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No cities in the forest biome anymore. What kind of horse hockey is this?

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31 minutes ago, Scyris said:

Sub bases don't really work well in a game like this without some sort of fast travel ability, or much faster vehicles.


 One week is a long time, driving to a subbase with a motorbike takes maybe about 2-3 in-game hours max. And slow travel is the main reason subbases exist, if you had teleport you wouldn't need subbases at all.


I used subbases from mid-game on in almost every game of 7 days, they seemed to work quite well, for me at least.


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The closest I have ever done with sub bases was to put a "shed" with some crates next to traders so I could quest there without having to lug everything back to my base right away.  I only did that in one or maybe two games.  I might still drop a crate next to a trader but even that is rare.  I am not going to travel between traders very often before I have a motorcycle.  It just isn't worth the time it takes.  I can quest just fine at a single town, so there is no real need.  Especially now that trader tiers are tied together. 


There isn't anything wrong with sub bases or moving your base.  But even you said they are forcing that on people.  I don't think it is quite that far yet but any forcing of a gameplay style on players isn't a good thing, even if minor.


It looks like changing the settings the limit trader placements doesn't break anything (so far), so I'll be happy using maps that aren't from RWG so I can avoid the limitations.  I know rwgmixer can be changed to "fix" this as well so you can make RWG maps without the limitation for those who want to do that.

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On 6/25/2024 at 11:28 PM, Riamus said:

Yes, it does.  It isn't updated for it yet but there's a pinned topic in Discord that tells what to do to use it for 1.0.  However, keep in mind that the changes to trader biome restrictions *might* be important and the presets aren't set up for that right now.  I don't know what would happen if traders are in other biomes or if you don't have all of the traders as I haven't yet tested that.

Ok, It failed for me but I had not followed the discord. Thanks I will give it a try. This change by TFP is one of the few changes I can't stand, for the most part since about 9 years ago I have been happy with most changes and neutral with others and some grew on me. Personally I never enter wasteland and rarely enter frozen and desert only when I need fuel. Never been happy with temperature controls in the game. Wasteland is PTSD from all the landmines years ago, and constant low level death by dog.

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13 hours ago, Riamus said:

It looks like changing the settings the limit trader placements doesn't break anything (so far), so I'll be happy using maps that aren't from RWG so I can avoid the limitations.  I know rwgmixer can be changed to "fix" this as well so you can make RWG maps without the limitation for those who want to do that.


I can't confirm it for sure as I've only just cleared the 1st tier. But it does seem to break something. I think the chain is fixed in that you need to clear the traders in the order of Rekt -> Jen -> Bob -> Hugh -> Joel. I had modded my game to make traders appear in any biome. The starter chain actually led me to Joel first. After I cleared the 1st Tier and got the bicycle, Joel did not give the special quest to send me to find the next trader. He does give the next level Tier of quests once I logged in and out though.


What I did found out is that on using dev mode to fly around and find all the other traders first. If you've cleared the 1st Tier of quests at say Joel (as I did for example). Joel won't give you the special quest to find the next trader. But if managed to find Rekt, he will be the one to give you the special quest to find Jen. 

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3 hours ago, Euzio said:


I can't confirm it for sure as I've only just cleared the 1st tier. But it does seem to break something. I think the chain is fixed in that you need to clear the traders in the order of Rekt -> Jen -> Bob -> Hugh -> Joel. I had modded my game to make traders appear in any biome. The starter chain actually led me to Joel first. After I cleared the 1st Tier and got the bicycle, Joel did not give the special quest to send me to find the next trader. He does give the next level Tier of quests once I logged in and out though.


What I did found out is that on using dev mode to fly around and find all the other traders first. If you've cleared the 1st Tier of quests at say Joel (as I did for example). Joel won't give you the special quest to find the next trader. But if managed to find Rekt, he will be the one to give you the special quest to find Jen. 

That happens in vanilla also.  I cleared T1 with Rekt and found Jen in the burnt forest  from Rekt’s special quest.  Then I did T2 with Rekt and once I cleared them, no special quest from Rekt to find Bob, that was only given from Jen


If you want to change that also, you need to modify the quests file:


From quest tier2_nexttrader


        <objective type="Goto" value="5" phase="1">
            <property name="location_tag" value="TraderJen" param1="trader_tag" />
            <property name="location_name" value="trader_jen" />
            <property name="nav_object" value="go_to_trader"/>
            <property name="biome_filter_type" value="AnyBiome" param1="biome_filter_type"/>


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3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

That happens in vanilla also.  I cleared T1 with Rekt and found Jen in the burnt forest  from Rekt’s special quest.  Then I did T2 with Rekt and once I cleared them, no special quest from Rekt to find Bob, that was only given from Jen


If you want to change that also, you need to modify the quests file:



Yeah I figured. Which means you can clear all the tiers from a single trader. Just that in order to get the special quest that leads to the next trader, you'd have to get it from the last trader you were sent to. 

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