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Im looking for specific mod

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Is there a mod (or a willing modder to make one) that swaps crafting skills learn from magazines to using items? What i mean is that if i use sniper rifles then for each 1000 damage i deal with it, my sniper rifle crafting ability rises just as i would read one sniper magazine. (This of course should remove magazines from the game aswell).

Really thanks for responces

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You could search for the terms "learn by doing" "lbd" and "action skills" among the mods. Those terms are usually used to denote learning by using items. Then you only need to check if the mods you find use that with crafting as well.


One place to check anyway would be Darkness Falls. It has lbd, I am just not sure whether it includes lbd crafting.


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I wa sposting, few times, and explaining why crafting should not be learned by looting. Main argument there was: "there are mods". Now it seems this argument is invalid xD

But it seems i have to learn how to mod and create one by myself then.

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1 hour ago, Archael said:

I wa sposting, few times, and explaining why crafting should not be learned by looting. Main argument there was: "there are mods". Now it seems this argument is invalid xD

But it seems i have to learn how to mod and create one by myself then.


That wasn't the main argument to support crafting magazines, but I am not going to get into a debate on that.


What you want is a very specific mod.  I haven't come across one where your crafting ability increases just by killing zombies.  Typically, those mods have action skills to increase by performing said action.


I have seen mods that removed magazines and brought back schematics / perk unlocks for crafting.


Darkness Falls has LBD, but crafting is handled differently in that game (class unlocks, schematics, crafting skill) from what you are wanting.  Darkness Falls would be a good mod to study to see how Khaine did his overhaul of the crafting system via xml and c# coding.  From there, you could figure out what modifications you would need to do to be able to unlock crafting M60s based on how many zombie kills you rack up with assault rifles.

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Heh.  If you could learn by doing in that way in real life, it would be great!  I could build a car just by driving it for a while, or build a develop a video game by playing video games.  It would be great. 


Now, getting better at hitting things and doing more damage by using a weapon?  That makes sense.  😁

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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19 hours ago, Riamus said:

Heh.  If you could learn by doing in that way in real life, it would be great!  I could build a car just by driving it for a while, or build a develop a video game by playing video games.  It would be great. 


Now, getting better at hitting things and doing more damage by using a weapon?  That makes sense.  😁

Yeah, Im quite skilled in making specific things, but only when using those i can see flaws in my desines and create something better. I could, potentially, learn better designes by watching videos or reading books, but i can do that while figuring out my mistakes while using those things. (this is also true for programming, to upgrade the code you have to use it and see what went wrong).

Either way.
I found that in file "progression" there is no specifics over how crafting skills are upgraded, only what upgrades does.
I cannot found the file that say "use to upgrade harvesting crafting skill by 1" (or anything simmilar) for magazines, this will be my step 2. I will look for it, but if anyone knows where it is i would appreciate.
step 3 is to figure out how to tie it to using items, but old action skills done that already, and there is plenty of mods that code i can copy to make that, this is not as difficult as it seems (unless there is something more going on).


Edit: I have found, in file "items", magazine section (idk how i missed this last time)
    <!-- *** Harvesting_Tools_Skill_Magazine -->
<item name="harvestingToolsSkillMagazine">
    <property name="Extends" value="masterSkillMagazine"/>
    <property name="Tags" value="harvestingToolsCSM,csm"/>
    <property name="CustomIcon" value="bookToolsDigest"/>
    <property name="DescriptionKey" value="harvestingToolsSkillMagazineDesc"/>
    <property name="Unlocks" value="craftingHarvestingTools"/>

This means that this work is much easier (i believe), since its nothing complicated really. i just need to add effect "deal 1000 damage to unlock craftingHarvestingTools" and translate it to this code

Edited by Archael (see edit history)
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Okay, i know where the hard part lies.
mods where I saw action skills put them in specific skill trees, give them separated multiplers etc, and overall overcomplicated thing i would do.
I need to add second req for increase crafting skill by 1 aside from simple magazine reading.
This will take me few hours if only i have time, but if anyone would be willing to help with that part, thank You.
It seems that i need to create a way for the game to count how much damage was dealt with specific weapon/tool, and when treshold is reached value is unlocked.
I believe this should be made in "progressikon" file.

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i have another question:
Are items groupped or i need to specify every single item in the game?
for example, to upgrade "craftingHarvestingTools". Can i use grupped name like "HarvestingTools" or i need to specify: stone axe, ironFireaxe, etc?

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unlocks are typically by item, but upgrades can be done via tags.  In A20, if you had CraftingTier in the Deep Cuts perk, you had the tag perkDeepCuts for the base increase on Quality level.  Anything in the items file that had quality levels and the perkDeepCuts in the tags would fall in that group.


From A20

    <perk name="perkDeepCuts" parent="skillAgilityCombat" name_key="perkDeepCutsName" desc_key="perkDeepCutsDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_deep_cuts">

            <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="perkDeepCuts"/>
            <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,5" value="1" tags="meleeWpnBladeT1HuntingKnife"/>


Edited by BFT2020 (see edit history)
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