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War of the Walkers mod


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I cant find a way to seed food (goldenrod potato ect) to start a farm.. is there a specialised station for doing so ?


Mortar and pestle. Locolization in the upcoming version will help show info like this. It's a long process. Which is why it's taking so long.

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Yep, the UI lag is only with this mod. I can also say that this lag has gotten worse since I started this mod. If anything is currently crafting like 100 wood frames and I open a forge (or any crafting tool), I cant pick anything up with my mouse, there is a huge delay in opening a running forge UI, and even when I search for something to craft, its like the whole game freezes.


I use the Mod Launcher so it downloads the current build everytime I start the game, this doesnt happen with Valmod Expansion or a vanilla game (I have not tried a lot of mods yet).

Edited by Death2gnomes (see edit history)
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Mortar and pestle. Locolization in the upcoming version will help show info like this. It's a long process. Which is why it's taking so long.


Thank you for letting m know.. I have just glimpsed through your info on page 1 (something I should do, but I prefer to jump straight in and find surprises) and saw the info there


Take your time, your building a great mod.

Vanilla has enough palayability,but mods like yours and valmod's add so much more.

Thanks for taking the time to add WOTW..


Im a huge fan of the weapon smithing station, that is going to be fun to use once I get to the point to make high end parts.


Cant wait to visit your new poi's when they are done, they look sweet from watching your youtube videos.

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Thank you for letting m know.. I have just glimpsed through your info on page 1 (something I should do, but I prefer to jump straight in and find surprises) and saw the info there


Take your time, your building a great mod.

Vanilla has enough palayability,but mods like yours and valmod's add so much more.

Thanks for taking the time to add WOTW..


Im a huge fan of the weapon smithing station, that is going to be fun to use once I get to the point to make high end parts.


Cant wait to visit your new poi's when they are done, they look sweet from watching your youtube videos.


Thanks for the comments

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heya dwall, had a question about the mod added guns: desert eagle, FAMAS, Remington 8, etc.


would there ever be a chance of you adding different models for them? cause right now (or at least when i played a few months back x3) they're using the 9mm, submachinegun, and hunting rifle models when you're holding them

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heya dwall, had a question about the mod added guns: desert eagle, FAMAS, Remington 8, etc.


would there ever be a chance of you adding different models for them? cause right now (or at least when i played a few months back x3) they're using the 9mm, submachinegun, and hunting rifle models when you're holding them


For now they will have too. I don't know of a way of adding a model into the game. I'm learning as I mod. Plus I don't know how that will effect EAC or people running a server (like clients joining in without mod installed as right now anyone can join a server with my mod and be fine without locolization and custom icons)

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Hi, dwallorde thank you for your awesome mod! Thank you for your continued work on it.


I'm a bit of a klepto when playing survival games, nothing gets dropped if I can help it. I know there's a recipe that uses mouldy bread, but it's not accessible from having it in my inventory as there is no recipe button. Do you have a use (planned?) for the rotten sandwiches (to mouldy bread? I'm aware your overhauling the Mortar and Pestle and these questions may well be defunct already).


Niggles so far...

The drawbridge, I'm surprised that this isn't gated to the builders forge?

The workbench, 20 mechanical parts is really tough to get without a lucky RNG wrench drop.


Unusable recipe drops that show as learning it but when it unlocks unlearning it. Maybe add a 'too advanced' for you to the known/unknown in the details?


Melee NPCs hurt..... yea I'm aware they are supposed to, but gating most of the armour behind the workbench makes it tough.


I'd be happier if there were less items filling my personal crafting list. It is awesome that it's all there but it makes finding things a little tough sometimes.


About Bigger Backpacks, Yes they work, they work very well. Note that if your using the sphereii's 7DaysToMod launcher you'll need to untick update mod on launch and make the changes in the TempMods folder instead. I have a zip for 50 slot bags to use with the launcher if people want it. (I just packaged the dlls and xml changes nothing else. Yes breaks EAC!)

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Hey guys, thought I would pop in and give you guys some news that the V4.3 is getting closer to release. This update had taken me some time to get all the features done. The past few months (Sense mid November) have been tough for me due to a family emergency.


Some recent things I completed for V4.3:

-Rest System (Now with full Custom Icons)

-Buffs plus system UI Icons are now switched over to a atlas (Meaning I can add Custom Icons to Game GUI)

-Bandit Weapon overhaul (They no longer drop their weapons after death)

-Trader Loot Overhaul

-General Loot Changes

-New Wrench

-Progression Overhaul

-Recipes Overhaul

-Blocks.xml now has full Localization Support as well as Custom Icons

-Items.xml now has full Localization Support as well as Custom Icons

-Progression.xml now has full Localization Support as well as Custom Icons


On top of the other things I have already done such as New Prefabs. I also have gotten permission from Magoli to use her prefab pack to include mine in the V4.3 release. So when it releases their will be 2 downloads, 1 for vanilla prefabs only with my mod and the second with the prefab pack including my prefabs and the mod.

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All the best with your family emergency.

I am waiting for the update to start your mod!

Will the prefabs be for random gen as well? I would like to try a random gen map for a change.

I apologise if this question has been answered. I'm still busy reading through this thread.

Keep up the good work and all the best!

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All the best with your family emergency.

I am waiting for the update to start your mod!

Will the prefabs be for random gen as well? I would like to try a random gen map for a change.

I apologise if this question has been answered. I'm still busy reading through this thread.

Keep up the good work and all the best!


My prefabs are for RWG-WORLD only. Don't have time to do exact placements in Navezgane

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Hey guys, thought I would pop in and give you guys some news that the V4.3 is getting closer to release. This update had taken me some time to get all the features done. The past few months (Sense mid November) have been tough for me due to a family emergency.


Some recent things I completed for V4.3:

-Rest System (Now with full Custom Icons)

-Buffs plus system UI Icons are now switched over to a atlas (Meaning I can add Custom Icons to Game GUI)

-Bandit Weapon overhaul (They no longer drop their weapons after death)

-Trader Loot Overhaul

-General Loot Changes

-New Wrench

-Progression Overhaul

-Recipes Overhaul

-Blocks.xml now has full Localization Support as well as Custom Icons

-Items.xml now has full Localization Support as well as Custom Icons

-Progression.xml now has full Localization Support as well as Custom Icons


On top of the other things I have already done such as New Prefabs. I also have gotten permission from Magoli to use her prefab pack to include mine in the V4.3 release. So when it releases their will be 2 downloads, 1 for vanilla prefabs only with my mod and the second with the prefab pack including my prefabs and the mod.



Will there be a multiple options in Mod Launcher for those?

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I created custom weapons for the bandits and made them no drop. The corpse is unlootable so I have that turn into a gore block after 5 seconds which then has the loot.


Have a look in my repo at the items and blocks and entityclasses for more examples



 <entity_class name="BanditThugWarPistol" extends="BanditTemplate">
   <property name="Archetype" value="BanditMaleWar"/>
   <property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalSP" value="gunBanditPistol,9mmBanditBullet"/>
   <property name="ItemsOnEnterGame.GameModeSurvivalMP" value="gunBanditPistol,9mmBanditBullet"/>
   <property name="CorpseBlock" value="banditPistolCorpse"/>



 <item id="3400" name="gunBanditPistol">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Candrop" value="false"/>
   <property name="CustomIcon" value="gunPistol"/>
   <property name="CustomIconTint" value="ff0000"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/PistolPrefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="1"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="1"/>
   <property name="DegradationBreaksAfter" value="true"/>
   <property name="Degradation" value="99999" param1="true"/>
   <property name="SoundJammed" value="Weapons/weapon_jam"/>
   <property class="Action0">
     <property name="Class" value="Launcher"/>
     <property name="Instantiate_on_load" value="false"/>
     <property name="Delay" value="0.3"/>
     <property name="Magazine_size" value="15"/>
     <property name="Magazine_items" value="9mmBanditBullet"/>
     <property name="Magazine_item_ray_counts" value="1"/>
     <property name="Magazine_item_ray_spreads" value="0"/>
     <property name="Reload_time" value="2"/>
     <property name="Bullet_icon" value="pistol"/>
     <property name="Sound_start" value="Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_fire"/>
     <property name="Sound_repeat" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_end" value=""/>
     <property name="Sound_empty" value="Weapons/weapon_empty"/>
     <property name="Sound_reload" value="Weapons/Ranged/Pistol/pistol_reload"/>
     <property name="Particles_muzzle_fire" value="nozzleflash"/>
     <property name="Particles_muzzle_smoke" value="nozzlesmoke"/>
     <property name="DamageBonus.head" value="4"/>
     <property name="DamageBonus.wood" value="3"/>
     <property name="DamageBonus.earth" value=".4"/>
     <property name="DamageBonus.glass" value="25"/>
   <property class="Attributes">
     <property name="FalloffRange" value="50,50"/>
     <property name="Accuracy" value="0.05,0.05"/>
     <property name="EntityDamage" value="15,15"/>
     <property name="BlockDamage" value="5,5"/>


 <block id="2000" name="banditLeaderCorpse">
   <property name="Class" value="Loot"/>
   <property name="Material" value="organic"/>
   <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
   <property name="Mesh" value="models"/>
   <property name="Model" value="Entities/Gore/gore_block1_Prefab"/>
   <property name="Texture" value="22"/>
   <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/>
   <property name="Tag" value="Gore"/>
   <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
   <property name="LootList" value="200"/>
   <property name="UpgradeRated.ToBlock" value="GoreBlock1BonesPrefab"/>
   <property name="UpgradeRated.Rate" value="25"/>
   <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="GoreBlock1BonesPrefab" />
   <drop event="Harvest" name="rawMeat" count="2" prob=".6" tool_category="Butcher"/><!-- todo: humanMeat, organs -->
   <drop event="Harvest" name="rawMeat" count="1" prob=".6"/>
   <drop event="Harvest" name="animalFat" count="2" prob=".33" tool_category="Butcher"/>
   <drop event="Destroy" count="0"/>
 <block id="2001" name="banditPistolCorpse">
   <property name="Extends" value="banditLeaderCorpse"/>
   <property name="LootList" value="201"/>


You can then add whatever you want as their loot to the loot container.


Hey can you post the code you used for the ammo? I imagine it needs a catapult class on it as well sense the weapons are using the launcher class.

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Hey can you post the code you used for the ammo? I imagine it needs a catapult class on it as well sense the weapons are using the launcher class.


it's all in the github repo, near the end of items.xml


here's the pistol one as an example:


 <item id="3420" name="9mmBanditBullet">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Candrop" value="false"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/torchPrefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="21"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="500"/>
   <property class="Attributes">
     <property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true"/>
     <property name="EntityDamage" value="15,15"/>
     <property name="BlockDamage" value="5,5"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Projectile"/>
     <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="0"/>
     <property name="Velocity" value="250"/>
     <property name="FlyTime" value="3"/>
     <property name="LifeTime" value="3"/>

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it's all in the github repo, near the end of items.xml


here's the pistol one as an example:


 <item id="3420" name="9mmBanditBullet">
   <property name="IsDeveloper" value="true"/>
   <property name="Candrop" value="false"/>
   <property name="Meshfile" value="Items/Tools/torchPrefab"/>
   <property name="Material" value="metal"/>
   <property name="HoldType" value="21"/>
   <property name="Stacknumber" value="500"/>
   <property class="Attributes">
     <property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true"/>
     <property name="EntityDamage" value="15,15"/>
     <property name="BlockDamage" value="5,5"/>
   <property class="Action1">
     <property name="Class" value="Projectile"/>
     <property name="Explosion.ParticleIndex" value="0"/>
     <property name="Velocity" value="250"/>
     <property name="FlyTime" value="3"/>
     <property name="LifeTime" value="3"/>


Do you find that this code:

<property class="Attributes">

<property name="GetQualityFromWeapon" value="true"/>

<property name="EntityDamage" value="15,15"/>

<property name="BlockDamage" value="5,5"/>


for the ammo actually do anything? I found a comment on one of the vanilla items that uses it saying that it actually doesn't work and gets the damage properties from the actual weapon itself. This is what I have used now but just without that code and it seems to work fine. Thanks for posting this just wanted to check to make sure I didn't forget anything.

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Have a look at the bow and arrows. They use that code on the Ammo I believe. If I recall correctly it adds it to the base weapon.


Yes, it does add the damage from the ammo to the base damage on the weapon. I ran damage tests on some blocks to confirm ... the GUI will not display the true damage, only the ammo damage I believe.


FYI, I believe that it will also add / combine damagebonus modifiers.

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