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backpack and shortcut belt

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It's very frustrating to have a looting game that has a tiny backpack, why not add backpacks as game items, that would solve the space problem... We need to use mods for basic things, so why not open it up to the community to help with the development of the game. I'm sure many would do it for free, just for the love of the game, there are even many mods with much more content and with 10x better optimization than the official one...

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What do you mean with "open up the game"? TFP has opened up the game for modding. And steam workshop will be implemented as well.


Backpack limitation is a choice made by TFP for the vanilla game to add a complication, a management minigame where you have to ask yourself what to keep, what to scrap and what to drop in chests on the road. Like many other games, especially survival games, do as well.



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Its easy to mod the game. I try to play a few hours of vanilla whenever a major patch happens. But after that I always end up downloading a bunch of quality of life mods. Including the backpack expansion, health bars, removal of poi notifications, etc.

One big mod I would love to see is one for full audio control. Why is there only a master sound slider and not sfx, vocal, environmental, etc?

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Posted (edited)


So this backpack mini game isn't pleasing 99% of the community, because the first thing people do is go looking for backpack mods... When I'm referring to opening the game I mean using the resources already approved by the community in the most famous mods.. Example picking things up with your hands instead of punching them to pick things up. Prepared foods do not eat cardboard. Food and water bar and zombie HP bar.. Backpacks and belts as an item in the game, because this mini game talk is only in the minds of the developers, all players want is quality of life.. Not to mention the most important thing is performance, how can mods have more performance with a lot more resources, and the vanilla basic game can't achieve 30 fps in a blood moon?? Let the modders help with development, it seems like the game will be much more efficientpan widgetspan widget

Edited by Tarkus (see edit history)
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43 minutes ago, Tarkus said:

So this backpack mini game isn't pleasing 99% of the community, because the first thing people do is go looking for backpack mods...


Yeah, an 99,9% of all statistics mentioned in forums is hot air. Please don't speak for a group that did not elect you to be his speaker and don't claim you know what 99% of players want.


I never have looked for a backpack mod in all the years of playing 7 days.


51 minutes ago, Tarkus said:

When I'm referring to opening the game I mean using the resources already approved by the community in the most famous mods..


There are legal problems if TFP wanted to do this. And there are no community-approved mods, every mod has a number of followers and a number of people indifferent or not interested in that specific change.


But the number one reason why TFP probably doesn't want to do it is that it is their game, they want vanilla to be like they envisioned it, not like the modders. They might think a specific change is a good idea and follow it, but giving reign to the community of modders? You probably wouldn't do that either if you were designing a game.

The modders are the same by the way, try to ask one of them to change their mod to your liking and you will find out that that modder has specific ideas and only occaisionally thinks the ideas of others are a good idea.




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I don't understand. I've never wanted a bigger backpack. Does that mean I'm finally part of the 1% ?!?


In all seriousness, though, there is no reason to demand that TFP "open up the game" to the community to make vanilla changes. They've made the game they want but have also gone to lengths to ensure that the game is highly moddable.


If you really can't play with the default backpack size, just mod it. Problem solved.

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While the game is very much balanced around the backpack we have, I wouldn't mind seeing a very rare item or two that would allow you to add an additional row of slots to the backpack. Expanding by two rows might mean that you couldn't use all the slots without encumbrance even with pockets and perks. One or both of these items should probably have a mobility/stamina hit too making it a tough choice to install.



-Arch Necromancer Morloc 💀

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1 hour ago, Syphon583 said:

I don't understand. I've never wanted a bigger backpack. Does that mean I'm finally part of the 1% ?!?

Same here.  😀


Between backpack, vehicle storage, drone storage, and the ability to drop a crate very easily and cheaply if you really need it, there is no need for a larger backpack, imo.  I don't mind dropping stuff off I run out of space or leaving it and coming back for it.

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