food,New,Honey Ham,,,,

HoneyHamDesc,items,Food,New,Nice and sweet honey glazed ham,,,,


- - - Updated - - -




I was meaning the server too. I Up dated once this morning, and just now on ur last update




Very strange cause it shows up for me in the crafting window.

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Update (8/17/17)


Updated Trifecta Nutrition System



-Changed range in which half peak and peak buffs are debuffed this will greatly increase uptime of the buffs. For eg previously half peak was set to buffif you were gequal to 5 and debuffif lequal to 4 now it will debuffif lequal to 1 so the range of the buff will stay active for the full metabolization of those 5 food group increments instead of just 1

-Changed metabolic rate to half of its previous rate, this is going to do two things, it will mean that since you metabolize the food group at half the rate that you metabolize food itself so you will be forced to move to a different food group because for eg if you are to eat 10 fruit and get 10 food from it you will have to wait till your food level drops by 20 before those 10 are gone, this will also increase uptime of the effective buff itself so this solved 2 of my issues in one.


I had calculated all the positive buffs at 100% uptime and after playing I realized that that was only possible if you were to literally carry the food with you 100% of the time and eat as soon as the food was metabolized. This is possible but not the way I want the system to actually work.


This may still need balancing, the way to balance this is simple but is going to take a lot of testing and feedback, the way to balance it from here on out will be by adjusting metabolic rate of the food groups, the slower it metabolizes the longer you benefit from the buffs but at the same time the longer you have to wait before you can eat from that food group if it takes too long it will be hard to maintain a trifecta because there wont be enough available food groups to eat. If it goes to fast then you wont be benefiting from the buffs for long enough period of time to make the difference that is needed to increase the nutritional level at the intended rate.


Once we have the balance set for it being as long as possible without it being too long due to the amount of food groups available then we can adjust the magnitude of the positive buffs themselves to make up for the lack of uptime.

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