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I suggest that in the menu before the game starts there is a section to decide which animals are to remain and others which you can take off. I' mreally afraid of snakes, even if its just a game....that hisss noise gives me panic attacks and even knowing that I can encounter one does not help me to have fun while playing. You would be of great help. Thanks

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2 minutes ago, Zebramlt said:

I suggest that in the menu before the game starts there is a section to decide which animals are to remain and others which you can take off. I' mreally afraid of snakes, even if its just a game....that hisss noise gives me panic attacks and even knowing that I can encounter one does not help me to have fun while playing. You would be of great help. Thanks

Unfortunately, that's not likely something they'd add to vanilla.  However, it's not difficult to mod out snakes entirely.  If you ask in the Mods Requests forum, I'm sure someone would write a quick mod for you to do that.  Or someone might even see this and post it here.

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7 hours ago, Suxar said:

This is a horror, you should be afraid.

You shouldn't downplay people's phobias.  Phobias aren't a joke.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to avoid a phobia trigger even when playing a game like this.

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On 7/22/2024 at 10:19 PM, Riamus said:

You shouldn't downplay people's phobias.  Phobias aren't a joke.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to avoid a phobia trigger even when playing a game like this.

You need to fight your fears. The game is an imaginary world. And it is better to overcome your fear in a fictional world than to live with it in the real one.

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2 hours ago, Suxar said:

You need to fight your fears. The game is an imaginary world. And it is better to overcome your fear in a fictional world than to live with it in the real one.

I can't tell how serious you're being, but why are you so adamant that their enjoyment of the game be lessened just to "fight their fears"? Keep in mind what they asked for would have no affect on your enjoyment. Simply an option to toggle. It's also not unheard of in the game industry. More recently the survival game Grounded famously included an anti-arachnophobia mode which allowed players to alter the appearance of spiders to try and reduce the chance of their phobias being triggered while still having to deal with the danger of the enemy. while I honestly don't expect The Fun Pimps to take the same approach, reaching out to the community already yielded a solution. Seems like a win.

Edited by Syphon583 (see edit history)
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Just drop it.  Unless you are their mother, it doesn't matter what they do in the game if it doesn't affect you.  If it doesn't affect their personal life, then they are fine until they are ready to tackle their fears.  One should never force another person to face their fears, as it can lead to more negative consequences if they are not ready to do so.

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