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7 hours ago, ElCabong said:

Damn. Just discovered that graphics cards don't use VGA anymore. Can anybody recommend a good flat screen 1920x1080p monitor? Needs freesync


You can get adaptors for VGA outputs.


Monitors are difficult to recommend as the model numbers and specs often vary depending on the continent you live on (ie some models have AU on the end for the Oceanic variant).


Try the youtube channel 'Monitor Unboxed'.

IMO they have comprehensive and competent reviews over a range of price points and use cases.


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I usually go with LG or Spectre for my work machines. Good quality, and good cost. Sometimes you can even get a 1440p model on sale for the same as the 1080.


This is the one I purchased most recently.

This is what we buy in bulk for most users.


This is like what we used to get, but then the prices went up.  These used to go for $115-125

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