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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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After resolving the save-game-bug now I can play! Great mod.


some issues:


- for me rwg-mixer only produce heavy mountain landscapes. I use the terrain and biom generator from 100 day mods - works fine


- farming is strange. all harvestable plants are away after a few seconds. I also recognized that many plants in the wilderness vanishes. Bug or feature? How to farm than???

I also tested it with harvestable corn from creative menu and all plants I planted are gone after a few second.

so, farming is impossible.

So I changed the cropsHarvestableMaster to the one of valmod and it seems to work now. Will see if the next plants are fully grown.


- after setting a dew collector into my house I can't "loot" it. waiting an hour, the same. After a while the dew collector also vanishes. Do I have to put it outside?


- missing icon for stone-crossbow-bolt


- wheat has no icon if you plant it. also after some day's I can't see a wheat plant.


- can't find out how to upgrade wood log spikes. The icon says something like scrap plate or so. I tried all materials I have without success.


- missing receipt for Barbed_wire. you can make the simple one, but not the one you need for barbed club or the fence.


- the clock in the hud doesn't work on mac. all "@files:" - tags, also if you change the "" windows backslash to a correct "/" slash will not work on a mac. So I changed it to a online-version of the icons. with "@http://" this works. see attatchment:[ATTACH]19835[/ATTACH]


- there is an exception with stone spear. You can make it and use it, but sometimes if you point it with the courser you get this exception. after it you can't open the inventory any more.



so far. I hope you will continue to work on it. I like it.


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Thanks for the feedback, I have not really tested anything that takes a long period of time to test so the help is appreciated, I will look into fixing these issues up, I am glad you got the hud working, I have absolutely no experience with mac unfortunately.


The scrap iron plate is unlocked with iron working perk, then you can make scrap iron plates which is used to upgrade scrap iron blocks of all sorts instead of regular scrap iron allowing me to gate it behind a perk.


Again thanks for the feedback and I will try have these issues fixed up soon.

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Thanks for the feedback, I have not really tested anything that takes a long period of time to test so the help is appreciated, I will look into fixing these issues up, I am glad you got the hud working, I have absolutely no experience with mac unfortunately.


The scrap iron plate is unlocked with iron working perk, then you can make scrap iron plates which is used to upgrade scrap iron blocks of all sorts instead of regular scrap iron allowing me to gate it behind a perk.


Again thanks for the feedback and I will try have these issues fixed up soon.




I tried scrap iron plates without success.


You don't have to wait to test farming. Just take some corn or mushrooms out of the creative menu and you will see, after planting them, they will vanish after a while. (also if you don't go over them)

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After resolving the save-game-bug now I can play! Great mod.


some issues:


1 - for me rwg-mixer only produce heavy mountain landscapes. I use the terrain and biom generator from 100 day mods - works fine


2 - after setting a dew collector into my house I can't "loot" it. waiting an hour, the same. After a while the dew collector also vanishes. Do I have to put it outside?


3 - missing icon for stone-crossbow-bolt

- wheat has no icon if you plant it. also after some day's I can't see a wheat plant.


4 - missing receipt for Barbed_wire. you can make the simple one, but not the one you need for barbed club or the fence.


5 - the clock in the hud doesn't work on mac. all "@files:" - tags, also if you change the "" windows backslash to a correct "/" slash will not work on a mac. So I changed it to a online-version of the icons. with "@http://" this works.


6 - there is an exception with stone spear. You can make it and use it, but sometimes if you point it with the courser you get this exception. after it you can't open the inventory any more.



so far. I hope you will continue to work on it. I like it.


1. I do not have a modified rwg Mixer for this version of my mod I have only added chrysanthemums back to small decoration areas in biomes.xml so there is definitely no issue there.


2. Yes the Dew Collector must remain outside in order for it to work, same with chicken coop and composter.


3. I will fix the missing Icons soon as I can make them


4. The recipe for the barbed wire sheet block was removed intentionally due to its previous exploity nature to use however I do not know if this has been fixed yet but if it has I will add it back no problem.


5. I will have to add a separate online version for mac users at some point.


6. You will have to give me a bit more detail on how to reproduce this error since I am not receiving any error while clicking on the stone spear in my inventory to inspect it.


Thanks again for the feedback and I will hopefully have those icons updated here soon!

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- How thick is your hide? - no count for kills if wearing all parts of the hide armour


Yeah I am not to sure what is wrong with the kill zombies while wearing certain clothing type quests, I have had reports that some times they work and other times they dont depends if you un-equip the clothing during the quest or something like that can cause issues I think.

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Update (4/15/17)



-Changed weight of Barbed Wire to match added recipe

-Changed fixed allowable stack size of barbed wire from 1 to 25



-Added recipe at forge for crafting barbed wire using an anvil

-Changed barbed wire sheet now requires barbed wire to craft instead of scrap metal

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Update (4/18/17)



-Added new loot group "glassesAll" that now contains all the types of glasses shades / black shades / nerd glasses / eye glasses

-Replaced all individual glasses from various loot groups with with new added "glassesAll" loot group

-Added Machete to rare automotive loot group

-Removed Stone Axe / forged Iron / forged steel from tools loot group

-Increased wood frame loot count from working stiffs crates to 50, 100 from 10, 30

-Increased rebar frame loot count from working stiffs crates to 50, 100 from 10, 20

-Increased nail loot count from working stiffs crates to 50, 500 from 10, 40

-Increased gunpowder loot count from sporting goods loot group to 50, 250 from 20, 50

-Increased bullet casing loot count from sporting goods loot group to 50, 250 from 20, 50

-Increased bullet tip loot count from sporting goods loot group to 50, 250 from 20, 50

-Increased steel arrow head loot count from sporting goods loot group to 10, 25 from 1

-Added melee and armor loot groups to sporting goods loot group

-Added wrench / claw hammer / fire axe to automotive loot group (affects garage cardboard box / cars / working stiffs crates)

-Added claw hammer / fire axe to regular cardboard box loot



-Slightly increased heat map strength of first stage zombie remains gore block

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Update (04/19/17)



-Changed HP of wood_weak from 100 to 250


-Changed boardedWindowsSheet4 material to wood_weak (250 HP) from wood (750 HP)

-Changed material of cntBirdnest to wood_ladders (100 HP) from wood_weak (250 HP)

-Changed material of treeDeadShrub to wood_ladders (100 HP) from wood_weak (250 HP)

-Changed material of houseFrontDoor1_v2 to wood+wood (1250 HP) from wood_weak (250 HP)

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Update (4/29/17)



-Minor balance tweaks to Hygiene, Fatigue, and Infection systems



-Fixed Antibiotics no longer directly cures infection and is now working as intended



-Added repeatable quest to kill 100 zombies for 5 skill points for farming skill points (This quest is awarded upon completing the kill 250 Zombies quest and can be discarded upon completion if you wish to no longer repeat it.)


-Added missing zombie slayer news report quest item name / description

-Added new zombie slayer repeatable quest item name / description


+Localization Quests

-Fixed News Report quest info no longer uses too many characters

-Added new zombie slayer repeatable quest info

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Update (4/30/17)



-Added zombie attacks now increase your Hygiene making you dirtier after each attack further increasing infection chance the dirtier you get

-Fixed Blood Draw Kit now applies infection based off of chance depending on how dirty you are ( 0% Chance if you are clean / 25% Chance if dirty / 40 % Chance if Grimy / 50 % Chance if filthy / 100% Chance if infectious

-Fixed Bandages / Splints will now properly prevent infection if applied soon enough (If you are: Clean when wounded you have 30 sec before infection sets in / Dirty 15 seconds before infection sets in / Grimy 10 seconds / Filthy 5 seconds / -Infectious 1 second)



-Added hygiene modifying buffs from bleeding (The longer you bleed out the dirtier you get)

-Added hygiene modifying buffs from zombie attacks

-Fixed full buff will no longer activate while infected

-Fixed hygiene can no longer be brought below 0 by washing with wet towels or wet cloth

-Fixed infection level is now properly reset on death



-Fixed removed downgrade paths of steel to Reinforced Concrete for some blocks that were missed (Waiting for A 16 to complete the upgrade paths due to missing block shapes)

-Fixed downgrade path of rWoodPyramid will now properly downgrade into a woodPyramid instead of a solidWoodFramePyramid

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