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I hope we get randomized traders back, the new system in 1.0 kinda sucks.

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I hope they revert the change about the locked traders by biome. Its just boring when every single trader in the forest is always going to be rekt, everyone in burnt is always going to be jen etc. I'd rather it be ONE is set to be locked to that biome with a guranteed spawn, but any other trader in the biome can be randomized. There is actually a mod on nexus that does this already where it makes it like a21 where they are randomized again, 1.0 needs to go back to that. As all traders in a biome all being the same one is just stupid. My current 8k map has 4 or 5 rekts in the forest, it just looks silly.

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6 minutes ago, Scyris said:

I hope they revert the change about the locked traders by biome. Its just boring when every single trader in the forest is always going to be rekt, everyone in burnt is always going to be jen etc. I'd rather it be ONE is set to be locked to that biome with a guranteed spawn, but any other trader in the biome can be randomized. There is actually a mod on nexus that does this already where it makes it like a21 where they are randomized again, 1.0 needs to go back to that. As all traders in a biome all being the same one is just stupid. My current 8k map has 4 or 5 rekts in the forest, it just looks silly.

Yeah, this is a bad choice.  Traders need randomized, not the same set up every game.  It is fine in Navesgane, but not random maps.

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1 hour ago, Scyris said:

Its just boring when every single trader in the forest is always going to be rekt,

I wasn't looking forward to looting another 1k books yet again, so I've skipped trying the experimental in the first week... Being made to deal with rekt for the first three days every time is just insult to injury ...

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Ehh you often ended up with 2 maybe 3 different traders you found with random ones. This makes it so all the traders are present in a standard biome map. I like it far better than before

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1 hour ago, myrkana said:

Ehh you often ended up with 2 maybe 3 different traders you found with random ones. This makes it so all the traders are present in a standard biome map. I like it far better than before

If there really were not all present on an RWG map, considering there are a lot of towns where traders should spawn, then that's an issue with RWG that should be fixed.  This isn't a fix for that.  This is just an annoying "feature".  Because of how this now works, my first RWG map required a 4km bike ride through the wasteland on day 3 to turn in the open trade route quest.  There's no good reason for that.  Also, it means that you are going to have all one trader nearby instead of potential for a variety in the area.

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1 hour ago, Riamus said:

If there really were not all present on an RWG map, considering there are a lot of towns where traders should spawn, then that's an issue with RWG that should be fixed.  This isn't a fix for that.  This is just an annoying "feature".  Because of how this now works, my first RWG map required a 4km bike ride through the wasteland on day 3 to turn in the open trade route quest.  There's no good reason for that.  Also, it means that you are going to have all one trader nearby instead of potential for a variety in the area.


I was lucky, My Jen was only 2.3km away, still a insane distance to go with only a bicycle and how slow it is.

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