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Zombie Variants for 1.0 (suggestion)

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Good morning! After playing 7 days as long as I have, I'm surprised I've never made an account! Anyway, straight down to business, Regarding the new zombie variations announced for 1.0. I implore you to look at Guppy's Zombies on the 7Daystodiemods website. The variations are very immersive, except for the big guy, he eats ammo and only 400 xp 🙄. I discovered 7 Days by watching MeatWagon22 back in the day and, joined in on the fun on Xbox for hundreds and hundreds of hours. I first booted it up on PC about a year a half ago (Long awaited and APPRECIATED 💝), and recently I have been diving into mods like a mad man making my own super cool Zomtopia! (Working CCTV, some modern guns like the intervention, tool racks that display tools, a friggin school bus that has a bit more storage than the 4x4 and is a pain in the butt to get through a city which keeps it lore friendly IMO). I may be rambling a bit or just really excited to be here this AM but I have many many other good ideas that I may end up posting because this game is perfecto! Unless of course there is an opening for someone with ideas at TFP 👀😏


Have a Magnificient day!

Edited by BimpLizkit420 (see edit history)
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  • BimpLizkit420 changed the title to Zombie Variants for 1.0 **Urgent**
  • SylenThunder changed the title to Zombie Variants for 1.0 (suggestion)
Posted (edited)

We're are the zombies tho? 


Here I got a few cuz I'm at work on break 


Bloated solder: you like solders??? You like cops? SOLDER COP! There melee hits are harder, have slightly more hp and armor! Aside from that they act just like cops... looks Like a cop zombie but in millitary armor. 


I'll update more later! Breaks up



Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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A few others I can think off additional zombies. 


Bikers types: 

Female biker: departed woman wearing black cloths with a leather tint. And has a biker logo on the back. Has more hp and 10 armor


Fat biker: fat Hawaiian, wears a black jacket with leather tint, has biker logo on back. Has more hp and 10 armor


Biker thug: skin for thug zombie, black jacket with leather texture. Has biker logo! Has more hp and 10 armor



Millitary variants: 

Fallen grunt: janitor skin, zombie wearing army fatigues. Has a few extra parts on them. Does more damage 


SWAT zombie skin: for the solder is tinted black and has SWAT written on them. Has 50 armor but is slower


Fallen Grenadier: looks like the standard solder zombie but has a belt of Grenades on his chest and back. When you hit his chest he will explode like a frag rocket. Doesn't damage blocks 


Fallen Flamer: a solder with a black vest, different camo pattern. Has gas tanks on back. If you hit it it will catch fire. And blow up like a molotov.  


Bloated solder: a cop zombie variant.  He wears a helmet, a vest that's ready to rip Open, and wears army cloths. Has 30 armor and does more melee damage and acts like a cop zombie! 


Hazmat variants: 

Contaminated hazmat: a hazmat dude covered in Radioactive garbage and blood, deals Radation damage and can somewhat heal zombies near it. 


Armored hazmat: a hazmat solder wearing extra armor 


Worker varieties

Fallen Electrician: looks like a construction worker but has mo power logos on him. He does more damage and is immune to electrical damage.  Has 10 armor


Blue collar worker: a biker zombie variant. But wears a construction vest, hardhat and still big and buff. Has 20 armor and bonus block damage 


Fallen worker: a lumberjack wearing a jumpsuit with overalls. Does bonus block damage.  



Edited by Adam the Waster (see edit history)
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Zombie cuddler: it will hug you and tell you how special you are and if you do not cuddle it back it will break your neck and then cry over your dead body.


zombie tap dancer: you will hear its tap dancing feet from up to 100 meters away. The closer it gets the faster it’s feet tap. If it finds you it will tap dance up to you at lightning speed and tap dance you to death.


zombie cannibal: eats the corpses of dead zombies to heal and grow stronger.

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19 hours ago, Maxley said:

Zombie cuddler: it will hug you and tell you how special you are and if you do not cuddle it back it will break your neck and then cry over your dead body.


zombie tap dancer: you will hear its tap dancing feet from up to 100 meters away. The closer it gets the faster it’s feet tap. If it finds you it will tap dance up to you at lightning speed and tap dance you to death.


zombie cannibal: eats the corpses of dead zombies to heal and grow stronger.

The zombie  cannibal would be pretty cool tbh

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Few others cuz I'm bored. 


Zombie deer: (spawns as buck and doe, deal same damage)  can outrun a motorcycle.  Deals extra damage to vehicles.  Really fast and equal damage to a zombie dog.  


Zombie hog: can eat zombie body's, to heal itself and give it extra health. Has healing effect like radioactive zombies.  If if it spawns as a radioactive version it heals 4x faster. 


Puker: wearing a Level A hazmat suit, that's broken and has a bloated belly. He has a puke ability that acts more like a flamethrower. It doesn't stay on the ground buy it deals MASSIVE damage to buildings and armor. 


Slasher: a female specal infected, wearing a gym cloths, she has a sharp claws and her lower jaw is completely removed.  She goes through all armor and has as much hp as a feral wight 



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21 hours ago, BimpLizkit420 said:

Ok so I have not seen you mention the mod I suggested. Did you look at it? What do you think? If you play modded try it out it really makes the game feel immersive af

I have... while I do like the normal base like the husk. Some of the specials are very strange 

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Pretty baffled that there are actually people that think that looking at work of others, say it should be ingame and call that "an idea" are actually ideas. Cherry on cake: even suggesting to be hired as "idea man". Crazy world.

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