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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (8/4/17)



-Rebalanced damage from shotguns and blunderbuss yes they got nerfed but I tested them thoroughly so cry about it.

-Fixed damage bonus to head for AK 47

-All weapons are now properly balanced for entity damage Shotguns were 9 times stronger than every other weapon plus they had a bonus buff that went along with them that is all fixed now

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Yaii, making progress :-) Thanks for your work. I love it more and more.


TFP just officially released 16.2 and my client unfortunately autoupdated to it. Should i now use your 16.2 EXP build?


I will update soon I have not checked the files but most likely yes the Exp mod will work.


- - - Updated - - -


I am trying and enjoying this mod and it seems excellent, my sincere congratulations for so much work, and also done. Sorry for the translation by Google. Applause and greetings !!


Great to hear! Glad you are enjoying the mod and thank you for the feedback!

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Update (8/4/17)


Updated to A 16.2 Stable


No changes were needed in regards to updating from 16.2 experimental to 16.2 Stable the files were all exactly the same!


I did however make a few changes of my own!



-Updated Stable release to now use the A 16.2 Assembly



-Added Radiator

-Added Head Light

-Changed cost for Air Filter

-Changed cost for candy tin

-Changed cost for hub cap



-Changed wire tool is now unlocked with Construction Tool Crafting lvl 1

-Changed Engine Crafting now has 4 stages:

-Stage 1 now unlocks the Air Filter and requires Misc Crafting lvl 10, Tool Smithing lvl 10, Science lvl 10, and Construction Tools lvl 10

-Stage 2 now unlocks the Radiator and requires Misc Crafting lvl 30, Tool Smithing lvl 30, Science lvl 30, and Construction Tools lvl 30

-Stage 3 now unlocks the Car Battery and requires Misc Crafting lvl 50, Tool Smithing lvl 50, Science lvl 50, and Construction Tools lvl 50

-Stage 4 now unlocks the Engine and requires Misc Crafting lvl 100, Tool Smithing lvl 100, Science lvl 80, and Construction Tools lvl 80

-Changed Electricity Basics now unlocks the Head Light along with all the other lights

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What changes have you made to the +Assembly-CSharp? We are starting a new map, will post thoughts on the mixer updates, and tweaks as we find them!


No changes made I simply removed the A 16.1 Assembly and replaced it with the 16.2 one TFP made no changes to it from EXP to Stable so I did not have to update the assembly.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (8/4/17)


-Fixed all glass blocks that should give broken glass will now give broken glass

-Fixed material of lights that did not have the correct material assigned

-Fixed all glass blocks that were returning too much glass due to weight values causing exploit imbalance

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I have some concerns about experience balancing or something is totally wrong with my client.

I need freakin 1000 arrows shot (thats 11 bows) for one point in Archery. Was hoping to get the first (of 5) robin hood perks in like 2 (real) days of playing and not in weeks :-( 20000 arrows for level 20? Although I had some 7d2d-playthroughs, I'm doubting I shot that many arrows every game combined. (Besides: Blade weapons only need half of that many hits and don't even need ammo). I hoped for a balancing which lets me progress enough by doing powerlevel stuff at night and normal play during day. But right now, i feel like need to start a powerlvl script to do nothing else for days ;-) Did I miss something?


And wow, you patch like crazy. Do you ever sleep?

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I have some concerns about experience balancing or something is totally wrong with my client.

I need freakin 1000 arrows shot (thats 11 bows) for one point in Archery. Was hoping to get the first (of 5) robin hood perks in like 2 (real) days of playing and not in weeks :-( 20000 arrows for level 20? Although I had some 7d2d-playthroughs, I'm doubting I shot that many arrows every game combined. (Besides: Blade weapons only need half of that many hits and don't even need ammo). I hoped for a balancing which lets me progress enough by doing powerlevel stuff at night and normal play during day. But right now, i feel like need to start a powerlvl script to do nothing else for days ;-) Did I miss something?


And wow, you patch like crazy. Do you ever sleep?


I agree the bow balance seems off. I literally shot 25 or more arrows to the head of a zed tonight, was starting to think maybe ill go blunt weapons, but im a sniper, and archer

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Finally I can contribute a hint:

The full mod detail page gives some hints how to level skills. For tool smithing it suggests crafting Stone Axes. As repairing seems to give the same XP as a craft, I suggest just filling your toolbelt with 8 cheap tools. Use each one once and then repair every tool. Is much faster and cheaper.


As a reward ( ;) ) I would like to know where to best find iron ore veins. Do they prefer a specific depths or biomes? I want to build a Mine for every Ore.

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Finally I can contribute a hint:

The full mod detail page gives some hints how to level skills. For tool smithing it suggests crafting Stone Axes. As repairing seems to give the same XP as a craft, I suggest just filling your toolbelt with 8 cheap tools. Use each one once and then repair every tool. Is much faster and cheaper.


As a reward ( ;) ) I would like to know where to best find iron ore veins. Do they prefer a specific depths or biomes? I want to build a Mine for every Ore.


If you dig up a gravel spot on the ground, the last hit drops what is under the ground.

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If you dig up a gravel spot on the ground, the last hit drops what is under the ground.


Ah, that's some info I was hoping for :-) Thank you


Edit: Well. Getting 15 Iron Ore out of one Ore Block. I Can shovel ~25 Gravel blocks in the same time, netting more Iron than a concentrated vein. Feels strange, especially since wood is so easy to gather. (which I like. Due to the skilling system, one has to work with a lot of ressources)... But a iron mine is pity compared to other methods of gathering it (loose iron in barrens, rusted cars).

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Update (8/4/17)


I had overlooked a very important factor in regards to how certain weapons and tools get there experience, I did not realize that the bows were getting default experience rate due to the fact that they got their experience factor from their ammunition.


I had also had to fix the bonus experience multipliers for all weapons as well since I overlooked the fact that you can simply break cloth or grass or glass blocks and receive 10 times more experience than intended when originally I wanted to give bonus experience for getting the killing blow on a zombie. This has all been fixed now!




-Fixed experience rate for all weapons

-Fixed degradation rate for all assembled weapons / tools and minibike

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Update (8/4/17)


Ok so this update is basically a revert back to my old balance of resources, the only reason I can actually use my proper balance for resources obtained from blocks is due to the fact that I have a fixed Assembly-CSharp, for those of you who do not know the vanilla Assembly file has broken harvest code that causes you to get more resources returned than what you are supposed to due to what I can only speculate as "over damage" for eg if a block has 1 HP left and you deal 100 damage to it the calculations for resources gets the added 99 damage attached to it.


My fixed assembly has fixed resource gathering and thus now I can restore proper resource amounts gathered for blocks, I have had to go through the entire blocks file again for this so yeah it is a bit of work and a pain in the ass and it makes me a bit upset when I have to fix an Assembly code that the devs can not, nor bothered to test before releasing it to begin with.


Anyways on with the update notes:



-All Ore blocks now give twice as much resources so for eg iron ore will now give 40 scrap iron

-All blocks mineable blocks that are kind of like ore blocks for eg stone / dirt / sand / gravel / clay / potassium / coal blocks will now give a proper 20 resources

-Changed amount of resources gathered from couch pieces plaid and leather due to recipe cost changes

-Added nails are now harvestable from small blue cooler when using a claw hammer

-Added nails are now harvestable from small couch pieces plaid and leather using a claw hammer

-Added cotton is now harvestable from small couch pieces plaid and leather using any tool / weapon

-Increased scrap plastics harvested from Commercial Blinds



-Added Commercial Blinds requires scrap plastics and Cordage at the tailoring table

-Fixed recipe cost of ironBarsCentered to now cost 3 forged iron instead of 4 (Still needs 4 short metal pipes) due to balance recipe cost with HP of the block it is now the same as the rest of the metal blocks which is 50 units of iron or 10 scrap iron or 5 forged Iron some blocks do use 10 forged Iron but they are special cases)

-Removed Destroyed Stone

-Reduced the cost of crafting Couch pieces cloth and leather

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Update (8/4/17)



-Fixed Repair cost of ironBarsCentered due to previous changes to recipe cost



-Fixed recipe cost of ironBars to now cost 3 forged iron instead of 4 (Still needs 4 short metal pipes) due to balance recipe cost with HP of the block it is now the same as the rest of the metal blocks which is 50 units of iron or 10 scrap iron or 5 forged Iron some blocks do use 10 forged Iron but they are special cases)

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Update (8/4/17)



-Fixed degradation rate of AK 47 all degradation rates for all weapons have now been tested and balanced

-Balanced and tested repair experience multipliers for all weapons and tools (They were still set to vanilla settings and I had overlooked the until now)


- - - Updated - - -


Thank you Starfly for the recent feedback it was a huge help and motivator to get these things fixed up! :)

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REQ: server .dll included for peer hosting.


I believe its the same dll file for servers its just located in a different file location "7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed" so just make sure you put the Assembly-CSharp file into that location for servers and hopefully it will push to clients from there idk, I have no experience with servers.


I will maybe include that extra bit of info on the main mod page too.


If this is even what you are requesting. :)


- - - Updated - - -


Thanks for the great mod! I haven´t figured out yet how I can get crossbow recipe.


You are welcome! :)


Look under Bow Crafting Perk it will be after unlocking the Compound Bow.


Thanks for the feedback!

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