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Armor buffs/nerfs

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I think some armors should be rebalanced a little bit because some of them are a little bit too strong for some aspects in my opinion armor should be dedicated for certain classes or a mix of classes


Granted I think there should be more armor but im not here for that. 



-Chest could add a item slot and maybe decrease stamina uses of tools and two handed weapons 


-Hat could increase dismember chance


-Gloves could buff axes and maybe sledge hammers. Real manly stuff.. by 1% and the cap is 10% 





-chest should both reduced damage and boost damage.


-gloves could buff shotguns and batons. Beat the Jesus into those sinners! By 1% and the cap is 10%


The rest is fine tho. 



-hat gives bonus xp at night and extra 0.1 to stealth damage. Cap is 0.6 

-gloves could buff knifes And crossbows




-hat is the same  but adds a buffs stamina used for weapon


-Chest buffs stun resistance And Hp. 


-gloves buff knuckles damage as well by 2% cap is 20 and buffs stamina 


-boots: increase run speed and slightly increase jump hight (cap is 1 extra block) 


-And the full buff down gives increase attack speed now as well. 



-gloves help buff clubs... clubs . By 2% cap is 20% and fuel 



-Chest buffs a hp by 1 cap is 10 instead. but increases attack speed

-gloves now buff brawling and clubs by 2% 20%


Scavenger: is one of the weaker ones

-hat: buffs Xp for scavenging and selling/buying of scap/parts

-chest gives a inventory slot and buffs game stage

-gloves buff yield and bonus damage with spears and pistols

-increase lootstage, and Stamina and Hp by 2 cap is 20. 



Ranger: is also a tad bit weaker! So let's change that! 

-Hat: increase harvest of animals and extra bartering


-Chest buffs hp and stamina by 1 cap is 10 and reduces damage from animals 


-gloves buff rifles and pistols by 2% cap is 20% with a 4% buff to lever actions, and revolvers cap is 40%!!! 


Full: buffs reload slot of all weapons, bonus damage triples animal harvest 


Farmer: is one of the weaknesses in terms of effects so. 

-hat: chance to find seeds and extends the effects of food, drinks, drugs, candy, etc


-chest increase crop harvest and buffs hammers by 1% cap is 10


-gloves buff rifles and bows by 2% cap is 2


-boots: extra speed harvest and increase running speed when offroad


-bonus adds extra health to food. And you even heal from beer 




-hat buffs: buffs headshot damage by 1% cap Is 10% 


-gloves: rather then buffing all guns! It buffs ARs And batons by 2%


-boots: rather then run speed, it's reload speed .. and raises gun durability




-helmet increase harvest and cripple damage by 2% cap is 2


-Chest and now buff sledgehammers


-gloves lower durability useaged on tools 

The full set now also buffs shotguns too. 



-Hat: increase bartering by 1% cap is 10 and lowers gun durability 


-chest" increase slots and bonus AR damage and spear damage. But the carry weight buff is nerf. The cap is 6 rather then 10


-Boots: increase run speed slightly less then running shoes but gives a extra lock picking skill.


-Full set gives Damage resistance against zombies only 



- gloves also raises durability

-Full set allows you to place one extra robot down



-Helmet: gives reduced explosive damage 

-chest adds bonus explosion damage 

-gloves gives bonus too clubs

-boots: give increase protection when standing still rather then safe falling. 


Let me know your thoughts 




Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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I'd say the preacher gloves in their current state are basically required in the game due to how much health things have and how weak the weapons are compared. I mean have you seen ferals? a minimum of 500 hp each, I've had non feral bowlers and bikers with over 630 hp as well. meanwhile your guns do like... 40. Which brings me to another issue why the hell ARE the guns so weak? many of them don't even do the damage listed on the ammo which makes no sense. The pipe machine gun is the biggest offender of this as the 7.62 round says it has a base dmg of 47 on it, it should be doing 47 period no matter what gun its fired out of, yet this gun does 30 damage, which is rather weak. I know I know primitve gun, but I mean the gun is not really going to lower how powerful a shot is, it might effect how accurate it is though.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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6 minutes ago, Scyris said:

I'd say the preacher gloves in their current state are basically required in the game due to how much health things have and how weak the weapons are compared. I mean have you seen ferals? a minimum of 500 hp each, I've had non feral bowlers and bikers with over 630 hp as well. meanwhile your guns do like... 40. Which brings me to another issue why the hell ARE the guns so weak? many of them don't even do the damage listed on the ammo which makes no sense. The pipe machine gun is the biggest offender of this as the 7.62 round says it has a base dmg of 47 on it, it should be doing 47 period no matter what gun its fired out of, yet this gun does 30 damage, which is rather weak. I know I know primitve gun, but I mean the gun is not really going to lower how powerful a shot is, it might effect how accurate it is though.

I agree with the Preacher gloves but I think it should be in the chest. Why wear any other set of gloves when you can wear Preacher. 


You could say the same about the chest but the chest plate is lighter so you gotta think about what you want. Just damage resistance to zombies and damage. Or another buff that might suit your play style 

And yeah guns don't make sense cuz it's the bullet that gives it power. Not the gun. 


You could have a 9mm pistol or smg and it's still 9mm one is just larger shoots faster and holds more. Bur for progression I'll let it side

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3 hours ago, Scyris said:

The pipe machine gun is the biggest offender of this as the 7.62 round says it has a base dmg of 47 on it, it should be doing 47 period no matter what gun its fired out of, yet this gun does 30 damage, which is rather weak.

The logic is rather lacking, but only in gameplay terms.. any actual ammo is within very tight tolerances to the barrel, it needs to form a seal to produce pressure. Any propellant gas that leaks past the bullet in the barrel is not going to be just wasted, but it will act as counter pressure.


And you're shooting it thru a water pipe from a sink.. or a bed frame 😛 

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