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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Update (7/14/17)



-Adjusted smell range to actually have an impact based your hygiene level



-Extended wandering hordes to full gamestage 5000+

-Increased wandering horde size

-Removed zero hit point sleeper zombies spawns for poi's (only affects new generated pois)

-Removed unwakable sleeper zombie spawns from poi's (only affects new generated pois)

-Decreased emptyChance: the chance of the entire sleeper VOLUME having no zombies to 10% across the board



-Added asphalt2 block that does not give stamina boost aka road runner buff



-Changed player crafted asphalt to now use the new asphalt2 block



-Added localization for asphalt2 block will now be listed as Asphalt

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Update (7/14/17)



-Removed the direct stamina and health recovery from sleeping on all beds

-Added the direct stamina and health effect to the Small / medium and Large Recovery Bonus buffs that you receive while sitting on a bed while under the influence of antibiotics while infected.


In other words you will only receive the health and stamina boost if you are on a bed while infected and have taken antibiotics, any form of antibiotics, this includes honey poultice and herbal antibiotics. This health and stamina boost is meant to counter the health and stamina lost during an infection.

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Update (7/14/17)



-Fixed harvest events for some plants

-Removed passthrough damage to blocks



-Removed experience gained from upgrading blocks (this only effects player level experience not skills, skills and zombie kills are the only things I want going towards player level experience.)



-Increased experience required for Mining Tools to 10000 from 2000



-Increased experience gained from reading How Mining Works skill book to 5000 (half of 1 level worth of experience/ only takes 2 skill books to increase a skill by one full level)



-Adjusted frequency of goldenrod / wheat / snow berries / cotton / blueberries / corn



-Increased play field from 10000 to 30000 (radiation area now starts at 30000 instead of 10000)

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Is your original post/ description accurate of whats in the A16 stable download?


Yes and you can review my full mod details on the google docs page as well, all the buff systems and my changes to infection / campfire. If anything I may need to update the details to include things that are now in the mod that were not previously.


This mod is not for everyone, it has slow progression, and it is recommended ot play on 60 min days due to the way my buffs use in game time, which is the way I like things calculated, idk if TFP have fixed the scaling of day length with using game time for buffs.


Also Nomad difficulty is equivalent to vanilla Survivalist for when it comes to how much damage zombies do to blocks and you.

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Ive played your mod before, its very good, but the ui as a watch? I changed it to another ui mod one, i found the watch to be hard to read and confusing.


Surface boulders give scrap iron, and a lot of it. Why scrap iron?


I decided to remove iron nuggets due to weight issues when it comes to recipe costs and how the nuggets and scrap iron are smelted into the forge, its the only ore that uses nuggets I do not like the nuggets, you get scrap brass and scrap lead why not leave it as scrap iron. I can change the icon to use the nugget icon if you want.


I forgot to even think about adjusting the boulder drops due to there multi stages, thanks for letting me know. I will probably be reducing the amount of wood gained from trees as well probably by half across the board, there is still balance adjustments so keep leaving feedback.


The watch is awesome its my first actual decent UI, but I might try to make another one.

I will probably work on a new UI today.


anyways, keep leaving feedback and I will make adjustments where needed.

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I decided to remove iron nuggets due to weight issues when it comes to recipe costs and how the nuggets and scrap iron are smelted into the forge, its the only ore that uses nuggets I do not like the nuggets, you get scrap brass and scrap lead why not leave it as scrap iron. I can change the icon to use the nugget icon if you want.


I forgot to even think about adjusting the boulder drops due to there multi stages, thanks for letting me know. I will probably be reducing the amount of wood gained from trees as well probably by half across the board, there is still balance adjustments so keep leaving feedback.


The watch is awesome its my first actual decent UI, but I might try to make another one.

I will probably work on a new UI today.


anyways, keep leaving feedback and I will make adjustments where needed.


There is also a different yield amount when it comes to smelting raw iron ore and scrap iron, raw iron gives 5 units, where as scrap gives 1.


The watch was a neat idea! But for my tastes it was too bulky and distracting. i like the UI to have all necessary info, temp, health food, water etc, but minimalistic. Keep up the good work!


Im only like lvl 4, but wood seemed ok, 2 wood per bush. I agree changing the icon to raw ore would be better too

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Yeah the different yield amounts are the reason I had to change the way iron nuggets worked otherwise I would have had to make nuggets for everything. I mean I can make it so that resources drop nuggets but then all im doing is adding another step and it feels weird to "scrap" nuggets that are already raw iron into another form of raw iron which is just scrap iron, hard to explain. Also when making scrap iron armor and scrapping it has issues I can make it balance out but I will have to think about weather or not its worth it.


The extra added step of smelting the nugget into a units of iron before forging them into scrap iron is just weird idk since we already have forged iron.

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I dont know if its my bad luck, but im on day 4, and have seen no animals, but lots of zombies


Just bad luck I hope, I have not changed animal spawn chance from vanilla, they did add invisible animals as a hack to lower animal spawn rate in vanilla I may just remove that if hunting proves to be too hard. But that needs a larger sample to test from.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (7/15/17)



-Fixed Animal Hide Poncho name



-Fixed harvest events for safes



-Fixed disassemble damage for wrench

-Balanced Auger and Chainsaw damage to all block material types

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First 3 days was in a desert biome, spent 1 ingame day in a forest biome cutting down trees, saw no animals there either, very strange. On another server they had too many animals lol


Lol well we will have to see, it takes more than a day of random chance spawns to get a decent sample, next day you might find too many for eg, I need like 2 in game weeks sample size in forest biome and with actual traveling in the woods to find animals for as much of that time as possible.


Put that on the back burner and see how things progress as you go.

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Gotta put on your big boy pants to play this mod! Nothing comes easy, quite a change of pace from vanilla, clock is a nice touch, good work!:applause:


Lol yeah its defiantly not easy, thanks man! I know everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to the in game hud.


Cant please everyone, but I can damn well try lol. :)

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To craft nails in the forge, you need a nail mold, which takes clay and 1 nail, are nails added to wood blocks, like do the nails drop from house wood blocks when you destroy them? Basically what ways can we get nails, that are not in loot containers?


Ive checked the blocks xml, and dont see many yet. ill research more lol

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You have to loot for nails so you can make a mold, otherwise you are stuck waiting to find nails just like glue so you can get a workbench made.


You can also upgrade ovens in prefabs into working ovens and you have to loot a beaker first before you can make glue, my mod makes things very difficult at the start.


You can harvest cars for duct tape though and then craft the duct tape into glue as well.


I ll be updating to 16.1 soon but everything should still be completely compatible as it is now, i doubt there will be much changes to the xmls.

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You have an error in entitys


2017-07-15T20:59:20 91.553 ERR Loading and parsing 'entitygroups.xml' (Entity with name 'invisibleAnimalEnemy' not found)

2017-07-15T20:59:20 91.554 ERR Loading of spawning aborted due to errors!

2017-07-15T20:59:20 91.557 ERR at EntityGroupsFromXml.LoadEntityGroups (System.Xml.XmlDocument _spawnXml) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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You have an error in entitys


2017-07-15T20:59:20 91.553 ERR Loading and parsing 'entitygroups.xml' (Entity with name 'invisibleAnimalEnemy' not found)

2017-07-15T20:59:20 91.554 ERR Loading of spawning aborted due to errors!

2017-07-15T20:59:20 91.557 ERR at EntityGroupsFromXml.LoadEntityGroups (System.Xml.XmlDocument _spawnXml) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


Just updated that was the only change in that they made to all the xml files I just finished updating!

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