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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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And yeah the seeds dropping is way better than crafting them I can maybe look into making seeds require a special harvest tool so that you can choose weather you want seeds or food from the harvest or something that actually sounds like a pretty good idea will need time to think about exactly how I may implement it.


The best way for me would be harvest with hand fruit and seed, harvest with "E" just fruit.

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The best way for me would be harvest with hand fruit and seed, harvest with "E" just fruit.


That is an ok way but I am trying to stay away from the press to to collect method, I will think of something though and if not then I can at least do it this way or something. I may also implement the ability to plant one of the fruits directly so it can be a seed without having to craft them, so for eg you just plant a potato in the ground directly and it will be a sprout. Still have to do this but I am working on it.

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Update (5/12/17)



-Changed harvest and destroy events for all crop plants to now require the scythe right click to acquire seeds from harvesting (Useful for collecting seeds for chicken feed)



-Changed all Harvested Crop items (Potato, Tomato, Corn, etc.) can now be planted directly without the need for seeds

-Added Right click ability to scythe to harvest seeds from crops



-Changed Vitamin Buff is no longer invisible (added icon, name, description)

-Removed Vitamins from list of possible cures for dysentery


Note: Now the only way to harvest seeds is to use the right click ability of the scythe.

Seeds are no longer needed for planting and expanding your crops since you can now plant all harvested crop items directly with left click or right click if not directly edible, for Eg. wheat, hops, coffee beans. You should never have to deal with seeds again unless you want them.

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Update (5/12/17)



-Fixed scythe and machete will no longer immediately destroy the sprouts after harvesting the plants (Changed material of Growing Plants)



-Fixed scythe and machete will no longer immediately destroy the sprouts after harvesting the plants (increased growing plants hp to 10 instead of 1)



-Fixed scythe and machete will no longer immediately destroy the sprouts after harvesting the plants (Changed Scythe / machete right click damage done to growing crops is now only 1)

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Thank you so much for tuning the harvesting, it's much better now that my backpack slots aren't constantly hogged by seeds!


I realized what made me go through food so quickly: minor infection not only drains stamina, but also food and water (I snooped in buffs.xml, I guess that means -1 every 20 seconds?). Listing the effects in the description window would be good so we know what's going on. Minor infection shows no info at all, it only starts listing debuffs with the next stage. Do the stages actually stack in your version instead of just change to the next stage? If so, I'm thinking if you're infected and tired, you're pretty much dead, no more running from zombies.


Also, I'm on day 9 (120min days) and my toolsmithing is only at 2 (weapon smithing is 12). I don't usually like to grind much, but it looks like here I'll have no choice - or are skillpoints usually enough to buy everything we need?

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Thank you so much for tuning the harvesting, it's much better now that my backpack slots aren't constantly hogged by seeds!


I realized what made me go through food so quickly: minor infection not only drains stamina, but also food and water (I snooped in buffs.xml, I guess that means -1 every 20 seconds?). Listing the effects in the description window would be good so we know what's going on. Minor infection shows no info at all, it only starts listing debuffs with the next stage. Do the stages actually stack in your version instead of just change to the next stage? If so, I'm thinking if you're infected and tired, you're pretty much dead, no more running from zombies.


Also, I'm on day 9 (120min days) and my toolsmithing is only at 2 (weapon smithing is 12). I don't usually like to grind much, but it looks like here I'll have no choice - or are skillpoints usually enough to buy everything we need?


Hmm well the mod is balanced for 60 minute days so leveling will probably just feel slower, and you are not supposed to see that you have a minor infection until it sets in, unless just like in real life you are observant enough to see the signs like food doping faster, full buff not activating etc. little ques that hint at an infection without showing you with a buff, after a few hours your infection will be higher and the minor infection buff will activate letting you know you have a minor infection.


And yeah i have not fully fine tuned the penalties with them all activating so I will have to rely on feedback, I will make some adjustments so being tired and infected is less harsh.

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Thank you so much for tuning the harvesting, it's much better now that my backpack slots aren't constantly hogged by seeds!


I realized what made me go through food so quickly: minor infection not only drains stamina, but also food and water (I snooped in buffs.xml, I guess that means -1 every 20 seconds?). Listing the effects in the description window would be good so we know what's going on. Minor infection shows no info at all, it only starts listing debuffs with the next stage. Do the stages actually stack in your version instead of just change to the next stage? If so, I'm thinking if you're infected and tired, you're pretty much dead, no more running from zombies.


Also, I'm on day 9 (120min days) and my toolsmithing is only at 2 (weapon smithing is 12). I don't usually like to grind much, but it looks like here I'll have no choice - or are skillpoints usually enough to buy everything we need?


Progression here is extremely slow. If you want to achieve a certain point you have to spend skillpoints. ie. in my actual game I'm on day 16 and killed hundreds of zombies with bow or crossbow and my chars has only archery at lvl4. I had about 4 or 5 games now with this mod and the best way to play at the beginning is to spend most of your skillpoints to athletics. Without this you can't do anything. Also the decay rate of tools and weapons are extremely high so the next point would be to spend skillspoints here. And yes you have enough skillpoints for all. The most you get is by killing zombies, which is not so easy at the beginning.

Next point is, that you really need to get so much food as possible, as fast as possible and many water. If you are able to build a forge and so an oven you can collect wheat and baking bread or corn for soup. And so on and on. So getting skillpoints by doing something, spamcrafting ie. is less effective like in other mod's. I spend skillpoints for stuff here I would never spend in other mod's or vanilla.

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after a few hours your infection will be higher and the minor infection buff will activate letting you know you have a minor infection.

I meant that *after* the minor infection buff becomes visible, it still does not list the actual effects (-x stamina etc, like the next stages do), and I think it should. It's a bit misleading - I thought since no effects were listed and it's only a "minor infection", it gave no major penalties yet. Which was clearly wrong ;)

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I meant that *after* the minor infection buff becomes visible, it still does not list the debuffs (-x stamina etc, like the next stages do), and I think it should. It's a bit misleading - I thought since no debuffs were listed and it's only a "minor infection", it gave no major penalties yet. Which was clearly wrong ;)


I am going to go through this thoroughly today with each stage of infection interacting with each stage of fatigue and I might make some adjustments so you can see what the base level of infection is doing but I may leave it so that the base level of infection is hidden along with its effects I just have to make it so the penalty of base infection does not compound to fast when coupled with its further stages and with fatigue.

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Update (5/14/17)


Updated A Clockwork Project Experimental!



Trifecta Nutrition System!




Note: that time (Hours / Days) is referred to as in game time.


This new system is based off of maintaining a positive level of individual food groups, Meat, Grain, Fruit, Veg, Dairy.


All food groups are fully operational and it is very easy to add any new food items to their appropriate food group, even though all food groups are operational some food items may still be lacking, for Eg. Dairy.


In basic terms all you have to do is watch for the buff for each food group to tell you it is at its peak, then you are to not eat any more of that food group until you have metabolized that food group.


There are 2 positive stages for each food group, Half Peak and Peak, and several negative stages to follow after exceeding the peak value, the more you over do it the more negative the penalty.


When you start the game you will be buffed with a Base Nutrition buff that will increment your Nutrition by one full nutritional stage every 2 days unless you simply start eating healthy.

(Single5) Half Peak, of any individual food group will half counter the Base nutritional tick rate.

(Single10) Peak, of any individual food group will completely counter the Base nutritional tick rate. (suck in limbo at whatever stage you are currently in at the time)

(Bifecta5) Half peak, of any combination of any two food groups will increment your nutrition up by 1 stage every 2 and a half days

(Bifecta10) Full peak, of any combination of any two food groups will increment your nutrition up by 1 stage every 2 days

(Trifecta5) Half peak, of any combination of any three food groups will increment your nutrition up by 1 stage every 1 and a half days

(Trifecta10) Full peak, of any combination of any three food groups will increment your nutrition up by 1 stage every day


Only one of these buffs will be active at any given time.



Their are 9 stages of nutrition:


There are 96 Increments (AKA Ticks) of "Nutrition" between each nutritional stage.


NutritionAmazing = Increases wellness by 1 every 12 hours

NutritionBest = Increases wellness by 1 every 24 hours

NutritionGreat = Increases wellness by 1 every 48 hours

NutritionGood = Increases wellness by 1 every 72 hours

NutritionNeutral = Does Nothing positive or negative

NutritionLow = Decreases wellness by 1 every 48 hours

NutritionBad = Decreases wellness by 1 every 24 hours

NutritionVeryBad = Decreases wellness by 1 every 12 hours

NutritionExtremelyBad = Decreases wellness by 1 every 6 hours



This is the list of buffs that are used to implement any food item into the system:


eatRawBad - Incriments "Nutrition" by 24 ticks (1/4 of A Nutritional Level) over the course of 6 in game hours


eatSmallBad - Incriments "Nutrition" by 48 ticks (1/2 of A Nutritional Level) over the course of 12 in game hours


eatMedBad - Incriments "Nutrition" by 72 ticks (3/4 of A Nutritional Level) over the course of 18 in game hours


eatLargeBad - Incriments "Nutrition" by 96 ticks (1 Full Nutritional Level) over the course of 24 in game hours


eatFruit - Incriments "Fruit" by 1 for each consumed (takes 5 fruit food items to reach Half peak (Single5), 10 for Full Peak (Single10))


-You metabolize fruit at a rate of 1 per hour meaning it will take exactly one hour to metabolize one fruit food item.



eatMeat - Incriments "Meat" by 3 for each consumed (takes 2 meat food items to reach Half peak (Single5), 4 for Full Peak (Single10))


-You metabolize meat at a rate of 1 per hour meaning it will take exactly three hours to metabolize one meat.




eatVeg - Incriments "Veg" by 3 for each consumed (takes 2 veg food items to reach Half peak (Single5), 4 for Full Peak (Single10))


-You metabolize Veg at a rate of 1 per hour meaning it will take exactly three hours to metabolize one veg.




eatGrain - Incriments "Grain" by 3 for each consumed (takes 2 bread / grain food items to reach Half peak (Single5), 4 for Full Peak (Single10))


-You metabolize Grain at a rate of 1 per hour meaning it will take exactly three hours to metabolize one Grain Food item (Bread).




eatDairy - Incriments "Dairy" by 3 for each consumed (takes 2 Dairy food items to reach Half peak (Single5), 4 for Full Peak (Single10))


-You metabolize Dairy at a rate of 1 per hour meaning it will take exactly three hours to metabolize one Dairy.



Hope you enjoy the mod!, please feel free to leave feedback as this has only been briefly tested!

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Is it possible to edit the UI to let it list more buff descriptions when you open the character window? I already regularly have more buffs on me than can be listed there, I'm afraid adding the nutrition buffs on top will make it very hard to see in detail what's going on.

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Is it possible to edit the UI to let it list more buff descriptions when you open the character window? I already regularly have more buffs on me than can be listed there, I'm afraid adding the nutrition buffs on top will make it very hard to see in detail what's going on.


It is not too bad but I do agree and will look into expanding the buffs window or something.

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error in progression.xml: Quicker Crafting has a maxlevel of 5, but there are only 4 levels defined, so buying the last one results in losing all benefits. I just wasted 10 skillpoints on that, so I defined the last one for myself, but I'm guessing the intention was to only have 4 levels?


Also, I had forgotten to tell you that there was a bug when placing the smithing table, it threw a console error, and I still had the table in my toolbelt after placing it.

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error in progression.xml: Quicker Crafting has a maxlevel of 5, but there are only 4 levels defined, so buying the last one results in losing all benefits. I just wasted 10 skillpoints on that, so I defined the last one for myself, but I'm guessing the intention was to only have 4 levels?


Also, I had forgotten to tell you that there was a bug when placing the smithing table, it threw a console error, and I still had the table in my toolbelt after placing it.



Yes only four levels for quicker crafting sorry about that, its fixed now. I have not seen any error when placing any workbench and have tested the smithing table and it seems t be perfectly fine so that might have been just a weird bug.


- - - Updated - - -


Update (5/15/17)


Updated both Mod Versions!



-Changed active buff window in character sheet to now show 30 active buffs instead of 10


files that needed modification




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