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Huge amount of errors opening campfire for quest

bell dandy

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I upgraded the game started a new game and it bugged out, so I removed all mods restarted and it did the same thing. I then uninstalled the game, went to C-drive manually removed the rest of the files so there wasn't anything left. Restarted the machine then I did a clean install no mods started the game all went well till I had to cook meat on campfire as per quest. I was not using a random map I was using the Nas game map Again bug out red lines running as fast as my machine could run them and had to forcibly close the game with the windows key as nothing would work does anyone know what's going on. All attempts to run game ends with same errors, drop down window opens with error mesg running if you need game save, I can upload it Email me if needed.  

[email protected]

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there is a general support section of this forum, dedicated to things like your problem, where this thread would have had a better home.

General Support - 7 Days to Die


That said, I'm pretty sure you missed something to wipe, and the errors occuring are because it isn't a total clean install, but there are still remnants of some mods.


You said you removed the files. Did you keep the folders from a former installation?


When you are completely sure you did wipe everything, then go ahead and post a proper bug report.

There is a form for that, and that's the correct way.


Pretty sure nobody will email you.


Edited by meilodasreh (see edit history)
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